Huron 16 Jefferson 13
SMCC 21 Milan 26
Bedford 14 St. Francis 52
Whiteford 64 Stryker (OH) 0
Monroe 19 Elkhart Central 16
2,374,188 Visitors
Huron 16 Jefferson 13
SMCC 21 Milan 26
Bedford 14 St. Francis 52
Whiteford 64 Stryker (OH) 0
Monroe 19 Elkhart Central 16
Again, our son chose his high school, he did so because he wanted to go to a public high school. He attended charter schools k-8th grade. We had him signed up and ready to attend a charter high school. He attended charter schools because we had no interest in our school district. Facts are facts. We were stunned that he wanted to switch to a public high school, freshman year, knowing no one and never having played group sports. 12:06 PM, all of your assumptions proven false. He is now a junior, playing Varsity football, having an amazing high school experience. Sounds to me you are whining because your sports teams are not doing well. Don’t like SOC, don’t take part. #onohmilan #gobigreds #ontothenextgame
12:13 I don't care if my kids play sports or do band or drama or anything else and they have been told so. We left because the school system was not only failing at attending to their special needs but punishing them so we moved them, in middle school. They had friends in their new district so it helped with the transition. By moving them their grades and attitudes have improved tremendously due to their new teachers and counselors. Just because you have no issues with your school district doesn't mean no one else hasn't.
You sound bitter about your sports teams not competing and blaming the ones leaving for it. Maybe you should look at your school system and find out why they are failing some of their kids instead. I'll take a guess that your school is the one we left because I have taken my lumps and been chastised for our decision which only reinforced our choice. See you around town…
Who cares about School of Choice. Let's just talk football please.I have read this blog for at least 5 years and it comes up every year please. Football folks let's talk about fun football.
Some parents use school of choice because they want their child to have a better education.
Some choose just for sports.
Some choose for both.
That is reality.
My family chose for better education.
There are significant differences in schools. Our school offers over a dozen AP classes. Prior school just started having AP Calc a few years ago.
Also promotes dual enrollment, prior school did not.
Huge differences when preparing kids for college.
Not everyone has same opportunities, nothing wrong with wanting your child to have more.
No need to be offensive or defensive, just truth.
Exactly my point 10:12, thank you. No matter where you go to school, you can't fix stupid. Deal with reality instead of changing schools. Changes coming. Back to reality.
Everybody says their school of choice reasons are academic. Yeah. Ok. If your a good student, and are a good parent, it doesn't matter. All schools have the same state requirements. Kids will go to U of M from all schools in our area, kids will play college sports from all schools in our area. I'm very happy and so are my kids. Much more pride and respect to make your our school and community better than to bail on everybody.
You let your child pick where he wanted to go to high school. Wow. Really. No young person at 14 should pick his high school. At that age I'm sure that choice would be friend driven, not academic. Hopefully his friends get him through life. Good luck school of choice folks, I will gladly compare notes with you where high school is over, you let me know if it was worth it.
When we transferred our kids, athletics was last on the list for where we sent them. Naturally we've had to explain this to people at the school we left. Just because kids play sports does not mean it is the primary reason for moving. Simply explaining it away as "sports" makes it easy to not face the fact that maybe your school system isn't as great as you think.
5:40 PM, our son CHOSE the high school he wanted to go to. Trust me, it would have been much easier and more convenient for him to attend our district high school. The choice has zero to do with his parents. He is writing his story. You sound angry. You worry and concern yourself with where your child tells his or her story, we will do the same for our son.
My dad always said you can help dumb but you can't fix stupid. School of choice is good!!
If your child is an athlete, they will rise to the top in whatever organization they belong to. I'm not a fan of school of choice, but this is what it is today. Stop complaining about the way it is today, unless you want to push for a change. It's in your hands. My boys are now out of the system. If you don't like the way things are, there is a way for you to speak your mind and try to make things change. Until you take those steps, stop complaining.
School of choice is a waste. If your a good parent and your child is a good athlete, your child will prosper where ever he goes. School of choice is a parent thing. Kids will make up there mind and will do good or bad where ever they go. It's your story, you tell it. I could give you 50 examples. School of choice is BS and I can't wait for the rules to change.
lol @ School of Choice comment. There is a laundry list of kids who played JV or Varsity sports at Riverview in the past couple years who left for "greener pastures" because they thought the new school would be the path to D1. View has a lot of School of Choice kids, just like anyone does these days, but they came in as elementary students and just so happened to turn into good athletes. They lose kids at the HS level who think that wearing a different uniform will make them a better player.
