17 thoughts on “2018 Week 1 Wrap Up Video”

  1. Remember folks, nothing posted on here will have an influence once the ball is kicked off. No matter how important we think we are as fans or how bombastic some try to be on here, it will never matter.

  2. I hate these dorks that try to run their mouth. its a joke. no one with anything to do with Milan would ever talk. But thats the thing about being able to post without your name on it. anyone can say anything.

  3. CC..we're coming to your house and gonnna lay it on you, you hear me? Gonna lay it on you and your just gonna take it , cuz you can't do anything about it …YOU HEAR ME …

  4. Jefferson was very good in the 90's but CC dominated the 80's and they as also weren't to b a d in the early 90's

  5. I personally just think football has changed. Back then Jefferson was usually a little bigger, faster, and stronger than most teams in the league. They would pound the ball between the tackles and the rest of the league couldn’t stop it (for the most part). It kind of seemed Jefferson was just better than the other teams. SMCC obviously had there years in there as well as did Airport in the later 90’s and 2000’s. Coaching has also come a long way with all of the teams in the league. Back then it was Cisco and Sanderson coaching the top 2 teams for a while. Along came the legendary Redmond at Airport that turned them into a league powerhouse. Now we have a nice balance of what I believe to be very good coaches from top to bottom. If you look at the last 10 years it seems like there have been many different Huron League Champions. From what I remember SMCC, Milan, Airport, Huron, GI, and Riverview have all won a title. Maybe Chris and Gary can help out with that.

    The Troll

  6. @ 2:28, why are you so curious about CC's roster? This is the second post regarding their roster from anonymous. If you were at the game like the Milan Coaches we're, you would know that you have to flip the roster over from Chandler Park to CC to see who is on the roster.

  7. I’m sure I will I’ll regret this question. Grew up in the 80s and 90s and Jefferson was the team to beat. Year in and year out. What happened? You knew every year a title was going to go through Jefferson. As a middle schoolers, first thing people would ask… did you play Jefferson… was there an event or culture shift? Did the fermi plant make kids not like football anymore?

  8. We are going to pound the heck out of CC Friday, watch..CC has no speed or power..we're gonna run you guys out of your own field..
    Milan fans …

  9. It took a lot to bury my years and years of dislike for Jefferson. It’s ingrained in us at CC as players. BEAT JEFFERSON.

    Rivalries are good for the sport. However, I have come to respect Jefferson, and every team for that matter, believe it or not.

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