Please Be Kind

I’m asking people to please think before they write something in the comments section, then please rethink before you submit. I do review all comments, but quite frankly, when I get a gazillion comments I sometimes miss some that shouldn’t be posted.

Please remember that although this is social media, I can shut done the blog with one press of a button. I enjoy doing the blog, but as many of you know it really makes no difference to me whether it’s around or not.

13 thoughts on “Please Be Kind”

  1. Lighten up Mrs RN. Some have stats, some have comments. All sarcasm and fun. I'm sure GI will be fine, they have an RN. LOL.

  2. Chris, I don't know what I would do about my huron league football fix without this blog. I like the innocent trash talk but insults about 16-18 year old young men is uncalled for. Please don't let a couple bad apples ruin it for everyone. And GO CHIEFS and GO JR. CHIEFS

  3. Agree, like hearing updates, don't mind some trash talking, but some posts are literally childish. Hopefully, most realize that anyone who talks with a lack of respect is not speaking for the majority of any school's fans

  4. Hey Chris, not sure if I am missing something somewhere, are all these games tonite? Typically some are Thursday, some are Friday. Didn't see any dates anywhere. Thanks.

  5. No one cares about riverview flat rock Milan or airport especially no one cares about gross ile. People only care about Jefferson and cc

    1. Why would you post this on a post specifically saying not to say those types of things. GI has had 3 playoff appearances 2 district titles and a regional title in the last four years. Maybe you should start caring bud

  6. I'm from Flat Rock, and really do enjoy the blog… Have also tried to contribute more of late. Thank you for doing this, and please keep up the great work!

  7. Understand totally Mr. Schultz. The problem is, which is no fault of yours, the other schools in this blog need to come on board. Rarely hear from F.R., G.I., the View, Huron, and Airport. All the SMCC folk have office jobs and are online all day, so they are all over this thing. Most of us are tired of hearing about them.

    I can speak for a vast majority of your audience. If you could evaluate many of your entries over the years, they are shots at SMCC or SMCC folks defending themselves. Other schools need to get on here. Not just 1 guy from Huron, 1 guy from Milan, 2 guys from Jefferson and 20 from SMCC.

    Just some input. Sorry if I have offended you.

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