Friday Night Victors Thoughts and Questions

Welcome aboard Frank! FNV fans, you are in for a real treat!

Airport might have bit off more than they can chew with Monroe.

Any Bedford people actually read what we write?

Carlson playing Woodhaven in week 1 ought to be fun.

Dundee will be very young this season.

Does hope turn into wins for Erie Mason this season?

Does my Alma Mater reload or fall back into obscurity?

Grosse Ile is my Huron League sleeper as well.

Huron? I have no clue.

Don’t care what anyone says, I doubt that I will pick against Ida at any point during the regular season.

Things will be better on the beach this season. They have to be, right?

I wonder how many players Milan will have this year? Can they stay healthy?

Should I try and see a Trojan game live this year?

Riverview lost a ton of talent, but they still have some very very good players.

I wish the Falcons would stop ducking people and just schedule a game in week 1. (just kidding people)

Summerfield? Why?

Whiteford? Why not?

Who’s got it better than us? Not again! SMH

Really hard to root for Michigan State these days.

Any player questions you Coach Patricia? Flash your Super Bowl Rings!

Dearborn Advanced Tech, a first year football program, is looking for JV opponents for this season.

66 thoughts on “Friday Night Victors Thoughts and Questions”

  1. Airport will not be in the top 3 cannot stop anyone smcc riverview dundee jefferson FR all topped 500 plus yards (rush)

  2. Lol you now know football cause you're from Riverview?? Or you went to the all star game?? Or Riverview was finally relevant for the 1st time since 04?? 2-7 in 2016.. you must be a Michigan fan..i do know that LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLoyd Carr is an alumni. Maybe that is the reason you know football. 😂😂😂

  3. This shows your intelligence, basing your opinion of Whiteford off an all star game lol. Whitefords 3 best seniors didn't play if we want to go there.
    You act like Riverviee has been a power house..last year they finally have a winning record, unlike the underachieving 2-7 The year before, and theyre world beaters. RIVERVIEW goes back to being average this year.The biggest school in the HL is the biggest underachieving team, traditionally. Whiteford won more playoff games in the 2016 playoffs than you did that whole season. We would have spanked you then too.
    Its ok that your school has more kids in your freshman class than we do in our HS, were better coached and tougher. Hopefully you win 6 this year. But if you don't i guarantee you can come watch us Week 10.

  4. This is hilarious!! You just have to laugh at people who think Riverview was not good, that team was a machine. Teams could not stop them point blank period. The only ones that could were themselves, shit even against Harrison the only ones that did were the Refs and a 2 turnovers or it was off to Ford Field. If you don’t know football then don’t post on the blog!!!!
    Guaranteed this year Riverview will make another run, loaded at all the skill positions to lead them

  5. Exactly, these people from Whiteford or I should say this individual that thinks there a world beater now just makes me laugh, it really does. Hell of a year last year and earned, enjoy it people..your the king of D8,now let the rest of the nonsense go !!!

  6. The north which doesn’t even include Riverview and GI just beat the south team with all the Whiteford kids so take that for what it’s worth

  7. Lol..ok !!! Hey I seen the all star game score, I know you did also. Hey that team with all Huron league players beat the other team with class A kids and world beater Whiteford also on the team !!! Huh , huh , how did that happen? Lol..please son get a clue …the sad thing you really believe it . But that's what having really no success in a program does to ones brain when they do have a good season or 2… now we're world beaters … a D8…wow !!!

  8. Shoulda woulda coulda but didn't. Whiteford was bigger up front and faster. They had the best QB around. They would have actually been competitive vs FHH.

  9. would absolutely pound Whiteford, have a couple good runs and now there world beaters..this is what I'm saying, a school has some success and now they can beat everyone!!! Gary I don't care what that neutral field says , you've seen Riverview play, they were an absolute machine and if it wasn't for turnovers they would've beat Harrison, and a D8 would beat them ? Cmon man …get a damn clue won and deserved your state title, now your mouths runath over ..

  10. Thank you, Gary. Riverview didn't play anyone until the Semis and got sent to their room. Divine Child was big soft with a nice QB and a few good athletes.

  11. Riverview wouldn't stop Whiteford. Riverview has 4 times as many boys as Whiteford and would still get taken to pound town. Whiteford shut down Muskegon CC who was better than Riverview.

  12. Just like the Downriver League would take the HL to pound town. and your HL teams want no part of the SEC..or Whiteford. Whiteford would have walked thru the HL last year

  13. HL is a varsity league, LCAA n TCC is a JV league in comparison…believe that, would be great and a guaranteed win if there was a crossover game against them leagues..I know you people are proud of your schools n leagues, stop comparing them to Huron… we would take you out back behind the woodshed and give you a good whooping…

  14. Blissfield is terrible, Hudson killed them .. CC stuffed Hudson last year and CC came in 4th in the Huron League…Cmon man !!!

