Huron 56 Summit 18
Milan 40 A2 Huron 14
LCC 35 SMCC 10
Flat Rock 41 Hazel Park 28
Tecumseh 20 Airport 14
Riverview 34 River Rouge 40 OT
Jefferson 36 Owosso 7
Grosse Ile 35 Bradford 8
2,374,811 Visitors
Huron 56 Summit 18
Milan 40 A2 Huron 14
LCC 35 SMCC 10
Flat Rock 41 Hazel Park 28
Tecumseh 20 Airport 14
Riverview 34 River Rouge 40 OT
Jefferson 36 Owosso 7
Grosse Ile 35 Bradford 8
Some people just don't realize that's all. That is a good idea about the Downriver league logistically makes sense too. I can tell ya i would not have been to happy having to travel to Owosso to watch a game if we had to.
What exactly are you defending? You blatantly said CC was the only school who scheduled a talented team… Thus taking a jab at the other teams in the league [except Riverview] about who they scheduled. You didn't compliment anyone either… lol I certainly hope you read/wrote what I read… I for one, don't care if you celebrate your teams victories and brag; thats fine and I expect it; but when you lose, don't be arrogant and try to talk it up by putting down what other accomplished on their Friday night, that your team didn't.
Quote 1:"The only positive about this game is unlike the rest of the league, except Riverview, we actually scheduled a decent team to play."
Quote 2L"SMCC lost tonight. A better team beat them in every aspect of the game. They finally played a team this year that was bigger, faster and stronger.
A good beating going into the playoffs seems better than taking the easy route of selecting a team for a easy win for the last game of the season. Seems the ones that think they were the bigger, faster and stronger than SMCC all year would have taken the same route SMCC did. Winning or losing against a team like Lansing only makes a team stronger. Selecting and scheduling the easy team for the easy win only to enhance the chances of getting into the playoffs seems weak.
SMCC didn't select a game to inflate stat or secure an easy win and they lost to a better team – they are now more prepared for the long playoff run."
Well said 4:21. I like it.
If your the one ripping a school about scheduling when they have won 5 games in 4 years then yes. If you aren't then your fine. Maybe just throw a human element in it and think how it might be to have a running clock half the time and try to imagine how demoralizing it is to watch. Not to mention being the butt of jokes how F.R & Jeff (exp) are awful especially when we are talking about high school kids. So ya to hear comments that we shouldn't schedule easier teams is pretty Pompous if that was you.
huron league teams cannot schedule games with the downriver league as the downriver league only plays league games because of the number of teams in there league. I think it would be good if they could schedule a Huron vs Downriver League week. Where everyone from each league plays an opponent from the other league.
Agree Huron needs to not play Summit.
Huron Dad
If your program has success year after year; then yes I could see going out of the norm and scheduling a tougher opponent to better test your team and get them to a better playing level. But when you're a sub-par team; you schedule sub-par opponents. Because who wants to get beat year after year, and like KW said, lose confidence in your program. I'll admit tho; Huron needs to get Summit off their schedule. Tecumseh, Trenton, River Rouge (even tho they have scheduled them before and shut them out both times; they seem to have built a better program) or some other downriver teams. But yes Summit does need removed from their schedule. If you're putting up 60+ points on a team, you don't need to play them anymore lol
Many teams schedule an easier opponent before a potential playoff run, to let their starters rest, NOT get beat up even more for a playoff run. Ever seen the NFL rest guys at end of season before playoffs, same concept.
If you guys are so excited that you have scheduled a strong opponent and proud of it, perhaps you should schedule a whole season that way and join a tougher league as has been suggested on here many times.
Football is very tough on your body. Any rest these young men can get before a playoff run is highly recommended. If you guys want to beat yourselves up even more, that's your choice.
There is nothing wrong with schools like FR, Jefferson or Huron scheduling so called cupcakes. Jefferson hasn't had a winning season since 2008 and they still have undefeated Ida on their schedule.. FR hadn't won a game since 2012. Huron has been traditionally one of the worst teams in the state they have Summit, but scheduled Class A Avondale that hadn't had a losing season since 2007.