Same with milan… @5:15
Thank God for school of choice!! The schools still get money per student..and I can tell you this if it wasn't for school of choice Riverview wouldn't have had good football teams in the past 6 years!!
8:14 AM, we pay taxes to our school district regardless of where we choose to send our son. As a tax payer, we should be able to choose where our child is educated. It exists for a reason, damn good reasons. Our son plays Varsity Football out of district because we had our home built prior to having children. We don’t want to move to a certain district for 4 short years.
Gary Hauf, both teams played well, it was a great game. Someone had to win, someone had to lose.
Go Big Reds!!! On to the next game.
2 good teams. Milan made one more play. People are complaining about the “bad call” on the scoop and score. It could have went either way. I have no problem with the call. SMCC defends the last play better and they win. Something I’ve said too many times. Tip of the hat to Milan on what was a great play and a hard earned victory.
School of choice is out of control. I hear new rules are coming down the pipe on that. You pay taxes toward your local school system so you should go to your local school system.
If all the Lincoln park kids actually stayed there, it would be a hell of a school.
Take a look at Jefferson, if many of those students would have stayed there instead of transferring, it would be a heck of a school also. The kids that do leave aren't doing any better where they are. Going to same colleges, sports not as successful as they thought. Probably would have played more at their local school where everybody knew them.
Sorry, back to football.
11:04 Bears Fan. Cheif fan here sat across the field. That’s the same thing I was thinking. Bad Football from both teams. Neither team played good football. Scores were made on big errors. Lot of the time people report Differently on the same game depending on the colors they wear. Game could have very well went the outer way if Jefferson would have received the kickoff. Just glad it looked like both teams have no serious injuries.
I was bored so I looked this up . I was thinking about how Riverview had 600 students back when I want there in the 90s and how much the schools have changed. This league use to be very balanced with size, Carlson got too big so they kicked them out in the 90s. But in ten years some schools will be twice as big as others.
Huron league enrollment
Huron- 922 –
will only grow more with lots of land to be developed out there
Riverview- 912 –
school is full. Unless they pass a bond to build on that’s it. Residents won’t pass bond, mad that 1/2 the students are school of choice so why should their taxes go up to pay for other people’s kids. “ not my view but their voters have made that clear in failed bond after bond.
Airport – 811-
surprised how big they are, like Huron room to grow
Milan – 761- –
I know nothing about Milan
Jefferson – 622 –
I have no geographic knowledge of Jefferson.
Grosse Ile- 609 –
no more room to build on the island. Done growing
Flat Rock 599 –
mostly built up, only a room few more developments in Rockwood area.
SMCC- 332- I feel like the plague of catholic school closures is nearing an end since it’s the only one in Monroe county I’m sure it will survie. Just how expensive can parents afford? Not Huron league but look for Cabrini to close next.
Thurston gets beat 12-7 by Dearborn Heights Crestwood. Might be hard to find another victory this season over at Huron.
Working Midnights. Theme of the blog seems to be Aeschbacker. I use to work with his dad and have been following this kid for at least 5yrs. The kid is amazing on and off the field. I can't picture his dad at football games because the guy can get loud in a hurry but will also do anything for anyone if they need it. Kids and family class acts. If you don't want the truth don't ask him. J.S.
Huron will be fine. No one is thinking about what the JV and freshmen did last year. Just need some of the young players to adjust quickly to the new systems and speed/toughness of playing varsity.
Agreeing with the troll both ways Aeschbacher is amazing… I might not be a milan fan but wow yeah he is great.. Classic win tonight nail biter for sure…
Hey that was a great game don't take anything away because of the refs calls! That was our 5th penalty of the game! SMCC had "0" so don't blame the refs! Instead put all your effort towards the players from each team that suffered possible broken Collar bones! No game is more important than the players!!
I think Huron will be ok young coaching staff & young players, but a lot of them. Good size & decent speed. Will probably get better as season goes on I look for them tone very good next couple of years
I need garys take on the game
airports jv was 9-0 9-0 when these seniors were on that team. So what Huron.
