Our Thoughts, Not Yours

By Chris Schultz and Frank Vajcner

As usual people, these thoughts are from Frank and Chris. Frank is usually serious, Chris not so much.

With Airport’s defense seemingly getting better, the Jets may just be the best team in FNV land.

Well, that was more points than we expected.

Carlson, I will never forget you again and I don’t think anyone can stop Izaiah Wright.

Not even the lights going out could stop Clinton.

I wonder if Mason wishes they would have stayed in the LCAA every time they have to play Whiteford.

I think Brian Booms just scored again.

Hard to believe that Grosse Ile beat SMCC

What’s going on at Huron? Jiminey Christmas!

Business trip win for the Blue Streaks with a revenge game next week.

I personally didn’t think Jefferson would win a game all year. Obviously, I was wrong!

Milan has been pretty good defensively all year. Last night, not so much

C’mon Trojans, the Blog wins if you win.

Please tell me Riverview isn’t better when their whole team plays.

I have thoughts, but I’ll keep them to myself.

That one will come back to bite the Bulldogs.

All they do is win, win, win, no matter what…

Out of curiosity, what is everyone’s stance on weddings during football season?

LIONS..that is all.

30 thoughts on “Our Thoughts, Not Yours”

  1. I would love to see the MHSAA adopt in-season District pairings. Picture this:

    Since you eliminate the need for a District round in the “postseason” altogether you can expand the regular season to 10 games.

    Week 1-7 teams can run their league schedules if they choose to. Accommodates any league with 8 members with 100% competition.

    Week 8-9-10 teams from the Geographic District draw for that season play each other. Regular season playoff points could determine the hosts in these weeks, or just “draw” home and away schedules as part of the pre-season activities.

    At the end of the 10th week, you’ll have 16 District Champions (playoff points break any ties that can’t be broken by h2h criteria) who will move on to compete in 8 Regional Championship games.

    You end up with 2 fewer “playoff” games by crowning the District champion after the round-robin weeks 8-10, and the maximum number of season games being reduced from 14 to 13.

    If they want to keep the Championship Weekend the same, allow a “bye” week built into the first seven weeks. This could be a natural break before entering the “In-season District” or be utilized by schools/leagues in whichever manner they choose. Or… start a week later.

  2. My thoughts not yours: 2 win teams in the playoffs………..really??? Might as well drop 9th game and let everyone in like the Covid year. All other varsity sports do. Fixes some scheduling issues too.

    1. Let everyone in? That would match up 0-8 teams against 8-0 teams in the traditional week 9 spot. The 0-8 teams would opt out leaving them and the 8-0 teams without a 9th game. You would probably see the same thing with 1-7 and 2-6 teams. He would essentially be taking a game away from a lot of teams.

      Look for the MHSAA to make changes, but for it to probably be 48 teams in each division in the playoffs

      1. Same thing happens in every other sport. No complaints. It’s hard to find first week and last week games, for some teams in the HL. They have to play way up divisions. It would at least get 0-8 and 1-7 teams a playoff chance/experience. I’ll spell it out SMCC at 2-7 can make the playoffs and at 3-7 host a playoff game. That’s absolutely wrong, for the same reasons your saying a 0-8 wouldn’t like to be in the playoffs. If you want this system fine, but take the winning records first. Then fill in. An undefeated Napolean team in the REGIONAL had to travel to a 4 win SMCC. Sorry that’s not right. Just because Napolean played teams in their league their size. And SMCC beat bad Division 3-4-5 teams. Sorry the system fails on this.

        1. Actually you don’t seed the best team in a district vs the worst team in the district in any MHSAA sport. Its a blind draw with the exception of a few sports where they put the #1 and #2 seeds on opposite sides of the bracket. This prevents the two best teams meeting before the final.

