Huron League Thoughts and Questions

They are still the defending champs.

Grosse Ile may be the most physical team in the Huron League.

Every time the ball is put in play by Milan, there is a threat of a home run.

No star called Sirius at Huron, but plenty of them to make a constellation.

What is up at Riverview? Too much youth or just better competition?

Jefferson will be alright

It’s almost dawn at FR. I can sense it.

I would have liked to been a fly on the wall during the Milan halftime Friday.

Parent Credo: Loss; it’s the coach. Win; it’s the players. (You know it’s true people. Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror.)

A tale of two T’s?

Is it about winning the game or creating a highlight reel?

It must be tough to be an official.

Football is an emotional game.

One really big game next week should help sort some things out in the league.

We sure could use a few more sensible fathers at our Saturday Morning breakfasts.

I was really impressed with Chris Evans and Mike Panasiuk this weekend.

Really excited about today’s adult kickball party at my favorite Huron police officer’s house. (Hopefully no injuries this year)

123 thoughts on “Huron League Thoughts and Questions”

  1. There are a few kids on local high school teams who have played in other area programs, but nothing like in Riverview.

    There are more Lincoln Park kids playing football at Riverview than there are Riverview kids. They don't stick around and parents don't do their part to help with the programs.

    Riverview people tired of it.

  2. SMCC rents their field. They do not own it. It will never be fixed up, the landlord wants them out. Many rumors of land somewhere and a real field someday. Down to 355 enrollment, Don't see that happening too soon.

    Not sure why they have never put together the funds to get some facilities. Catholic HS just north of our area has great facilities and tuition is lower. Not sure who has the extra hand in the till over their at SMCC.

  3. Riverview will make it closer based on what? Players stepping up in their roles? The offense being more comfortable? Your neighbor's kid plays on the team and he's a good kid? Even if it's speculation, let us know your reasoning.

    MLive predicted a Milan win by 42-14. I'll say that it'll be closer than that, especially if the game is decided early on and there is an opportunity in the 4th quarter to give other players the rock. Those could be very productive snaps for the less experienced players on the roster and a good thing for the program this season.

    1. My son just started playing jv and all the other fathers were filling me in about the Huron League. A little out of the loop.

  4. Just moved here from out of state. What's the story behind SMCC's football field? I keep hearing about their football success, but that field is embarrassing. I've seen better fields in poor inner cities. Seems like past alumni would start a fund raiser to improve it. Any history you can give me?

  5. "There are more out of town kids playing sports there than there are kids that actually live in Riverview"

    I'm guessing you meant "…than there are kids *playing sports* that actually live in Riverview", but I'm not sure I believe you either way.

  6. The moral of the story is that the system in breaking down in Riverview. There are more out of town kids playing sports there than there are kids that actually live in Riverview. Sure, that school has numbers, but no program. They are not isolated enough over there to narrow down a program. New Boston has their Jr Chiefs and its mostly New Boston kids. SMCC has CYO, Monroe, Jefferson, have first downers and so on. Forgive me, I like the Riverview area, but it is a mutt of a community when it comes to sports and kids. Tough to get devoted people who will help at the school, coach youth sports, etc. On top of all that, the locals don't want to vote and pass anything because there are more outside district kids than locals. They have very rough facilities and buildings. Worse than SMCC. SMCC is pricing and clicking their enrollment down quickly. Whole different story for that.

  7. So what your saying is who ever has the largest enrollment has the most talent and should win the league every year? Not sure I agree with that theory. And in my opinion Huron has had the most talent for a few years now and making the playoffs in the Huron league isn't that hard to do.

  8. Please don't complain about not having kids or talent. Riverview has had hands down the most talent over the last 5 years hands down. And they again have good players and huge lineman like every year. They have made the playoffs 3 out of the last 5 years. All with 1st round exits. If your Flat Rock with 500 something students then you're allowed to complain with all the coaching turn around and low numbers. DOn't care to hear about it from the biggest school in the Huron League.

  9. I'm afraid the # of kids playing football is going to drop steadily, especially in these small towns in the Huron League. The millenials are just not having as many kids, coupled with the fear of concussion syndrome, I'm afraid spells doom for football participation.

