Watch as Chris and Gary discuss the upcoming week 9 games and make their picks. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
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Watch as Chris and Gary discuss the upcoming week 9 games and make their picks. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Wow… John McEnroe made a guest appearance on the blog… Great show guys…
Let Christmas come early and bring me:
An SMCC home game in round 2
A district championship for Carlson
A Jefferson win
And the Vikings in playoffs
That’s not much to ask for is it?
Post should say if Hudson upsets BCC. That could happen. Hudson is tough at home and their defense is playing well.
The LCAA is still in league play, so only half will win. There are hundreds of games being played so a lot could happen. With the favorites winning, Dundee is out. So just hope for upsets.
Thanks Gary
Is there any other games around the state that could affect the Vikings chances at 5-4 ?
Good luck Vikings, you can do this!
Dundee… without a week 9 win, you are near the very top of Class B that wont get in. If Hudson upsets Hillsdale or AAH upsets FR, I think you may be in.
Without getting too specific, Junior colleges are interested for a reason. He didn’t start playing basketball really until the eighth grade. Nice boy solid game, not even close to the best player on our team.
Chris, what’s the deal with that 6’9 stretch four? Any D1 interest? Surprised he isn’t at a school like Cass Tech or Rouge
Smcc wood smack the mules this year
Good pod cast.
Good stuff on every game.
That’s Mike “Buckeye” Lusch. But don’t tell him I said that.
Gary, who is that Ohio State Buckeye looking fan sitting on your left shoulder starting at about the 4 minute mark?
Whiteford’s chance of being in D7 = good
I thought that was the look you were going for Gary.
Snooze2you has Whiteford in D8 as of right now…
I’m assuming they’re the top of D8 in enrollment, what are the chances of them being in D7??
How come nobody tells me my collar is turned up like Im wearing Izod back in 1985?
Come out to Hillsdale Chris!
GO GET EM VIKINGS! Good luck team and to Coach Mac and his staff
thanks Gary u da man
hope you are feeling better Chris. Playoff time right around the corner, big time of the year. :)))
Sorry about the sound quality. We didn't want to reshoot this one. I have bronchitis and didn't have it in me to do a wrap up show. Sorry.
is sure school looking to complete a schedule for football next year
Downriver schools looking for games ???
No, we mentioned at the beginning of this video there will not be one.
You need to go to Hillsdale. It is an experience. Go Vikings!
Is there gonna be any video of the wrap up of Week 8?