Huron League Thoughts and Questions

SMCC has won 13 straight Huron League games.

My first pick to start a team from the Huron League is Milan’s Trace Lindeman.

Riverview is picking up steam.

Congrats to Flat Rock on their first win over Airport since 2001.

I can’t figure out if Grosse Ile is a good team or not.

I can’t figure out if Huron is a good team or not.

What is going on with Jefferson?

What is going on with Airport?

SMCC’s Hunter Coombe is a great High School football player. Have you ever heard of him?

Milan’s Cortez Gray reminds me of Huron’s Tyler Weclowski from 2009. Both great LB’s!

Week 6 Huron League Game of the Week?

Flat Rock’s Justin Roberts is fun to watch!

Early thoughts on Huron League Coach of the Year?

Someone’s playoff hopes could take a huge hit in New Boston this week.

96 thoughts on “Huron League Thoughts and Questions”

  1. That is incorrect. JLC is currently D6. There is a website online that predicts divisions based on the current records of teams. The MHSAA just puts a team in a division and leaves them there til after wk 9, sometimes realizing they were wrong. And in the case of JLC, as we currently sit, they are. GRWC is the very bottom of D5.

    I will post the site here if you would like to check it out.

    Chris you can omit this if you dont want to promote possible "competition"


  2. No hate or resentment their 7:10. Just stating differences statistically between public and private schools.

    The animosity comes from others on here because the private school continues to say how good they are and why. I felt the need to shed a little light on this. Of course all schools have issues, public schools have more. That is the point sir.

  3. I'm not in this conversation, but that last comment was a joke. I was at that game and SMCC was hands down the better overall team. LC had a monster rushing attack with a good line and a Big ten running back, but their Defense was horrendous. That along with the SMCC offense being exceptional. I don't know the stats, but I'm guessing SMCC averaged 8 to 9 yds a carry. SMCC was a special football team last year that only comes around once in a long time. There was over 1000 yds of total offense in that game and was one of the best football games I've ever seen.

    Not sure who the player was, but as LC is driving down to score and win, either the safety or corner smacks Khari Willis and forces a game wining fumble. Willis was the best player on the field no doubt as any big ten kid usually is, but SMCC was a much better team and that usually wins you most of your games even playing against a monster like Willis. So saying SMCC loses 9 out of 10 times is not correct. They were a much better team.

  4. He says why are we stuck in the past… then spends his whole post talking about the past. nice.

    SMCC was favored against JLC and Ithaca.

    1. Who had CC favored against JLC? CC won the game but probably loses 9 times out of 10. They had no business going to JLC and winning that game.

  5. Ummm no, Lumen is D6. ….and West Catholic is the bottom of D5 currently. They could very well drop to D6. Clinton and GRNPC is D7.


  6. Why are we stuck in the past. Who cares what OLSM would do to SMCC last year. Hartwick is a wonderfully talented football player but he not John Lako. Lako was a. 220# brusing fullback that would have given Ross from OLSM a few headaches of his own. No one gave SMCC a chance against Jackson last year but they pulled it off. No one thought they would beat Ithacca but they did. No one is going to give CC a chance against Milan next week. Let's see what happens. I think Rocky Marciano in his prime would have knocked Ali out but what's the point of all this nonsense.

  7. For the teacher quoting stats at public schools. You have no idea the family life of some of the private school kids. Many are from broken homes and deal with real world problems as well. Does the public school see more, sure. More students equals higher probability. But please don't act like private school students and athletes don't deal with real world problems. I assure you they do. What's nice is being able to have a Faith based support system to help them through it. For some that is not always enough. So let's care and support all these young adults needing help. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, classes. Stop the hate and resentment it's getting old. Respect the the game of football! Nurture the students in all our schools and communities.

  8. Sorry Guys. 12:08 hit the nail on the head. Stats are approximate, not exact at every school, but something to go by.

    Everyone just wants to say their school is better and work harder, well, its not like that everywhere.

  9. OLSM by 2 or 3 scores, maybe more. Game at Navarre closer, game on turf, worse! No disrespect but the D Line was big and fast with a few D1 guys. LB"s were fast and physical.(Ross's hit on Hartwick was one of the most violent HS hits I have ever seen. Cracked his helmet.) Corners could fly. The straight T with SMCC's personnel would not have worked on them. Of course it didn't have to, they are D3.

  10. "SMCC and Orchard Lake St. Mary's would have been a close game last year"

    I am a supporter of SMCC but that is a silly statement above.


