FNV Week 8 Scores

Riverview 49 Grosse Ile 6 final

Airport 34 Milan 33 final

Jefferson 6 SMCC 49 final

Flat Rock 35 Huron 14 final

Dundee 21 Ida 49 final

Erie Mason 20 Lutheran Westland 21

Whiteford 30 White Pigeon 16 final

Summerfield 70 Vanlue 0 final

Monroe 0 Bedford 33 final

Carlson 42 Allen Park 0 final

72 thoughts on “FNV Week 8 Scores”

      1. This years team is very good and they are deep! Can’t really say this is the best one if they don’t win it at Ford Field.

    1. Their administration should be proud of their student section chanting “—- THE FALCONS” , I am embarrassed my son and daughter in law pay taxes in that school district.

    2. From “The Daddy’s money chants” to coaches and random dudes on sideline chirping at players. No need for any of it.

      1. “F*** The Falcons” chant was disgusting. They did it quite a bit. That trash doesn’t belong in high school football games. SMCC’s motto for last years game was gonna be “Bear hunting” but Eppler didn’t like that so SMCC changed it to “hunting”. A year later the entire Jefferson student section is chanting “F*** The Falcons”. Every adult in the stands and sidelines should’ve told them it’s not a good look. But nope! Nobody said anything and it continued throughout the game.

    3. Starts with the administration and Head coach …PERIOD, Jefferson has earned every bit of the reputation they have…where are the ADULTS ??????

    4. The Frenchtown Friar

      Ok- let me try to be more politically correct and post a comment that makes more sense (thank you Gary and Chris)… do a google search for The Huron League. There is no website representing the league. There is no Sportsmanship policy posted where it could be read by both the parents and students. If you want accountability, you have to make it available (other than common sense and parenting) to hold those at fault to a standard. I know they have a policy as I’ve heard it read out loud at games. If administrators are not enforcing the policy of the league/ school they are representing- then fire them or as a parent, go to the school board and read the policy to them. But whatever you do- hold them accountable for their actions. Maybe websites like this could gather and add a tab where the differing sportsmanship policy’s for each league they represent are listed for parents, students, & athletes to consult.

        1. Chris is referring to the Huron League Mission Statement. I’ve read it many times, and while I do not have it memorized, I do know that the last line reads, “The Huron League supports positive cheering. Negative or personal chants will not be tolerated.”

  1. CC could’ve put 100 on Jefferson last night, hats off to the coach’s for calling off the dogs, that’s what you do..
    CC stays hungry and healthy, I see them winning it all..no doubt.. you can just see it in this team…they just dog walked the Huron League…don’t want to hear any garbage that the league is down either…CC IS that good.

    1. Hey Gary, Chris.
      Like I said last week , it is not up to the loser to wave the flag, if so SMCC should have scored 100.
      What the winning team did last night was the Correct thing to do, call off the dogs.
      When that happens the losing team should stop passing the ball to pad stats.
      This is usually an unwritten code among coaches.
      This is referring to last weeks SMCC win over Flat Rock.

      1. My response to you last week about padding stats got rejected.

        So, I’ll clean it up some. But the fact that you are on here two weeks later “anonymously” talking about a game and padding stats is flat out ignorant. Both the fact you’re trying to prove a point two weeks later and the fact that the point itself is absolutely ignorant.

        1st do you realize FR has come back many many times in last few years, they came back down 9 points with 1 minute 30 seconds in a playoff game to win after many in the stadium went home because they thought it was over( that would have been you) Last year came back down 14-0 to beat co champs airport…. Down 22-0 against view last year to fumble and. lose on last possession drive. Down 29-6 to view this year to take the lead with 1:30 to go and lose in last 9 seconds. FR don’t quit because some anonymous ignorant blogger goes on and talks about his opinion of what they should do.

        Not to mention it was for a share of the league championship if they won. They didn’t want to quit. With a comeback track record like that they should quit ? So, with your obvious wisdom, you think Flat Rock QB says “hey Coach I know we’ve lost the game but please let me go back in even though they know we have to pass and try to get 50 more yards to pad my stats…” That’s your logical conclusion to the degree that you didn’t let it go and you come back on a week later and hit the same subject again

        CC knows he has to pass. It’s an obvious passing situation so the odds of him making a completion would be even harder than throwing a pick. .

        If FR was about padding the stats, Flat Rock would not have run the ball close to 150 more times then they throw the ball this season. Not to mention that he has sat almost every fourth quarter with the exception of view and CC game.

        If flat rack chose to pad his stats, he would easily have another seven or 800 + yards passing. He just surpassed 7000 yards passing last night and is now 15th All time in MHSAA and counting. If they were padding stats they would have him throwing in 4th quarters and more during games in pursuit of top 5 all time. That’s not the game plan. They simply were not quitting and were soaking in a tough loss.

        The time to pad stats is not against the CC defense at the end of game unless you’re trying to pad your interception stats. That would be as ignorant as it is that your on here weeks later still talking about it.

        Also, I can’t understand why you’re so bitter on this, it’s as if winning the game was not enough, it’s like your feelings are hurt that the defense allowed 172 passing yards. I guess if it’s so important to you I guess you can feel good that you kept him under his per game avg for his career so feel good about that Mr. ANONYMOUS !