@ KC Funny i was thinking the same thing reading all those posts. Rip teams like Jefferson for scheduling a Owosso Class A Team. Like Bigredsrock said, you schedule a couple year in advance you cant tell if a team is going to be that bad, but at lease the effort is there. Or wait Maybe Jefferson should have kept Scheduling Bedford and get killed everytime and give your program less Confidence. You showed you were the best in the league, And it looks like you feel the need to let everyone still know it. Here's a idea try having some class while you do it!! But hope you have mad yourself feel better about your loss
8:29 – obviously flat rock wasn't the worst team in the league this year 🙂
Am I the only one that finds its funny that a SMCC fan is trying to talk up their loss by saying CC schedules harder opponents than what anyone else in the league scheduled? You lost. Get over it. You played a team that matched up well/better than you. Don't criticize other teams are doing or have done because your sour.
Oh yeah, I forgot. SMCC fans aren't allowed to say anything. Before I said anything about anyone else, I tore my own team a new one. If we complement our team, we're pompous. If we complement your team, we have a hidden agenda. We're not allowed to defend ourselves. We just gotta sit back and take it.
4:52 – That's funny. AA Huron might beat Flat Rock . They are bad!
That AA huron team would beat many huron league teams
Many, true. But not all.
Yeh I know some teams can't have it once!!–NEVER
You are right. Can't have the same dream twice!
Stop comparing last year Lcc had more weapons last year as did cc. HOWEY a long touchdown receptionin last years game. Lcc had 1 first down in the second half last year. Have to be able to throw the ball longer than 10 yards down the field. They did not fall apart Lcc made adjustments and started covering the tight end. Vuich last year was the key and the difference in this years team. No deep threat
I don't think Huron's playoff point average is going to be high enough to get in
A huge congrats to GI's #5, Neil Smorch. I understand he beat the all-time school record for receiving yards last night! Wish I could have been there to see it, kid! I just couldn't bring myself to make it.
I would love to see those two games EM. Would love to see our league kick the crap out of the downriver league. SMCC has put the beat down on Trenton the last couple of years and Carlson before that. No doubt Huron and Riverview would kick some tail.
So Chris what are Huron's chances of getting in? If so I think there's a good chance we get a Downriver/Huron League district of Trenton/Riverview and Allen Park/Huron. EM
SMCC will be fine…just like last year. We lost to LCC and went on to win a state championship. Not a road block….just a speed bump. WE BELIEVE!
Falcons lost to a better team, no shame there. Onto the playoffs!
Huron league gets 4 teams in the playoffs!
WOW.. riverview was up 28-7
Grosse ile won 35-0
Grosse ile won 35-0
SMCC lost tonight. A better team beat them in every aspect of the game. They finally played a team this year that was bigger, faster and stronger.
A good beating going into the playoffs seems better than taking the easy route of selecting a team for a easy win for the last game of the season. Seems the ones that think they were the bigger, faster and stronger than SMCC all year would have taken the same route SMCC did. Winning or losing against a team like Lansing only makes a team stronger. Selecting and scheduling the easy team for the easy win only to enhance the chances of getting into the playoffs seems weak.
SMCC didn't select a game to inflate stat or secure an easy win and they lost to a better team – they are now more prepared for the long playoff run.
So, yes Lansing was better and won tonight but now it's time to move forward and have a long playoff run.
Perfectly stated by another smcc pompous bag of hot air.
Better than what you're full of, buddy.
There is talent in the Airport team. They proved that last week with Milan. Play calling played a huge factor in the game tonight.
Yes there is SOME talent on Airport. Not enough this year to have a good season. I credit the kids and coaches for not quitting and playing hard till week week 9.
Riverview was up 28-7 and ended up losing??? Or am I reading that wrong?