Jefferson-Huron game was pretty ugly. Huron had 2 big turnovers to lead to both Bear scores. Bears offense still evolving, Huron's offense not much better. Huron returned opening kickoff for a TD or they could have very well lost this game.
For what appears to be the largest roster in the league at Huron, they still have along way to go.
Ugly game, hopefully season gets better for both teams.
How can a backwards pass be intentional ground??? Still scratching my head on that one
Last year Huron's JVs went undefeated with a running clock in 8 of their victories. Freshmen had 37 players and went 6-3 playing down river schedule.
The cupboard is not bare
9:56 PM, 2 players can’t win a game. #maybenextyearsmcc
Well played game by SMCC and Milan. Officials missed calls on both sides…numerous holding penalties, facemasks, etc. The Falcon touchdown that called back could have gone either way. Where th ball was released verses where it landed. He was being thrown around so……
Do not take away the ffort of both these teams. Good teams, classy coaching staffs……Both represented their schools and league really well.
Oh boy… so now a win is worth less if you have star players on your team, love this blog. Huge games again next week.
Well played game by SMCC and Milan. Officials missed calls on both sides…numerous holding penalties, facemasks, etc. The Falcon touchdown that called back could have gone either way. Where th ball was released verses where it landed. He was being thrown around so……
Do not take away the ffort of both these teams. Good teams, classy coaching staffs……Both represented their schools and league really well.
9:56 This was a total team win for Milan. Yes, Aeschbacker and Hines are 2 of the best talents in SE Michigan but it was Jones to Furtney to win the game. #5 Markowski was allover the field making big plays on defense. Beck had big plays on D. Smith and Lawellen opened up holes. Milan does need to fix the middle of their D line.
Awwww someone’s feelings are hurt! It was a great game! SMCC played well… Milan just got the last say in it…
I have 2 questions-Why didn’t Cousino get any carries? And why doesn’t Bergmoser get more carries? There are 10 different runningbacks that carry the ball and they’re all small and slow.
The ref blew the whistle because the Milan QB got spun around twice before he thru the ball. Lets be real everybody from Milan stopped on the play.
Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the ball :'(
Terrible call with calling back the Falcon TD. What a shame ! Intentional grounding?? It was behind him, so either way a live ball! But yes… keep taking about the Milan players… both of them.
Aeschbacker made a clutch catch leading to their 3rd score and led them in tackles to on defense at least in my eyes
Congrats to Huron Coach on his first win.
Go Chiefs
Proud of our Milan boys, it was a nail biter. On oh Milan. 2 games, 2 wins.
DJ Jones saves his best throw for last. On 4th and 19, Jones buys some time with his feet, avoiding the Falcon pass rush, and throws a dart to the corner of the end zone for the deciding score. Milan 26, SMCC 21. Final.
Milan takes it 26 to 21. Yep, I’m calling it. 40 seconds to go.
The big red defense has been on the field for a long time in the second half. Fortunately, a botched snap and hold on a field goal attempt stymies SMCC's drive. 21-20 SMCC with just over five minutes to go in the game.
End of 3rd, Milan 20, SMCC 21.
The Falcons take the opening kickoff of the second half and put together their best drive of the night, marching down the field and reclaiming the lead. SMCC 21, Milan 20.
Halftime: Milan 20, SMCC 14.
Milan Mom
I’m a total troll and never give anyone credit.. that Aeschbacher kid is flat out amazing!! What a talent.
At the half Milan 20 SMCC 14
Is that Whiteford score for real? 44-0 in the 1st quarter?
Milan's two minute offense moved the ball down the field in chunks, setting up a DJ Jones one-yard keeper. Milan regains the lead with 17 seconds to go in the half, 20 to 14.
SMCC breaks free on 4th down with a long TD run of their own. SMCC now leads 14-13 with 2 minutes to go in the half.
End of 1st quarter, Milan 13, SMCC 7. Go Big Reds.
A little tricky variation on a halfback draw leads to another long Aeschbacher touchdown run. 13 to 7 Milan. 1:19 to go, 1st quarter.
The Big Reds bounce back from a SMCC punt return touchdown with a long Aeschbacher touchdown run of their own on the next play from scrimmage. 7-7.
7-0 Huron 11:54 to go in 1st quarter.