  15. Blissfield started a Freshman QB and got out of the Gun after Week 3 and he really thrived after that. They took a beat down Week 9 at Hudson but only lost 3 on both side's of the ball. They have the best QB in Monroe or Lenawee County.

  16. I don't understand where all the blissfield hype is coming from? 7-5 last season means they went 5-4 and I believe they were 4-5 before that and now all sudden they are gonna win states?? And for them against the HL theybgot smashed by 2/3 of the T teams they faced, smcc and riverview both run a better T then ida and Hudson. Smcc beat Hudson last year to support my claim. Blissfield beat Dundee but it was by 6 points so there is no way that blissfield runs through the HL… let's see if they even make the playoffs this season

  17. It will be interesting with Huron. They have 22 or 23 kids coming back on the varsity plus a undefeated JV team last year100 plus kids let’s see what the new coaching staff does with them.

  18. Oh and for the record a TCC school, Whiteford would have destroyed any HL team last year. INCLUDING RIVERVIEW. Remember Riverview Lost to FR who barely slid by Jefferson and Lost to GI.

  19. Blissfield would beat anyone in the HL this year and the scary thing is that they'll be better next year.

  20. I think the league looks like it used to ten years ago in 2018..
    Huron GI and FR back at the bottom. Jefferson will be down there as well
    Airport, CC, Milan and the View at the top.

  21. Who's the sleeper in the Huron League this year GI ? They have just about everyone back from last year …

  22. Riverview has been the biggest underachieving program in the HL since Dr.Don resigned.
    To me the HL is very overrated for D3-D3 school's. SMCC is a D7 power. Since 2011 the HL has seen a steady decline in overall league talent. The 2014 smcc team that won a state title is not even a top 30 All time HL team

  23. I don't disagree that View would have swept the LCAA. That being said a D3 team playing D-5, D-6, and D-7 teams seems a little skewed. However, SMCC plays the schedule and generally does well. I was just stating that collectively I don't think the Huron League is the end all be all league in football. If it was, D7 SMCC would not cause so much turmoil and consistently hammer at least half of the league every year. A bad SMCC team causes problems in this league. My point is that yes, View was great this year. They had speed, size, and were extremely physical. But really beyond that, I was not impressed with the conference. Looking back over the last 5 or 6 seasons, Milan has had some decent teams, but can't get past SMCC, Airport, Jefferson, and Flat Rock have been cannon fodder, GL, View, and Huron have been solid but nothing spectacular.

  24. Everybody has talent coming back. Have to wait til practice starts to really gauge how teams will be. Our previews will be out in August, they will be as extensive and comprehensive as can be.

  25. LCAA could've picked whoever you want from all the teams in the league and Im telling you, you wouldn't have beaten Riverview…

  26. Gary does CC have some talent coming back ? Or are people just picking them cuz there usually pretty good ? Last 2 years haven't been great…

  27. And the teams that beat Airport, Milan and Riverview all those years in the playoffs were mostly public schools:

    Allen Park
    Farmington Hills Harrison

    DCD did knock Milan out a couple times.

  28. 10:02 my point exactly, Huron vs LCAA crossover…I understand what your saying but it wouldn't be good for the LCAA…you guys are a JV team compared to the Huron doubt.

  29. You know these people just can't stand SMCC period, all they do is complain how it's not fair,we recruit use the multiplier , they should be playing in D4, on and on and on… my goodness !!! I'm surprised Gary they weren't campaigning to have SMCCs softball team with Meghan
    Beaubian to have them play in the Big Ten..beat them people, beat them, quit crying….

  30. I think there are far less attending SMCC outside the Monroe Public School district then you think. That multiplier mgiiiiiight put them in D5 but probably D6, which is the division they won the state title in.

    There is no reason, that I can think of, to compare how Airport or Milan does in the playoffs to how SMCC does in the playoffs. Can you help me figure out why you are comparing those things?

    2017 Playoffs:
    Riverview lost to a public school.

    SMCC lost to a public school.

    Ida lost to a public school.

    Flat Rock lost a public school.

    Huron lost to a public school.

    Carlson lost to a public school.

    Milan lost to a public school.

    Bedford lost to a public school.

    Help me see your logic in this.

    You make it seem that SMCC wins a state title every year. They have won one title since 1991. Compared to public school Ithaca who has won more than I can count, in SMCC's division for the most part.

    I understand people can get a little salty when a school does well, especially if there is a little perceived arrogance involved. Success breeds contempt. There is no doubt about that.

    However, SMCC is NOT a world beater… there are plenty of those in the state of Michigan, several are public schools, but it is not SMCC.

  31. Yeah Gary SMCC playing in the HL is fair, but them playing in D7 and D6 is not. How Far did those public league teams go in the playoffs?? Airport never made it past the 3rd round, Riverview did once..Milan..Never past 3rd round…
    All parochial schools should use the Ohio Multiplier. Each boy attending SMCC outside the Monroe Public School district should be counted as 1.5 of a student. This would potentially bring SMCC to D4-D5.
    It's different with D1 schools when they have over 1200+ boys to pick from, but some of those schools would beat your excuse of a Football Power, ( MICHIGAN).

