Bedford 35 Huron 13
Blissfield 27 Dundee 6
Riverview 42 Jefferson 12
Flat Rock 44 Airport 8
Huron 50 Milan 6
SMCC 8 Grosse Ile 38
Huron 23 Woodhaven 20
2,374,933 Visitors
Bedford 35 Huron 13
Blissfield 27 Dundee 6
Riverview 42 Jefferson 12
Flat Rock 44 Airport 8
Huron 50 Milan 6
SMCC 8 Grosse Ile 38
Huron 23 Woodhaven 20
It's no problem guys. I've written worse that never made it through, I just figured it was because I wrote a short story. I was just trolling a bit to the no-class guys. Been with the blog since 2010 and still have a few more years to go. Keep up the good work gentlemen
I do not like the juniors on JV, I'm not against it at all I just don't like it right now. NOT because they are there, I don't care about that. Good for Huron for getting kids to play football instead of soccer, tennis, cross country, sitting at home playing video games etc…. my issue is 100% HL related. Our league is so freshmen heavy on JV, the majority of these freshmen would NEVER be on a "real" JV team. ALL of the decent (usually not worthy) sophomores and freshmen are on Varsity. We all deal with it so it is what it is but here is why I don't like it…… the freshmen that would never be on JV are playing against a loaded true JV 10th grade class with additional juniors added for insult. The majority of Hurons JV starters would be on or starting on other HL Varsity squads ATM. That's all. Nothing wrong with it, it's not their fault, good for them. Our league is just not currently populated for it. Do they need to stop. Nope. Just had to chime in.
Sometimes things go into the spam folder. I rarely check it. At the end of last season, we found about 30 comments that we had never noticed because they ended up in the spam folder.
The post you speak of went to spam. It's up now.
I posted everything.
My take is, if you move down juniors, they should play. All of them.
I never saw your original post. Gary does most of the moderating these days. If he didn't post it he probably thought it was just a bit too much. We're trying to error on the side of caution for the most part.
Since Chris doesn't want to post my response I'll have to dumb it down for more entertainment value. We have lots of kids, maybe you should figure out why you don't. Sophomores scored 44 of the 50 points, is that a better score for you? A lot of mistakes led to the 50 points, coaches weren't running up the score. You'd know that if you actually saw the game. Stop crying.
I seem to remember not that long ago when every team but Flat Rock had freshmen squads. Did everyone feel bad about blowing out FR's JV every week? Never saw Flat Rock fans on here crying about it.
@10:05 I'm sorry that you're jealous of our team depth at all levels. Apologies that we're currently the only Huron league team capable of fielding a freshman team. Please excuse the fact that depth on the varsity is so deep at some positions that the head coach is doing what he can to get kids on the field. If it makes you feel better, it's ok for only you to count the points from the sophomores, that would make it 44-8. Obviously you werent at the game. Maybe we shouldnt block punts when we're standing right in front of the punter. Or recover fumbles. Or return punts. Or run plays with a short field. Or tackle in the end zone when a bad snap goes about 20 yards (better than recovering it or the score would have been 55). Or tell the refs it's ok if their knees touch the ground when catching balls. Or decide to try for a field goal (it was wide left) on 4th and 2 at the 10 when we easily could have went for it.
You're basically accusing our coaches of leaving in the starters for the entire game and running up the score, and you couldn't be more wrong. You're expecting us to be ashamed of having many kids playing…not going to happen. I'm sure if your team was in our position you would be screaming at the top of your lungs to not play so hard. Yeah, right. It's JV. The records don't count. There's no trophy at the end of the season. Hell, when I played JV we went 0-8-1. Should I be upset about that? Should I hold a grudge towards all the other teams for playing better than us? Give me a break. Maybe you should be asking yourself what's going on that your numbers are down and what you can do to help correct that problem. But yeah, probably better to get on a blog and cry about how classy another team is.
The kids from Milan kept playing, they never quit. That's great character and is something that they, and their coaches and fans, should be proud of. That is something they can use later in life. Good job, guys.
Well said Chris
JV stands for junior varsity or in other states sub-varsity. The JV or sub varsity teams are for players not quite ready for varsity. Seniors don't play JV because there would be no reason to play a not quite ready for varsity player who was a senior because his career is over at the end of the season. For schools with a freshmen team, JV is for any player junior down to freshmen who will most likely play varsity next season and contribute. Many schools have dropped their freshmen team and have all their freshmen play JV. That is the schools choice to do that. In the Huron League that just so happens to be every school in the Huron League except Huron. Please show me where it states anywhere in the rules, where JV is to be made up of 9th and 10th graders. I'm personally not a fan of the practice, but I understand why it is done. By the way, many schools in big football areas have two sub varsity and two freshmen teams. They are all meant to supplement to varsity program and make them the most competitive they can be.
I bought some CHEESE for 10:05…..
Get your program out and see who most of the starters are for JV (ZERO Freshman – 2-3 JRs – 9-10 Sophomore). There are JRs on the JV team and over the past couple weeks some have been moved down to get some PT. Fortunately for us, the game is out of hand by half time and A LOT of kids get to touch the ball. I think 6 different kids scored last night and the 80% of the starters didn't even play 5 minutes into the 2nd quarter.
Keep hating but I have bad new… are going to hate the next 3-4 years even worse!!!
Schools with a Freshmen Team already has advantage with All 10 th graders on JV. No need to pound others by adding 11th grade to JV! I agree! No class Huron 50-6. Over JV with your Varsity B team!
Hey 10:05 how many points did Milan's JV's score on Jefferson?
@4:28…thank goodness it looks like you stopped drinking and went to bed.
JV! No place for Juniors Huron 50-6 over Milan Freshman and Sophomores. That's class Huron.
I think the score of tonights game out at Navarre Field will be a little differant than last night's score.
Totally agree with you Chris! I knew that one big win by CC would queue up the angry townfolk with their pitchforks and torches!
What time is the game tonight.
Huron League Fan
Thanks Chris! Huron Fan
That might be the stupidest post ever. Take a look a around the state, I'll let you determine how many other CC 's there are.
people should not refer to st. mary's as cc, there is only one cc in the state of michigan and they dont hide in the huron league, they play in the central division of the catholic league where st. mary's belongs. just my opinion, so all you falcon fans dont get excited!!!!
Typo on your score board….
GI won 36 to 8
44-8 Rams
Flat Rock beat Airport 44-8.
Huron JV 6-0!! CHEIFS!!!!
GI 36 CC 8
Great game GI!
Huron JV 41 Milan Xip! 9:48 in 3rd
Huron Freshman 23-20 last sec field goal! Huron JV 23-0 over milan at the half
Huron Freshman 23-20 last sec field goal! Huron JV 23-0 over milan at the half
At the half
Huron JV 34
Milan JV 0
Huron 23
Woodhaven 20
FR up 30-8 over Airport at the half.