  10. Ya what's the allure to go to SMCC? they have ZERO facilities. It's starts with the coach folks. I'm not saying Riverview a coach is doing a bad job. I really have no idea. But a good coach will get it turned around. It just takes time.

  11. What's the state of the youth program in Riverview? Every time I roll through there, I see the little kids practicing. I would have thought your numbers were fine throughout.

    Also, school of choice shouldn't be seen as a reason to disconnect from your past. Where are your legacy families? If anything, school of choice is an opportunity to bring more families into the fold with your storied history and football traditions and by presenting an opportunity for more kids to meet or exceed the goals of past teams.

  12. The T offense is so so boring. It's like watching a rugby scrum for the whole game. I know it's a strategy, but it's like watching paint dry. Imagine in a basketball game, 4 players every play setting a giant screen and one person shooting the whole game. Or in baseball, a team full of fast guys bunting every single time. I know SMCC and Riverview are on the schedule and you have to play the game, just really dreading watching them.

  13. At Riverview it has nothing to do with "square peg in round hole", it's called coaching to your talent. The landscaping for football is changing at Riverview , and coming from an ex player, parent and citizen we have no one to blame but ourselves. Football at Riverview sence the 1950's has been a source of pride for the community but now that we are school of choice there isn't a connection between the the two. And without the school of choice students there probably would not be football at all. Until as a community we can pass a bond to improve our facilities and lure some athletes away from other schools this is what we will continue to deal with. So don't put it on coaching or player effort, when there is less than 20 boys out for junior high football there is a problem. It's easy to criticize but as citizens we have had chances to make it better.

    1. Me myself I see what the poster was getting at with square peg in a round hole..I think he meant this just isn't the offense that will work with this group of players..players effort is there so I think you guys are talking about the same thing.I understand new system takes time and they do have a whole group of kids that that this is there first time playing at the varsity level. I believe they have 8 or 9 seniors on the team but only half of them even start. This team has talent just going to be difficult with no 2nd year varsity veterans on the team.

  14. Hope you don't mind me jumping ahead a little Chris but I have to go with all of the home teams winning this Friday.
    Huron League Fan

  15. Glad to see the blog definitely alive and well after a Huron League thoughts and questions lol 80+ responses make for a good read!

    Was glad to see Huron pull out their W. Was a little shaken to see the score when AP was up on them, then saw they came out on top. Dunno what went on there but by the sounds of it? It was some pound for pound football going on!

    And by the sounds of it, FR is about to have a nice fire going around them if they can pick up the momentum? Brush that loss off fellas and come out swinging next week. Learn from your mistakes, and do better this up coming week!

    And CC bringing the steamroller to RV.

    Can't wait for this up coming week. Gonna be nice to see GI and Huron face off and see who can knock who off the pedestal first. If GI is as physical as you're saying Chris? Then Huron is gonna have to step their game up and beat em off the snap. I'll be at Friday's game tho. See y'all there!

    BTW my favorite NB Officer is Nickerand 😉 lol


  16. What's up at riverview ? Not accepting the youth card. Because your a junior doesn't make you young. — block and tackle better !! Know where the plays going, get your head on the correct side of the defender, stay with the block until the whistle blows. — so many defenders just sliding off blocks
    Will accept that QB and LB are big losses
    Will accept there's no depth: but Others in league deal with it
    Defense must improve
    Offense will improve if they ever stretch the opposing defense side to side and downfield (ie throw the ball – if for no other reason)

  17. So Milan has RV this week, who does everyone else have and how does everyone feel about the game?
    I like Milan at home, from what everyone is saying RV does not have much experience right now. Not for sure how good Romulus is but Adrian was a decent team.

  18. Riverview's season is all but over. Nick Walsh is out for the season, and his back-up was seen walking around school today on crutches. Without the two of them leading the defense, Riverview will be lucky to squeak out a win.

    1. The kid on crutches was the senior QB that had surgery on his ACL. It was not Nick Walsh back up..Yes Riverview is going to struggle this year with a young squad and learning a new offense..but let's not post stuff that isn't true.

  19. Chop blocking and what defenses do to defend the T are 2 completely different things. You are sour and making a big deal out of nothing.