Sorry no posts from Tecumseh. No freakin cell service, had this phone nearly a year first time that happened. Anyway Airport played hard again but came up short. One thing about these kids they never quit. Talent just wasn't there this year, better days ahead. Good luck to SMCC Milan and Riverview in the playoffs. Do the league proud boys!!! EM
Disappointing game by SMCC tonight. Poor tackling, no pass rush, unimaginative offense. 10 guys in the box from LCC all night, but still ran 98% of the time. When they did throw it, in the first half, they actually moved the ball fairly well. And thank God for Lehman's leg. What a kick! LCC made the adjustments at halftime, and never looked back. 28 unanswered points in the second half. I think the SMCC defense stayed in the locker room at halftime. The referees were absolutely terrible. They are obviously not the reason we lost, but they've gonna catch hell too. Missed about 4 block in the back calls against LCC, a HUGE too many men call, and a takeaway in the scrum before the whistle blew that would have given SMCC the ball at a crucial time.
All in all, a terrible game by the Falcons. They better circle the wagons, get their heads right, and get tough. The cakewalk that is the Huron League is behind you. The only positive about this game is unlike the rest of the league, except Riverview, we actually scheduled a decent team to play. LCC is a heck of a team, and Poljan is definitely the real deal. But that team was beatable, SMCC missed their shot.
So SMCC and Riverview are the only teams that schedule descent opponents?
Dude, you got your butt whipped tonight. It's ok, it happens. You can't let a loss define your season. Chin up pal, go win some play off games.
Yes, indeed! But it wasn't by Summit Academy or AA Huron, Bradford, Owosso, and we took care of Tecumseh. Bigger, stronger, faster, probably. But definitely a winnable game. Last year's team didn't even hold LCC to 7 points in a half, like this team. They completely fell apart in a half, something last year's team did NOT do. That's what's unsettling to me.
A lot of times games are scheduled years in advance so you can not predict what type of a team you are going to play against. You ran into a better team last night. Take the lessons you learned and use them to your advantage. That is what championship programs do! Good luck in the playoffs.
You really need to quit whining. We all know SMCC is a Good team. Take your lumps and move on.
Rough rough stretch of football for me.
1. Michigan loses a heartbreaker
2. SMCC didn't have an answer tonight.
3. Lost a heartbreaker 7-6 in flag football tonight on a failed close 2 pt conversion.
Fast forward to next Friday, please? 🙂
No SMCC fans? What's up? Gusts don't it!
Riverview lost in or 40-34
JV Score. Jefferson 28. Owosso 14 final
Jefferson 36 Owasso 7. Final
Airport 14
Tecumseh 20
D 5
What division is LCC?
Bradford- 0
Jefferson 22. Owasso 7. Half
LCC 35- SMCC 10 4 minutes left
Lindeman from 67 yards out. 40 – 7 Milan.
Milan answers. Lindeman from 44 yards out. 33 – 7 Milan.
28-10 LCC is taking it to em now. Ugh. Had this coming with my boldness.
Lansing 28- SMCC 10. 10 minutes left in the 4th
A2Huron answers with a long pass to Edmonson (#3), setting up a short pass also to #3 for the TD. Anything Huron has done on offense goes through him.
28-7 Riverview 3rd quarter
21-10 LCC. Oh boy hahaha
LCC 21- SMCC 10 2:35 left in the third
Polijan scores. 14-10 LCC. SMCC punted and LCC has the ball back. Not looking good for the Falcons
First play of the second half, Lindeman takes it 80 yards to the house. 26 to 0 Milan
LCC 14- SMCC 10 in the third
Anyone have a Riverview update?
12-7 Tecumseh over Airport at Halftime
FR 20
Hazel Park 8
#9 Dad
FR 20 HP 8 at the half
Any score on airport game?
47 yard field goal by Lehman SMCC 10 LCC7 at the half
10-7 SMCC at half
47 yard field goal SMCC 10 LCC 7 at the half
Wait…7-7 in the 3rd? Typo?
Three 3 and outs for Lansing SMCC defense standing the test
19 – 0 Milan. Two minutes until the half.
SMCC 7 – LCC 7 3:22 left in the 3rd
Please keep me up-to-date on the milan scores as soon as possible… I was not able to make it to tonight's game! thank you in advance!!
End of 1st. Milan 6 A2Huron 0
Lansing scored quickly after a turn over but SMCC used 10 minutes of clock but could score.