Erie Mason Eagles Soar to 28-6 Victory Over Flint New Standard

The Erie Mason Eagles dominated Flint New Standard 28-6, led by a stellar performance from Logan Goodin, who rushed for 172 yards and 3 touchdowns on 19 carries. Aiden Cannon added 57 yards and a touchdown, while Phoenix Stefko contributed 2 receptions for 42 yards.

The Eagles’ defense shone bright, with sophomore Leroy Cuykendall making a impressive varsity debut at cornerback, snagging an interception on one of his first plays. Fellow sophomore Blake Herrera played a crucial role on both offense and defense, excelling in his first varsity game.

Junior Kory Bondie stepped up at linebacker, recording a key sack and playing solid defense throughout. The interior offensive line, comprising Maddix Wise, Lucas Neely, and Reece Turner, paved the way for the Eagles’ 251-yard rushing attack.

With this convincing win, Erie Mason improves to 1-0 and will look to build momentum as they travel to face 0-1 Dundee next week.

2 thoughts on “Erie Mason Eagles Soar to 28-6 Victory Over Flint New Standard”

  1. Ummmmmmm where’s the acknowledgement of the QB????? Not even a comment???? None of any of those plays would of bn possible w out the QB n a first time QB at that no disrespect but at least give a little credit to Michael Narew for his performance in his first debut in this position as a senior because he definitely deserves some credit for how he lead his team to their victory, period

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