  11. This argument will go on and on. Private school can be sheltering, so folks that have been involved with private school their whole life may not realize what 12:08 said. We all have our points.

    A better crop of kids attends a private school, that's why people pay. When the crop is better, there is more success.

  12. The point was to compare this years varsity football teams that they are putting on the field as of today. Really don't know why you are directing this at my comment. So throwing stats about being successful who judges who is successful, you? What is success money, love, fame, and because you may think you know what goes on there are many kids that go through things at all schools. You think it is all sunshine and smiles at private schools. Those kids have issues also but comparing schools that have 2 or 3 times the students of course the number is going to be higher. So at summerfield who has 200 kids total 50 per class only 5 kids will be successful. Sorry not buying those stats.

  13. 8:53 and 10:24, come on now. Do I need to spell this out. I have been on both sides of this. Public and Private.

    Without writing a novel, I will keep it short. SMCC kids are at SMCC because they want to be. They families are paying money for them to go there.

    The real world and public High School only has a small percentage who want to be there and give it their all. It takes a lot more public school kids to find the cream of the crop than it does private school. Its a fact.

    There are statistics on this. For every 2 kids at your school 1 will be very successful, academics, sports, whatever. For every 5 kids at public school 1 will be very successful, academics, sports, whatever.

    Get the picture. So don't give all of us on here that tradition, awesome coaches, committed athlete crap. We all have those. You just have more of them.

    In fact, an extremely good athlete coming up the ranks at a local public school will probably never see the field again, because he is from a broken home, has no transportation to athletics and recently had a child. He's not even in 11th grade yet. That's reality folks. He could probably be one of the best athletes around.

    I am a teacher, I read statistics like this all the time. That's why a public school teacher has a higher salary than most private school teachers also. We have more to deal with. I have absolutely nothing against SMCC or any private schools.

    Just offering a realistic opinion.

  14. Come on do an eye test. You can't say that Huron, Riverview, and Milan do not have better athletes than cc. Cream of the crop. Have you seen a cyo football game in awhile. Riverview is loaded with athletic ability and has been for the last few years. Huron is also loaded with athletes. Doesn't always translate to good football players but athletic wise those 3 have more gifted athletes.

    1. Not part of it don't want to be don't care to be .I go to st Marys ..your tradition is propped up by everyone else's money..we have tradition at monroe also. And who cares its high school move on loser

  15. Last Year Huron would have went as far as SMCC did if they were in D6. The only stumble would have been JLC, like it was for SMCC. I believe it took 4 Hail Marys for SMCC to win that one on that late game crazy 4th down play. Anyhow, they did get it done.

    I believe Huron would have done the same in D6. OLSM is a machine and would have crushed SMCC also.

    Unfortunately Huron is not as good this year, but still respectable. SMCC will roll through D6 again for a few weeks until they get to the good teams again. Very ridiculous, but whatever. Milan will do very well if in D4, should make it a long way in that division.

    Riverview will have it tough. D3 seperates the men from the boys in my opinion. Riverview looks very good. With Chase in there they are a machine. Good Luck to them. They have a great team.

    Its sad that it takes almost double the enrollment at a public school to get enough kids to match the talent of a private school. I would say Milan, Riverview and SMCC have fairly equivalent teams this year. 400 smcc, 800 Milan, 900 riverview.

    That tells you the talent right there.

  16. SMCC would have just as much success in division 4 and possibly division 3 some years. I'll give them credit-as much as I don't care for SMCC they are a damn good program!!

  17. The top 2 maybe 3 teams in the Huron League are about on par with the 8 teams that make REGIONALS in D6. This year Milan might be a little tougher, although I dont think they would beat Ithaca.


  18. To the Riverview fan ripping on SMCC's teams they face in the playoff. Those are schools of their size. SMCC beat you which means in turn your school could not compete in division 6. Matter of fact none of the schools outside of SMCC last year could compete in division six. Tired of the SMCC bashing. Look at the numbers your school has compared to them. Even Flat Rock has way more students. Instead of bashing SMCC you should be embarrassed that such a small school beat you. My kids are gone now and I have no affiliation to any school but I do like good football and programs that do it right. Year after year that is SMCC. I cant wait to Milan and SMCC. I hope all boys go out and compete this week and stay safe. Its just a game in the end.

  19. Not Rumors, facts… SMCC is at one of the lowest enrollments in the history of the school. As far as the CYO goes, there is one 7-8th grade team for all the Monroe City parishes, historically there are 3, and 1 team in Newport, who usually sees kids split between Airport, Jefferson and SMCC… It will be an interesting 4-5 years to see what the population does and if little things going on will develop more interest in the CYO moving forward.

