Here is my first attempt at a podcast. Running time is around 27 minutes. I ran into a few glitches and made a few mistakes, but those shall be remedied on the next one. Please forgive any background noise, most notably the dog and/or the garbage truck making the rounds.
Please feel free to give me some feed back. Please remember I am human and I am just trying to provide a forum for the Huron League when it comes to football.
Just listened to the whole thing (skipped some to get to the Bears parts) I really like the podcast. Talked about every team a decent amount and put in what I think was a great prediction for the GI vs Jeff game outside of the fact tht you picked the bears to lose!
-Long Time biased Jefferson fan
Awesome job Chris. Businesses are smart latching on!! Great idea
Look into some Def Leppard and Journey too.
It sounds like TD72 is suggesting game site correspondents. I like it!
Super good
Milan Fan
I' ll have my attorneys look into it.
Hey Chris, just a heads up on the podcast; I haven't looked it up, but I was under the impression that you can't play unlicensed music if you make revenue off of it. Not sure where the intro song falls legally.
Joey Flarety got hurt the week before the Ida game for Jefferson, might be out for the season.
Probably only for the first half the season
Nice job, I enjoyed it. Looking forward to more.
Just listened, sounded good.
Thanks for putting it together. can't wait for more.
Great job Chris. GO CHIEFS!
Enjoyed it! Come to Flat Rock this week. I'd love for you to see the Rams live against the most explosive players in the league and hear your thoughts on where they have improved. Thanks, as always, for what you do.
I got to listen to a bit. My wife was listen and loved it.
#9 Dad
I may need to do auditions. The problem with that is I might find a couple people better than I am. It wouldn't take much.
Hey Chris this was awesome, we appreciate what your doing. If your at a Huron game and need help doing a live podcast let me know and I'll gladly help.