  32. The Huron League is definitely quality football. I wouldn't go as far as to say that they would smash through other leagues so easily. Collectively in the last few years there has definitely been 2 tiers of the HL. The upper echelon of teams are very tough and would more than likely win in other conferences quite easily. It is not always the case though. 2015 your champion got knocked off by the champ of the TCC in round 1 of the playoffs. 2016 your champion lost to a D7 team that didn't make playoffs in SMCC. In 2017, Airport struggled to beat a poor Dundee team that finished 2nd to last in the LCAA. They finished middle of the pack of the HL and were close to knocking off 2 other teams in the HL. GI was weak, Jefferson was weak, New Boston was weak even with the transfers they received. Flat Rock grinded out 7 wins and then got blown out in rough fashion in round 1 of the playoffs (Rouge was damn good). View was physically dominant. They more than likely would have housed the LCAA and the TCC. Other than that though I don't see the dominance. I know SMCC is loved on this blog and most years they are very good and deserve the hype, especially competing in such a large league. But the rest of the teams traditionally are not as always as dominant as some of the previous posts suggest. Just my thought.

  33. So all private schools should have to double their enrollment? What about the D1 private schools? Do they play against college teams?

    What about the top public schools that win every year? I can name PLENTY. Do we also double theirs?

    People act like CC dominates the HL.

    Huron League titles, last 20 years:
    Airport- 7
    Milan- 6
    SMCC- 6

    Seems rather even to me?

    Im trying to see your argument but that stats dont back you up.

    Doubling enrollment only affects the playoffs anyway. Are you saying you would like to see SMCC in your Divison come playoff time?

  34. The HL schools have more boys to pick from. Big bad HL teams beat up on schools in the LCAA when they have more boys in their school than most LCAA have total students. Maybe the HL should play Saline and Bedford.
    For the record SMCC should have to play up and double their enrollment. I can't believe the ADs in the HL haven't booted them.

  35. Cant we all get along?

    This website is here to support Monroe County Football. To give these kids a little exposure and let the fans have some fun.

    HL,LCAA,SEC,TCC all should get some love.

  36. God Bless the LCAA but I believe you have your own blog , use it !!!
    The Huron league would destroy you …believe that..and I don't want to hear the schoools are so much bigger , cuz there not …and the smallest school in the Huron would still be the smallest in the LCAA and they for sure would rip right through it , SMCC !!!

  37. This is off the subject, but football related. Soon there is going to be a new batch of HS kids and parents for recruiting agencies to prey on; so I will make this post now. THERE IS NOT A RECRUITING AGENCY OUT THERE WORTH THE MONEY PLEASE SAVE YOUR MONEY. It is so much BS, I do not know where to start. Do some research on schools and email coaches, fill out recruiting forms, use your HS film to make a highlight video and send to coaches. You do all the work whether you pay or not. TRUST ME THEY GOT THIS SUCKER AND MY KID IS NO JOKE ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD. SAVE YOUR MONEY.

  38. Huron will be 3-6 at best.
    Blissfield will be loaded the next 2 years.
    Hudson will be 5-4. They lost a ton but they always find ways to win

  39. Jefferson was in most every game last year and had a good chance to win several. I expect they fix the turnover issue that cost them wins last season.

  40. I been saying all along Airport will have a hard time with Monroe, but that's why they play the games. If Airport plays some defense, they got a good shot to make the playoffs. EM

  41. Riverview lost their entire offensive line, except for one kid. They are scrambling to replace what many considered last year's secret weapon. Defensive line has holes too.

    SMCC will be the only team in the league to make it past week 12.I wouldn't be surprised to see them at Ford field.

    Milan is Milan. They always have a dominate team that is a force to be reckoned with.

    Don't expect much from Huron, Airport or Jefferson.
    I hear Airport JV will shock the world and make an appearance in the first ever JV prep bowl and win allll the marbles. Literally, marbles. That's the prize 😉

  42. Flat Rock will need to find ways this year to get it done. I believe in their coaching staff, but we will see how great they are this year as they have some pieces returning, but won't have the abundance of talent they had last year. I'll be more impressed if they go 5-4, 6-3 this year than the 7-2 they had last year. Last year they had the most talent in the HL and it wasn't even close, the transfer who came in during the summer 25 was the icing on the cake. He won the Riverview for them as a backup QB and when 4 was hurt he carried the load.
    Huron will be fine, they have a nice guy in Chad Smith. He will offer consistency and will be the right answer by 2020.

  43. Flat Rock will reload and Find A Way to get it done! Great coaching produces great results. Don’t sleep on the Rams!!!

  44. Top receiver leaving Erie Mason won't matter much considering their favorite play is the "quarterback keeper"!

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