  20. If rumors are true Chris, SMCC lowest numbers in school history. That means they are below 400 total students. Rumors have been said that the CYO numbers are way down, many parishes can't field teams. So low numbers decreased many opportunities including talent pool.

    What are enrollments at other Huron schools? SMCC below 400……fact! Although for playoff seeding its based on last year's enrollment which I believe was 417.

  21. Our AD told us that he and most of the other AD's in the league were tight on numbers and if any of them stepped up to make a team, there were not enough local freshman teams to play. They would have to travel far to find games and that was not practical. Riverview has had the most I have seen. Close to 50 I counted. Rest of us, low to mid 3o's.


  22. School of choice is terrible. It is running sports in Michigan. Several schools around here have good academics, most of the changes are due to success in certain sports or the quality of the school itself. Back in the day, parents would never uproot their kids to go to a different school because of sports. It happens all the time now. I am not for this, it will just make the dividing line between the good and the bad school even worse. Lesser schools will struggle even more now, if they have a better sports school nearby. Its a shame. Kids move schools, leave longtime friends, parents break longtime adult relationships, for what?? So Johnny can make an NAIA or D2 team somewhere and get $2500 off his tuition. Crazy. Stick to your local school and focus on academics. You will save a lot more on tuition that way, than what any sport can give you.

    I love sports as much as the next guy, but bouncing around schools to get on a better team is crossing the line. I would rather earn a good run with some lifelong friends rather than be on an assembled team winning a championship with a bunch of kids or parents I will never see again.

  23. Riverview does not have a Freshman team. They did break out the Freshman on the JV squad during week 4 to play Huron's Freshman team. I was told that it becomes a game scheduling issue for a Freshman squad as almost all the Huron League teams do not have enough players to have 3 squads (Freshman, JV, and Varsity). I agree with the comment about most of these players not seeing any game time, it's true unless the game is out of hand. Kids only get better when the are playing, not standing around. This goes for both practices as well as games.

  24. JV numbers don't always equal athletes. Football is one of the few sports that does not cut anyone. So 40 kids on the sideline doesn't equate to a good freshman and good JV program. Airport is bragging about how many freshman are doing well on their JV program. Where are their sophomores? Are they needed for varsity? Their future would not look as bright if they had a split program and went 1-8 at JV level and 4-2 at freshman because 3 games got canceled and 2 others were scheduled with Canton or AA pioneer or any other Div 1 school. Each school has to do what's best for their program to compete and establish a winning tradition with the athletes they have. Both athletes and non athletes can benefit from a winning program even as the playing time is not equal.

  25. Not having freshmen football hurts programs. Too many kids don't see the field as freshmen and many sophomores don't see the field either. It hurts the depth of a program. Right now it is to Huron's advantage being the only team with a freshmen program. They get more overall reps in practice and then obviously the game time play. Programs like Riverview should have a team. They have the numbers.

  26. Wondering what other people's view is on schools not having Freshman football teams? I understand it's a numbers game and some schools just can't have a team at the Freshman level but some of these JV teams I see have 40 plus kids on them. Most Freshman are standing on the sidelines and never get in the game. These kids go to practice and work their butts off and probably get the crap beat out of them by some of the Sophmores. It's almost a wasted year for a lot of these kids. After spending their Freshman year of football like this how many of these kids actually come back and play the following year? How many quit? I firmly believe this is killing the Huron League. I give credit to Huron and Riverview for keeping Freshman football.

  27. 708 why can't you say something positive bout the kids from FR. They are working their butts off just like every other team. Cupcake wins yes Summit is bad and who knows about Hazel Park but a lot of these kids haven't won a game in 2 years and you want to put them down. Instead of putting them down and if you know so much strap up and go coach them and help them
    Cc parent

  28. School of choice really evens things out. Only problem is nobody good wants to go to a losing program. Success attracts talent. If you want to be a winner, go to SMCC. State champs in football, Volleyball and Softball in the years 2014-2015. Cant blame parents for wanting to be a part of greatness. 95% of those kids played in the CYO anyways. So its really a moot point.

  29. SMCC is done. There is a reason Jack left and he did it a year early to help the new coach. He will be a head coach next year mark my words. SMCC has a Nice team this year, but not enough to even make it to the semi finals. Given this is division six where they will beat up on the great small schools of Manchester Grasslake and Clinton Lol. Milan is very good. This is from a Riverview fan who watched both games. Milan is the better team. The SMCC team last year was special. And Jack deserved to win it. He's a great coach.