        I won’t jump on some of the other stuff I put in the post that was rejected but I can’t let this go by and Gary & crew since I’m just calling out a “anonymous” character who is calling out a actual person (Graham & FR coaches) you should allow this post through.

        So to you MR. ANONYMOUS you are IGNORANT! Unless of course this is Gary, Shultz or some of my FR fans just trying to rile me up…. Then you’re absolutely brilliant !

        SMCC Team & Coaches, congratulations on being best in league this season. You left no debate.

        All Huron league Teams….Lets REPRESENT and make some noise in the playoffs. Good luck to all!

        1. Flat Rock throwing the ball at the end of the game is totally different than Jefferson throwing the ball at the end of the game. Flat Rock could’ve mounted a comeback-totally different situation. It’s nothing about padding stats there and I’m a SMCC guy. Jefferson throwing at the end of the game is definitely more on the padding stats side of things-been going on all year.

          1. SMCC had their 2s in the game, down 3 scores, late in the 4th qt.
            That’s when you as the loser say thank you for not pouring it on more.
            Run the clock and get on the bus.
            Stop throwing the ball, maybe get your own 2s in the game, etc etc etc.

      2. Two completely different scenarions. One is a one win team getting pummeled in a game that was over in the 1st quarter, the other a team that went to the D5 semi-finals trying to mount yet another comeback. Please try paying attention. smh

        1. No it’s not.
          SMCC called off the dogs in a game that was obviously over, or I’m sure they wouldn’t have emptied their bench.
          At that point, the losing team, and I mean the team down 3 scores with little time left, should play some reserves and stop throwing passes potentially stopping the clock, etc
          Not sure how many games you’ve coached, those that have, get it, I think.

          1. The losing team does not have to put their reserves in. It’s not bad form to keep throwing. Buck was teaching his team you play til the end. He knew he wasn’t going to win down 23 with 80 seconds left, he was teaching a lesson. They only moved the ball 30 yards anyway. Coaches can leave their starters in for various reasons. All are valid.

            It’s different in basketball. I subbed in my bench up 30 with a quarter to go. The opposing team left their starters in and started pressing. They hadn’t pressed all game previously. As a coach, you should realize the winning coach has called the dogs off(because they are obviously much better) and sub as well. AND you shouldn’t start pressing either with your 1’s. That is terrible form. I didn’t want to leave my 1’s in and win by 50, thus embarrassing the other team.

            SMCC v Flat Rock was a different story. Same unwritten rules do not apply.

            I’ll also add, it’s up to the LOSING team to wave the white flag first, in a blowout situation. If they don’t, then it’s fine for the winning team to keep scoring. And, the winning coach can sub, at his own risk.

          2. It’s bad form to leave the starters in if the losing team subs first. Winning team should then sub as well, in a game that has been decided. The same does not apply if the winning team subs first.

          3. Only coachedone year of football. However, I’ve coached 28 years of basketball 19 of which were at the varsity level and an Athletic Director for 15 years. Throwing a head track coach for 14 years. I think I understand the concept.

      1. Name 1. I’ll send you the roster from last year and this. Name 1. Let’s talk about it.

        Because there are none, this is a prime example of people making up excuses for their team’s loss. Just completely making it up to try and tarnish young people’s accomplishments. Hope you feel good about it.

        Losers make excuses
        -Lou Holtz

  2. Would love to hear from someone who was at the whiteford vs pigeon game?!?!? My goodness whiteford out of no where with that big win!

    1. Trying to be a BEAR fan

      At least Jefferson scored, baby steps.
      Long way to go. I’m sure the best player in the league got his yards. Played till final whistle down by 40.

      1. Uh, he’s not the best player in the league. He’s good but definitely not the best. That distinction goes to Brady Hines.

        Any one know why the Jefferson HC got a flag thrown on him?

      2. Brady Hines hands down the best player in the Huron league! The QB for Jefferson is good for the team he is on. But not even close to being the best player in the Huron league. He’s like the the 6th best QB in the league. Behind the Smcc kid, behind the Flat Rock kid, behind the Huron kid, behind the Airport kid.and behind the Riverview kid. He lost to all of them.

        1. Any team in the HL would be very happy with LB as their QB(and I don’t mean over their current QB) Trust me. Jefferson is just too young this year.

          Let’s just drop the talk about best player and so on. Does it really matter? Bottom line. Very good player. Young team. That’s the story.

        2. The CC Foster/Harris combo is the best in the league. They are the consistent, veteran steady weapons on the field every game. They play with a ton of heart. Last night alone they made up for 4 TDs plus how many extra points? Special teams and defensive players as well. No one is “hands down” the best player in the HL. And there is not one player on CC that is THE player. They have a ton and that’s why they are undefeated. But those two as a combo are studs and hard to stop

          1. You knew going into the season, that if SMCC were to win the HL, seniors Harris and Foster, would play huge rolls. They have done exactly that. Senior leadership is vital, and the Falcons stand at 8-0, partly because of that.

  3. At Huron v Flat Rock, refs just made one of the worst officiating blunders I’ve ever seen in HS to give flat rock an extra play going into half. How that mistake is made in that situation is beyond me, very possibly will cost them this game. Instead of 14-14 and getting the ball at half, it’s now a 21-14 deficit.

      1. And Huron is by far the most underachieving team in the league.
        They have enough talent to have a winning season.
        Just seems like the typical story for the Chiefs.

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