SMCC @ Flat Rock

SMCC (2-0) defeated Riverview 14-12 last week while Flat Rock (1-1) fell to Milan 55-6. SMCC won last year’s game 42-0 and have won 13 in a row against the Rams. The Falcons lead the all time series 45-10-1.

SMCC passed a big test against a rugged Riverview team last week. Expect the Falcons to keep it on the ground this week. The Falcon defense forced 4 turnovers last week.

Flat Rock was humbled a bit last week by Milan. This week should be another tough test for the rebuilding Rams before the schedule eases up a little the next three weeks.

This game most likely won’t be close but don’t expect the Rams to simply lie down for the Falcons. Pick: SMCC 41 Flat Rock 13

44 thoughts on “SMCC @ Flat Rock”

  1. Ithaca has students that do school of choice like Milan. When you have something to offer, kids will attempt to transfer schools. CC has some good sports teams, Milan has a new school and some new facilities, Ithaca has a storied football program with most wins in country over last 4 years.

    If you have something to offer they will come. Sometimes kids that are good athletes will sometimes get together and transfer to the same school. Several freshman transferred to Airport this year in hopes of some stellar sports teams. We will see how that works out.

    Sports are a great experience, but unless your going to make money at it someday, its not worth transferring schools.

    Just Saying:-)

  2. I coached at the public schools and then coached at the private schools. As a public school product we always accused private schools specifically SMCC for recruiting. Here is the common denominators talent, program organization, "smart" coaching. We won at the public school when we had talent first and foremost. When at the private school we won when we had talent. At both places when talented players were few we last. People act like CC is in the state title every year or wins the Huron League every year. This simply is not true. Why, because other teams in the league get better talented players drawn from a larger student population, now this includes school of choice kids. 90% of players/students start in private schools and continue on to the private high school in the district. Are there a handful that come from outside public school yes, but by choice. When on the private school staff we never went out as door to door recruiters, more often then not families came to us wanting to be part of private school academics and athletics. Been on both sides of this camp and have won at both and lost at both primarily for the reasons I have already mentioned. So lets focus and respect the great game of Football and support our communities coaches and athletes. Come playoffs support your league teams and county teams. Good Luck to All!

  3. You have some good points 2:30pm. There is a big difference between reducing tuition for a student (athlete or not) and seeking out kids to play sports for your team and using that reduced tuition as a selling point. I do think a lot of kids go to SMCC for some of their great sports programs, and SMCC makes sure they can afford it. That is not recruiting to me, but like 2:30pm said, people will always have their opinions.

  4. Just to point something out. Ithaca gets blasted all the time because supposedly they have all sorts of football players from outside of their district. I don't think that travels down here so we don't here so much about it.

    As for the recruiting argument against SMCC. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Played, so played.

  5. OK. I will end this recruiting thing once and for all Sostento. SMCC does not recruit, BUT if ANY young man or women wants to attend there, good athlete or not and can not afford it, they will get reduced tuition. This currently applies to at least half the school.

    So, if a young man named Lako, Welch or Umphress want to attend SMCC, but can't afford it, they will get reduced tuition.

    This is what happens. I went there, I know. This is the reason they don't have facilities also. Very few actually pay $9500.

    Anyhow, call it what you like. tuition reduction, scholarship, recruiting, whatever. That's how it works.

    Dictionary. RECRUIT- Offering some sort of benefit to a group and/or individual to join and organization or team.

    Game Over. Sostento, I have had enough of this too. That spells it out right there. Everyone will always have their opinion. Time to move on.

    1. So, by your thinking, UofM should only have players from Michigan? Get ready to give up all those kids from, Ohio, Illinois, Texas, California, etc. What about "private school" don't you understand? We don't have the option of being "given" students along with lots of tax monies for facilities, faculty, busing, and books and/or technology. The Holy Cross Brothers opened a school in the late 40's and relied on the Catholic families to pay tuition for admission. If you wanted to send your son there, you paid. If you didn't, you went to public school. It still works that way today. There are scholarships available through the Archdiocese, parishes, and private parishoners, but would you turn down help if it was made available to you? And guess what? You all in my school district still get every single tax dollar I pay! I don't get a tax credit! So if your school's administrators are misusing your own tax dollars, by hiring the wrong coaches, not getting the kids the best equipment and facilities, don't blame us. You also don't have your students penalized by some colleges by not accepting their theology class credits. So get over it. We won last year with a small offensive line, and a nose guard that was 5' 6" and 160 lbs. A great player, but hardly a D1 recruit. Everything just clicked.

  6. Lets go RAMS !! Get a little fuel from that JV win. Stop that run game anything can happen. Bring some of that Riverview defense and a little better offense, it could happen.

    Good Luck, GO RAMS

  7. 11:01pm and 8:32am : Your points have been so thoroughly discussed and exhausted. I really don't understand the animosity towards private schools. If you think SMCC recruits (many people somehow do) then I have no words for you. The only advantage that private schools have over public schools is the lack of physical boundaries. If a player wants to go to a private school to play football for a good program, they can mostly do it.