  20. The NFL reports that chop blocking is the most common way ankles and knees are sprained and broken and also ligament tears occur. They are looking into changing the rules. All the teams that practice this will not let their own team do it at practice in fear of hurting a teammate. Sure, its in the rules, so are a lot of dirty things that we shouldn't do.

    1. Chop blocking is a penalty in College and NFL. Imagine the injuries there would be when 300-350 pound men chop block one another. You would have blow outs every play. High school is a little different-kids only weigh 200-250 and obviously there aren't many concerns with chop blocking in high school because there aren't many injuries from it.

    2. lol well you must be a recent blogger but back in 2009-2011, Huron had a few 315lb linemen back to back years. But I will say linemen have gotten a lot smaller since but even then we didn't have issues with our knees being blown out from chop blocks. I always waited a split second to see if I was gonna get chop blocked or not if if so I'd kick my legs out backwards and lay down 😉 instant pancake anyone? LOL


  21. I believe defense is the key. This year Milan has a defense that will lay it all on the line. I think they are faster this year than before. The biggest guy does not always win and there is no substitute for speed. Milan has a lot of speed.
    At first I thought this would be a down year for everyone, I was wrong. I believe now after week 2 that the league is up for grabs. I think Milan, SMCC, and Huron have the best chance in winning the league, but you can't count out GI either. SMCC and MIlan are most likely the 2 best teams in the league but again, the best team don't always win either.
    The 4 week span of week 4 thru 8 will have the best match ups and most likely will determine the league Champs. I really thought AP had a great chance and Maybe they still do. After playing FR and the out come of the 1st week of league play, I think it's pretty balanced.
    Looking forward to RV this week and Chris your still welcome to come sit in the booth with me.
    #9 Dad

    1. Airport had Huron beat. I think that loss will be a huge wake up call for the Jets-players and coaches. If it's not a wake up call then you might as well start the coaching search.

  22. I'm sure they will, but there isn't one 10 grader on there that wouldn't crap there pants when they see Vollmerhausen coming. I am a Jefferson guy, not a GI fan and he is a beast. The 10th graders will soon see the difference between JV and Varsity.

  23. When my son started playing football in 4th grade, he was timid, shy, and afraid. He is now a senior in high school, and is courageous, strong, determined, and outgoing. When people degrade these kids on this blog, it's just sad. Be proud of your son and respect other people's sons. Enjoy the greatest game on earth!

    1. This post should be on the header of this site !!!

      All of the Al Bundys on this site make me want to throw up. let them be kids. enjoy ever minute of every game, soak it all in and make sure the boys do too.
      Hardwork & effort is a life lesson along with getting your teeth kicked in, fighting through it, and coming back next week to fight again is an even bigger lesson.
      Fat old men bashing these kid wont help them.

  24. GI better just worry about taking care of business the next two weeks before they even think about unleashing their animals against Smcc. Smcc may be young. But I can promise they have some caged beasts as well. And will be prepared when they get to the island.

  25. Shutouts are nice, but 21 points total in two games sounds like winning defense to me. Thanks for breaking down the film and rushing right away to post your hot take here. At least you didn't allege some bogus beef between our coach and our best player, so there's that.

  26. SMCC has sophomores on Varsity because their numbers are so low. JV is mostly freshmen. SMCC does have pride in their JV having a winning record. When the JV starts badly, adjustments will be made. Last years JV went 2-7 and the coach is wayyyy gone. All new guys this year. I am not a SMCC fan, but I respect that greatly. 1 year of a horrible record and your gone. Even if JV level. That's why they are successful, you don't get it done, your GONE. Unlike other public schools in the area that keep the buddy system of coaching going, no matter what the record.

    Its great that there are 10 graders on Varsity, but this will catch up to them soon. A very aggressive team will destroy them. GI is like a bunch of caged animals that have escaped. AS they get more organized on the season, they will be tough to beat.

    Not every year can be a stellar year. Even at SMCC. SMCC down to 350 kids, getting thin over there.

  27. As an offensive lineman if someone chops your legs you are taught to lay on top of them. And punish them a little as you're coming down. As a defensive lineman if you're being pushed back you should drop and take the offensive lineman's legs out. Until it becomes illegal then you can't really complain.