  30. I'll bet anyone on here a cold beverage that Jefferson beats FR. I'll be at Vernas after. Their line play is a joke on both sides. They have a great athlete at QB . If you watch it's him running for his life on broken plays and or throwing it up to one of the best receiver / athletes in the league… they aren't exactly good on D . They've given up 55, 53, 43 and 28 in league games. Airport is pitiful with the exception of Meiring. 3 years ago everyone told me they were good when they won 4 games fr will win 3 total if their QB stays healthy. You're telling me they beat Airport without him? NO WAY.

    1. While my son plays for FR, and thus I am a huge fan, I caution others to remember that the transitive property does not apply to football. Just because Airport beat Jefferson, and FR beat Airport, does not automatically mean FR beats Jefferson. Remember, the same could be said in reverse, in that Jefferson beat GI, and GI beat FR, therefore one could make the argument that Jefferson beats FR. That's why they play the games… Should be a good one! Go Rams!

    2. Wow a Jefferson fan calling Airport pitiful!!! First off who is Airport's 1 win against? Second Airport has won 9 straight over Jefferson. And lastly Flat Rock's QB will eat Jefferson's defense alive.

  31. Early prediction on what looks like the league championship game. SMCC will wear down the Milan defense and keep Milans offense off the field. The intriguing match up is the Milan offense vs the SMCC defense which seems to be gelling more and more every week. Milan has a lot speed but it won't be enough to blow the CC defense out of the water. Milans depth really concerns me and I believe that played a factor in last years 56-0 loss. It seemed that the line was gassed and could not open up any holes for Linderman to run through. Linderman also played both ways last year and didn't seem explosive in that game but maybe that's because the line was owned by smcc. This game will be close for the first half with SMCC pulling away in the 2nd half.
    SMCC is the king of the hill again 34-20

  32. Don't get to excited about flat rock…….one win over a summit academy team who would get beat by 5-6 of the leagues jv/frosh teams an airport team who did not play well Friday night 9 out of 10 games airport wins and this weeks Jefferson team is also questionable but you have miracle wins once a year not usually twice. Those who attended the game no fr kids made plays they haven't made in previous weeks it was a good night for them but reality is you are still fr and always will have moments for a week or two and the dust settles grass is always greener when u win and the last game is an auto win as well nice schedule to get confidence but reality everyone reality it's a 1-2 win season when u schedule what people call in the fb world cupcake games and fr u do need them to get it going

    1. Airport might win 9 out of 10 games, but they didn't win this one. Also, you make it seem as though FR was lucky to get the win, when in reality, they never trailed in the game. FR's schedule is not that different than other Huron League schools, who have also scheduled Summit. No team needs to apologize for any schedule, but simply must go out and execute. In addition to this, why wouldn't FR schedule non-league games against schools of similar size or that have had recent records similar to FR. Last year, FR played 6 teams (4 Huron league and 2 non-league teams) that made the playoffs, while Riverview and Huron (2 playoff teams) each played Summit. Huron also closes with Summit this year, and Huron and Riverview also each played Summit in 2013, so spare me… FR has been down and their players have been through quite a bit, so excuse anyone from Flat Rock if we don't care that you think we shouldn't be "excited". Sounds like sour grapes to me.

  33. I would take Lindeman any day to start a team with. That kid has a lot of talent and I think he is the best RB in the league right now.

  34. Cheering for your Team and bashing others are two totally different things. As a League we should support all the teams. The Huron League plays some hard nosed football most years. yes SMCC benefits from this given they play bigger schools then go to the playoffs against schools their size. The other Huron League schools have had some success as well. Huron last year, Milan, Riverview, GI, and AP in the recent past.

    Talent pools are getting smaller and smaller at many schools. Either kids not playing (safety is becoming a major issue for some) or enrollments going down. Talent always cycles, so what coaches get out is a tribute to their players and their coaching staffs.

    I never agreed that COY should coincide with wins or league title. Improvement from a given year I believe indicates a lot about the team and coach. If FR can win 5 or 6 games "winning season" their coach should be considered for COY. Otherwise you may have to consider Milan or SMCC for that honor. One for improvement from last year and second for continuing success after losing large class of seniors from state and league champion.

    GI and Huron on middle pack teams. Jefferson and AP at the bottom "this year". FR, Riverview yet to be determined. SMCC and Milan are the top two.