          1. Good first step
            But I would like the MHSAA – for Football only – as it’s the only sport all teams don’t make the playoffs
            Align the state into Districts- Regions – and schedules are aligned by geographic areas . Schools of similar divisions- ( + or – 1 )enrollment play each other . In a sense creating divisional leagues .
            Realign every “X “ years based on enrollment

            Play off points would be more reflective of teams talent / size

            Just a thought

            What r yours

          2. I wouldn’t be against that. Would be the end of league play and many rivalries.

            I would like to see a margin of loss factored in. Just because you played larger schools doesn’t mean you competed. If you lost by say 30 or more, I would like to see the bonus points you receive, cut in half. Or at least reduced somewhat. Of course this opens up the possibility of collusion… so probably would never happen.

            But if you lose a game by 50 or so, doesn’t seem right to receive division 3 bonus points, if you are a division 6 school.

            On the other hand, I commend the smaller schools who aren’t afraid to play the big boys. So I’m conflicted.

          3. Also remember, very few leagues contain D7 and D3 schools. The HL is an outlier in that regard. It may be the only league to do so.

          4. It would create new rivalries
            New FB leagues
            Geographically based

            In your scenario it encourages schools to run up the score when given the chance

            That’s not good for HS football

          5. I wouldn’t consider winning by 30 running it up. But I do see your point. Which is why I sad it would never happen. Actually, the teams wouldn’t be in the same division, the coaches would know each other, so it may have the opposite affect. Keep it under 30…

            Your proposal would end 100 year rivalries in some instances. Would be a hard pill to swallow for some.

          6. With JLC joining the Catholic league. Believe they have D1 schools all they way to D7

            I’m against that.

          7. True but, they align them competitively. The D7 school beat the D2 school 28-7. And you really can’t count JLC. They are in their own category. They could compete very well all the way up to D3.

        1. To fix this issue they could simply require a winning record to host a game.

          If you get a team in the playoffs at (4-5) because they played a better “bigger” schedule, they still earn that spot in the show but just get to travel to the (8-1) or (7-2) team regardless of the playoff point totals.

          1. Many times, when a 3-6 or 4-5 team hosts a 7-2 team, the team with the losing record wins.
            They are more times than not, the better team. They just played a tougher schedule.
            The winning record team got to feel that feeling of winning, due to a sub-par schedule, more often.
            Why not reward the team that played a tougher schedule and didnt get that feeling of winning as much?

            The playoff points often dictate who is better.. its amplified in the situations we are talking about.

          2. I agree in principle with your thoughts. I think the reward for the better season is in making the playoffs.

            This is a CC vs. Everybody type of conversation that comes up every season around this time of year. The past couple years when the Falcons have lost more than they’ve won its a popular topic. If CC was 6-0 right now and sitting at 60 playoff points we’re not talking about it.

            The fact that CC benefits from playing 100% of their league schedule at 2-3 divisions above their own is not some “give them credit for scheduling up” type of thing. Just like it’s not Division 7 (3-3) Manistique’s fault that all of their league rivals are Division 8 and they’re sitting quite a ways outside the cut line.

            Keeping SMCC in the Huron League is great because they’re a natural rival for many of the schools in the league and plenty of the kids grew up together in primary school and playing together on youth teams.

          3. I see wording can be important… they didn’t “schedule” up… but they did “play” up.

            That being said,who plays a tougher non-league schedule than SMCC, year in and year out?
            There is one team in the HL that is not afraid to play anyone… and it’s been that way for years.
            So I think you can give them credit for that.
            Somewhat breaking news on here anyway, SMCC opens with Clinton in ’24.

  3. What’s going on at Huron is a simple lack of talent. No team speed at all and zero big playmakers. The group coming up will be pretty good, the young Muzzy can sling it and has some talent around him.

    1. It’s not just Huron, Milan, SMCC, GI all way down.
      Same thing in the DR league, Woodhaven, Wyandotte way down.
      These are teams that year in a year out have pretty good teams.
      Not so much now.
      Huron league has 3 decent teams and DR league has 2 or 3 decent teams and that’s it.

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