  28. Chris….. What's your thought on cutting the olineman in HS? Just seems so weak to do that imo. Smcc is good enough that they shouldn't have to do that to win. Was at the game Friday and I know they were better than my team, but on defense their 3 down lineman cut our days every single play. I guess it's legal, but just seems kind of petty to me especially when they were good enough to beat us regardless. Just don't understand I guess. What's your thought?

    Riverview Dad

    1. The joys of an offensive or defensive linemen; everything is legal so long as you're not holding. I was never a lineman to cut at the guys across me. I just made sure I was lower and quicker to get them up and back. But if it's legal and it can benefit them and get the ball moving for +/- yards then so be it. Lol


  29. Western plays more of a spread offense. Your son catching screens and playing in space would tear it up. I know he's a running back in high school, but I could see him moving to slot and being the next Wes Welker.

  30. Went to a couple games this past weekend, GI looked good not great. I'll give credit that there boys were fired up and flying around all game. I feel that if a team (SMCC, Milan, Airport) really pounds the running game will wear down those 20 players.
    SMCC looks like SMCC very well coached and they have a good team. There defense this year seems weaker then the past two seasons, but it is still early on.
    Flatrock looks like a much improved team, they will do better this year, I feel.
    Milan in my opinion is the team to beat this season, there is always a big play scare with Lindeman and Barnes.

    Huron League follower

  31. Went to a couple games this past weekend, GI looked good not great. I'll give credit that there boys were fired up and flying around all game. I feel that if a team (SMCC, Milan, Airport) really pounds the running game will wear down those 20 players.
    SMCC looks like SMCC very well coached and they have a good team. There defense this year seems weaker then the past two seasons, but it is still early on.
    Flatrock looks like a much improved team, they will do better this year, I feel.
    Milan in my opinion is the team to beat this season, there is always a big play scare with Lindeman and Barnes.

    Huron League follower

  32. I always wonder who else comments on the blog when I'm at a football game. It would be funny to see how many people would buy Huron League Blog wear. You always see people on the phones and you wonder if they're commenting "anonymous" on the blog.

  33. Teams that generally run the T don't have enough athletes to compete in open space. They rely on the big fellas to get 4 yards, chew up the clock and hope to make a few stops on D. Riverview doesn't look big enough up front yet. A couple more years and a lot of protein shakes.

  34. There was multiple sophomores, now juniors on varsity last year. Not sure on the exact number starting now. But O'brien and wolford are both major parts of this year and last years team. Smcc isn't really concerned with having a stacked j.v. Team. I understand a portion of you think 9-0 jv teams win state titles.

    1. SMCC's JV team usually is bad. They pull up the best Sophmore's year after year to develop them at the highest level. JV football means absolutely nothing. No trophy for first place. No nothing. Varsity is where it matters.

  35. I think Jefferson will pick up the first W of the season this week, #7 is a great athlete and one of the top tier in the region

  36. Everyone is excited about GI but I'm curious they have dominated two 0-2 teams!? Does that make them a real contender when they have played a combined 0-4

    1. We shall she. You can only play the teams on your schedule. Friday against Huron will be a test but I believe the Devils are for real.

  37. Gonna be a heck of a game between Huron and GI Friday. The winner is a legit league contender and the loser is still in a good position to make the playoffs. Flat Rock will be a tough out for most teams this year. Probably a down year for Riverview with the young team and learning the new offense. Just like I said before SMCC is the team to beat until proven otherwise. Yes Milan can score on any play with the two studs in the backfield. Chris Evans definitely passed the eyeball test but we'll have to wait awhile to see him play some real competition. Thanks for horrible schedule Dave Brandon! EM

  38. As a 6 year blog follower and contributor who no longer has a player in the system, I can tell you that I have never seen the negative comments toward Chris like I have this year. I'm shocked. This blog is the first place I turn on Thursday and Friday nights all fall. I look forward to the Huron League thoughts and questions. To all the regular contributors thank you. I miss SITOFN.

  39. Any time you change a system or an offense it will take time. Riverview will be good the next few years or so. For a good example, look at SMCC during Giarmo's first few years. They were awful and couldn't score at all. That changed once Giarmo became better at teaching the offense and calling the plays. It also helps that the kids know the offense by the time they get to varisty. I know some on here don't like that T for whatever reason. But it is very very effective at that HS level. Riverview will be vastly improved next season.

