- What: Football Experience for those with special needs.
- Where: Dundee High School Football Field
- When: Saturday September 14th, 11am

Come join in on this great event hosted by Dundee athletics to include members from Dundee, SMCC, Summerfield, Milan, Ida, Jefferson and Mason football teams. The fantastic Cheerleaders and Band will also be there.
Over 40 participants will get to try on pads, do drills, score touchdowns with the band playing and cheerleaders cheering!

What a great multi-community and multi-school effort to make this a special day for all. This event has grown every year thanks to the amazing talent and commitment of Kim Salenbien and the Dundee football staff. Please join us as we make this year even better!
This is an incredible event that showcases how football is more than a game. So many kids from so many schools coming together to help make others see they are loved and valued.
If you haven’t seen a Victory Day event before, you need to! I’ve been to one at Trenton, Toledo and Dundee and every time I teared up. Seeing high school rivals working together to help these amazing young people with disabilities enjoy the game of football is priceless.
Random question: I recently read another article in the Monroe Evening News about Dundee’s AD and his part in promoting a young man with Autism to be apart of the Flat Rock football team. Is Mr. Oestrike, Ms. Salenbien, or Dundee’s coach special ed teachers by any chance? I’m surprised that more schools aren’t doing this.
For more info on Victory Day itself and its origins, go to http://www.victorydayfootball.com
Follow Dundee Football on facebook for pictures and videos from their annual event on Saturday at http://www.facebook.com/dundeevikingsfootball
Win or lose on Friday nights, this is a pretty cool thing Dundee is doing. I like how other schools such as my Falcons and other area teams are now sending their team captains to be apart of this. Promoting inclusion in communities and teaching these young men valuable life lessons.
Props to Tommy Oestrike, Kim Salenbien, Kyle Mac and his players for making this happen every year. I think Monroe County Special Olympics Group helps too. As a special education teacher, events like this make me so proud to be apart of the profession.
This is Awesome!
That’s Awesome