    SMCC lost a few great players to bigger public schools in recent years because those players wanted to make it to the next level. Players actually LEFT a good private school program for public schools for football reasons! Teams like Clinton and Grass Lake get toasted by SMCC because of great coaching and a powerful system…which SMCC has. That is independent of them being a private school.

    To say that SMCC only beat two good teams on their playoff run last year is just wrong. I would argue that they actually beat 3 of the top 5 teams in D6 on that run. Grass Lake wasn't great. Clinton was ranked above CC for a while and had great speed. JLC was definitely a fantastic squad. GRNP was probably the 5th best team in D6 last year. No one in D6 had a tougher path to a state title run than SMCC did.

    I also disagree that SMCC would win in D4 or D5. They lost to LCC, who was a state finalist in D5, so you have direct proof there. D4 is tough with Sexton and GRSC, who is quite the power. They probably would have struggled even in D7, where Loyola resides. They have an unreal schedule every year, which prepares them for teams their size (sound familiar?).

    I'll finish with my discussion of Ithaca…what makes their program great that SMCC doesn't have? Ithaca has great coaching, a fantastic scheme, athletes year in and year out, and some of the best facilities in the state. If they were a private school, they would be consistently getting blasted with the "They're only good because they can hand-pick athletes and they're a private school and blah blah blah" argument. But since they're a public school they get praised for their system, player development, and coaching. It's bs that when a public school has that, they get credit where credit is due, but when a private school does it, it goes back to their privateness.

    OLSM, Muskegon CC, SMCC, Loyola, and other private programs are successful for their own reasons, which mostly deal with fantastic coaching and utilization of talent. Sour grapes will always be thrown towards teams that are successful, and sadly that will never change.

  8. Well said. 11:01. I agree it is sad for a public school, who some have had their best team in 20 years and they get beat by a private school. Private schools are great, lots of good unselfish people at most of them. But they should be competing against each other. Not in a predominant public school league.

  9. I'm glad SMCC won a state title. Coach Jack is a very good coach and that team had some really good hard nosed football players. However, playing in D-6 was a joke. They only beat two good teams on their playoff run. Lumen and Ithica. That was an awesome team don't get me wrong, but having kids on the team from all different towns is an unfair advantage. I'd say the same about Novi CC, Rice, St Mary's who destroyed Huron in D-3 with in my opinion the best team in all divisions last year.

    But your not the worst one…. Muskegon CC playing in D-8 last year prop would have won the state title in Division 4,5,6,7, and 8 lol…. It's a moot point, but anyone who really knows Michigan Hs football including Chris, ( who knows his stuff) understands. It's more sad for the teams like Grass Lake or Clinton who have good little teams get toasted in the playoffs by private schools. Throw in Hillsdale who was really good and had to play Lumen in the District final……

    Like I said, I have nothing, but respect for Jack and the program he built. A great guy and coach. I think SMCC would have won the state title in Divison 4 and 5 last year. Unless they ran into Division 8 Muskegsn CC who was a monster last season.

    Just sayin:-)

  10. It is what it is. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, get a life, whatever. I am a winner and do not need to go to SMCC to prove it. I was at SMCC, now involved in public school. I know a great deal about all this. I will move on, the point has been made. 11:57 asked for it.

  11. Im not a supporter per se of SMCC but shame on the guy who is diminishing the great accomplishment of 16 and 17 year old KIDS. Get a life.

  12. That's a state championship with an asterisk ****

    ****Assembled team with all stars from Ida, Airport, Jefferson, Dundee, GI, New Boston. Preying on everyone elses talent.

  13. The FALCONS have the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP from last year. Sooooooooooooo you can keep your league title. STATECHAMPS BABY!!

    Just saying"

    1. I'd love an undefeated match up BUT I'd also like to see a bottom team come up from the grave and strike at a top contending team. Wishful thinking on my end.


  14. I watched the FR game.. they are on the right track over there IMO.. Keep things as simple as possible and work on the basics and go from there. Flat Rock isnt a bad team, I think they will improve a ton from wk 1-9.


    1. Sorry poster 10:23
      I'm not at all delusional. Simply think that anything is possible. I will tell you that SMCC is a great team. They always are. But since you want to use a word to discribe me with out knowing me I will only tell you this, good luck, I hope your kids play a great game. Maybe the falcon won't turn to a crow. Good luck. And God bless. I'll "pray" for ya!
      #9 Dad

  15. Am I missing an inside joke or does someone not know the difference between Prey and Pray? Iol good luck Rams; I pray you guys come out with an upset! Play the full game! Don't give up.


  16. Tough game, without a doubt, for Flat Rock. After last week, the team could be down, however they seem to have a good attitude. Good group of kids this year… Hope they can keep it close, and maybe put a bit of a scare into CC.

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