  40. As living around the area for thirty years I would not bet against them Catholic boys. They have won for years without stars. They have great coaching and tradition that means something.

  41. Very witty on the tale of two T's. While it may be the best of times at SMCC, I don't think that it will be the worst of times at Riverview.

  42. Riverview is down their senior QB and now down their only LB with varsity experience. This is definitely a rebuilding year for Riverview.

  43. Smcc does have something to prove. The bigger percentage of predictions put out this year by the papers and blogs etc. predicted them to be as bad if not worse then the 4-5 team a few years back. Which was smccs only losing record I believe since around 98". Dont quote me on that though. I just know at Catholic central. The tradition. And play of those boys isn't about individual accomplishments. It's a community thing. They want to strive for the strong school support they have. And for those who played before them. That's what it's all about.

  44. A little surprised you didn't bring up how MSU and U of M looked. Or was your first comment a hidden comment about MSU and not SMCC?

  45. We would like to see some folks like EM, KC and #9 Dad who have been contributing to the blog over the years join us for breakfast. Once our kids are done playing, we still plan on breakfast for years to come AND going to the game of the week. There is no better $5 entertainment than Friday night football.

  46. The Breakfast Club Executive Committee has conferred and decided that as long as the mothers are sports minded, understand football and are MSU Spartan fans, they are welcome. 8:00am Saturday mornings at Farmers Cafe in Carleton.

  47. What's up with Riverview? Well yes they are a very young team but it doesn't help they are trying to run an offense that is clearly not for them..they are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole just isn't going to work!!

  48. Was at the Milan-Flat Rock game. Milan is a very fast, physical team. They fly to the ball and come with a lot of nastiness. Keep your head on a swivel Huron League! Flat Rock is on it's way as a competitive team. Lots of talent. They just need to find the right combinations at different positions. They need to find a way to get #4 and #5 in space.

    1. Just watched Milan Flat rock film… And as a former player the Milan defense seems weak. They better put up a lot of points to have a chance at dethroning CC as league champs.

  49. I talked to a Riverview coach and he said SMCC was very physical and thinks those kids are playing to prove something. Looks like the league will be fun. Not buying Milan and Grose isle hype yet.

  50. Milan made some mistakes on defense early in the game and that gave FR an opportunity. Make no mistake, FR is far better than people give them credit for. They will work on the little things and improve as the season goes on. Milan has a good solid defense. They will be stronger as the year goes on.
    #9 Dad

  51. I had no idea about the police escort. I never saw one. That is why I was looking for details. I couldn't comment on it. As for the comment about my favorite police officer, his daughter goes to school with my daughter. Sheeeeeesh

  52. Milan is very very good. The young players have a ton of talent. If it wasn't for stupid penalties, the 2 wins would've been blowouts. Look for the team to get better each game. Bad news for the rest of the league!

  53. It is because you allow things to be posted based on what makes you look good to the blog and can allow things to be posted that defame coaches/kids when you feel (but you insist you don't allow it) but you do allow it on here when you want (depending on who you like and kisses up to you). When you get caught on the part about the police escort huh what police escort please explain who what where??? But you are going to your favorite Huron police officers house today come on Christopher?

    1. Chill out spaz, if you have a problem with how Chris writes the blog get the hell out. I'm sure one lost reader will not effect the rest of us. You are absolutely unbelievable.


  54. Is the blog about chris Schultz trying to make a name for himself or about Huron league pound for pound one the toughest leagues in the state?

  55. CC sure doesn't look down with a score like that Friday…

    Jeff will be fine.

    Excited about GI vs. Huron whacky stuff seems to happen every time the island comes to Huron…

    Are mothers aloud at the breakfast or is it strictly fathers…

    U-M looked good MSU will be better watch out for Houston this year…

    Lamar Jackson for Heisman

  56. Smcc has two games prior. An improved flat rock. And a hungry New Boston. But I'm interested to see the physicality matchup between them and Grossile if what you are saying is true. I think this is one of the most physical Smcc teams in some time.

  57. FR was so much closer to upsetting Milan Friday night than the score shows!!! They moved the ball all night but shot themselves in the foot with penalties. There is some very strong young talent this year! They will surprise some teams this year!!!

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