8 thoughts on “Week 5 Video Picks”

    1. Just to prove the View YT Stream is better, us radio guys got booted to the visitors stands outside.

      I mean what kind of hospitality is that?
      When guests show up for dinner, do you give them paper plates and yourself the fine china?
      When we were the only show in town, we got the press box. But noooo the primadonna youtube guys get the top billing.

      **Im kidding Pirate faithful, dont take me serious.

  1. I hope Riverview is live streaming on you tube if not I will be listening to Gray on the radio and trying to watch NFHS.but that has been horrible.

    1. I mean I know we are bad, but you don’t have to tell EVERYONE!

      If you want to listen to superb game breakdown and top notch analysis, sure listen to Riverview YoutTube.
      BUT if you want to know which concession has the best hot dogs in the HL, want to hear about Grodi dating Miss TN back in the late 80’s or what type of fabric softener Grodi uses to make his clothes smell so fresh, there is only one place to tune in. 98.3fm.

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