  35. I think Huron and Riverview should be the game of the week. There is more riding on that game for those 2 than any other right now.
    Cortez is a great football player. He has the ability to hurt you on either side of the ball. My opinion is that he is the best defensive player in the league.
    I believe Milan actually won 15 straight league games. Back to back undefeated seasons gave them 14, and I'm not for sure if they were 2-0 or 1-1 to start last year.
    I think Flat Rock wins against Jefferson.
    At the start of the season I picked Matt from Huron to start a team cause I thought he was the best QB in the league. I think I would still pick him but Barnes from Milan is right there with him. Right now each player starting for Milan really compliments each other. They have so many players who can break one.
    Coach of the year? That is left to be said. Too much football left to play.
    #9 Dad

  36. It flat rock goes 5-4 (which means going 3-1 the next few weeks), their coach deserves coach of the year. You can't argue with that. To go from 0-18 to a winning record at 5-4 is fantastic. Whether he does win coach of the year or not, hats off to the flat rock program.

  37. Coming into each game for FR has to have been tough as a player, coach, and fan. Creating an identity for the team to believe in and the community to rally around is tough when you're losing coaches and games. I'm sure it was emotional and rewarding for everyone involved Friday night. Hopefully they can surprise a few more teams this year and prove that this staff and group of kids can continue to build the program.

  38. I think not just the head coach at flat rock should get the coach of the year award but the entire staff at flat rock should get it.

    I mean look at the JV, they are 4-1 and seem to be pretty organized. I see both staffs always helping each other out on game day. They seem to all get along, where this program has come from is absolutely remarkable. They have those kids motivated and ready to work just about every day and if they have a bad practice your damn sure the next day will be q great one. I'm proud my son plays for them and I'm glad my kid goes to flat rock schools

  39. You will know this week if Huron's a good team, if they win it'll full steam ahead to the playoffs if they lose forget about it. What is going on with Airport? Unfortunately they just don't have the talent this year, maybe things will turn around in a year or two when this talented JV class moves up. Yes Roberts from FR is fun to watch, great runner and can make the timely pass. If SMCC wins the league I would give their guy coach of the year. This weeks game of the week is Huron-Riverview, huge playoff implications. EM

  40. Just as SMCC was finally getting healthy as a team the injury bug returns with Carrabino and Blanchett most likely sidelined this week. Hopefully a week of rest will be all they need as SMCC and Milan showdown for what looks like the HL Championship Game.

  41. Just as SMCC was finally getting healthy as a team the injury bug returns with Carrabino and Blanchett most likely sidelined this week. Hopefully a week of rest will be all they need as SMCC and Milan showdown for what looks like the HL Championship Game.

  42. Hunter Coombe is a great kid. Good basketball player also. Not sure how good anyone is right now in the league. Kipf is easily leading man for coach of the year. Just because you finally win a game does not crown the coach. I think Huron and Grosse Ille are good. SMCC seems to be improving every week. Just found out Carribino was out the entire game Friday and still beat the Devils with ease. I've seen everyone play with the exception of Jefferson and SMCC has a scary defense right now.

    1. With FR, please remember it is not simply about "winning a game." They had not won any games in two years, had a Defensive Coordinator unexpectedly pass away during the season last year, lost their head coach to a better career opportunity, and have been the laughing stock of this league and blog for asking as I can remember. The job these coaches have done in installing belief among the team is nothing short of spectacular!

  43. I like reading the old posts from when the season began and reading them now it always amazed me how things change in a matter of a few weeks. I know it has nothing to do with the up coming weeks but it sure is fun. All the bold statement that did or didn't pan out.

  44. Huron is going to have to step it up this week; the offense has to pick it up, and the defense has to step it up. Otherwise, they will not see the playoffs this year. Which is sad considering most of the talent they have this year, was the talent that led them last year. I don't quite get it, but if you wanna be playing on week 10, they have to make changes. They have potential to win the rest of their season, they just gotta step it up. Whether is be them running the ball, or throwing it, they have the weapons to utilize both offensive styles, there shouldnt be any issues with scoring like there has been.

    Congrats to Flat Rock! A win is a win, and that was a solid win! I think they very well have enough potential to take on Jefferson this week and come out with a win. Their defense sounds decent, but long as the offense rolls on, they will win.

    Lindeman is a beast… And he still has one more year to play. That's scary. lol


  45. I do think flat rock head coach should get coach of the year he has led his boys to finally winning a Huron league game in two years also when I attend the games I don't hear much yelling and that is great I don't think you should put someone down if they make a mistake just talk it over like he dose I think flat rock has come a long way and I can't wait to see flat rock vs Jefferson!

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