157 thoughts on “Friday Night Scores”

  1. A LOT of the stadiums out here in Colorado only have stands on one side. Anywhere between 5 and 12 schools in a school district share a stadium. So no one really has a home field advantage. Some of these stadiums don't have locker rooms to fit the whole team in. You could play a Saturday 10 AM game once week and a Thursday night game the next. JV and Freshmen games are played on practice fields. These fields are nothing but dirt and dust at the end of the season with the high desert climate we have. But we do have breakfast burritos for the morning games. 🙂 Be thankful for what you have.

  2. FWIW, back in 2007 I remember attending a Milan playoff game at Dearborn Heights Robichaud. That location has no visitor bleachers whatsoever. Because of how that field is wedged into the available space, there is almost no room between the track, the fence, and the road . All fans had to sit on the "home" side. While there were no fan vs. fan incidents that I saw (perhaps because it was really cold that day), I'm glad I haven't had other experiences like that, because not all fan bases can behave themselves when emotions run high.

  3. 6:57pm – Not every SMCC fan is like that. Heck, every fanbase has their arrogant people, just like they also have their nice, pleasant people. Unfortunately it's usually the arrogant ones that find ways to post their (often rude) opinions, misrepresenting the fanbase as a whole. It's unfortunate.

  4. I just want to say every other school except cc is public and they have no problem taking care of the visitors. Do your do diligence. Have some pride in your facility. This has to do with anybody that visits not just cc fans.

  5. Not a frequent poster but I always defend SMCC (most of the time in my head). But, it sure is changing based on the "visitor stands police". At first, I thought "can he be serious"? But now I know what a d-bag truly is. A LOT of public school facilities need improving – check out non-Huron league schools for a change. For years SMCC fans didn't even show up at Huron games because it was an easy, running-clock win. Now, arguably 2-5 years since Huron becomes competitive in football the pretentious SMCC crowd is clamoring for better facilities for that game they attend EVERY OTHER YEAR? Maybe all the criticism of SMCC is fair. Whereas I thought that school was filled with good families, based on tradition, full of a winning culture, etc is instead an institution that behaves simply like a spoiled brat full of arrogance. What a shame…..when you pull back the curtain.

  6. Maybe there are those who don't understand the funding of athletics at a public school, especially funds for the visitors side of a football field that gets used 9 maybe 10 times per year.

  7. You people need to give it up already. Bring a chair for gramps and put him on the track. Hurons facilities are fine for high school. It's all about the kids competing it's not about you bunch of whiners.

  8. There are high school baseball fields with more seating than hurons visitor side… some people are whining about it a bit extensively but I think we all can acknowledge that Huron could do better.

  9. If you're going to be so loud with your whine please attach a name with your post so we know who to pass a tissue to.

    As for Free Money from the state I'm pretty sure SMCC gets free money from the largest non-profit in the world called the Catholic Church.

    Did you buy the 50/50 tickets because you felt like giving or because you felt you had the chance to win a cash prize? Probably a little bit of both.

    Are you on here to complain or get some results? Why don't you call the Huron athletic department or the board office. Take the tone you did in your cute little rant above. I'm sure you will get the results you are looking for.

    If you were really concerned with everything, you would have called already. The fact is, your on here instead just to stick it to somebody and then run like Forest Gump.

  10. As I saw it, there were plenty of SMCC fans "throwing money" Huron's way. We spent money on admission, and concessions. We even bought your 50/50 tickets. You should take some of the "Free Money" you get from the State and spend it on some Visitor's bleachers. Metal is great, wood would be great as well. The Big House sucks anyway so don't compare yourself to them. I was at St. Charles School this weekend and they DEFINITELY have more seating than Huron does. I don't need champagne, I have a pad, thank you. I would like at least some kind of walkway that is not completely uneven and unsafe, and not on any kind of incline. All of us CC fans should have came over and crowded you out of your own Home stands. There were more of us there anyway. Then you guys would have been crying even more.

  11. That's funny. That sums up all my thoughts on this bleacher crap.

    "Some of y'all would complain if you were hung with a new rope"

    Best comment of the all 139 currently in this segment. LOL.


  12. You're there for maybe 2 hours, its meant to sit; not lay down, sprawl out with a glass of champagne like you're at home in your lazyboy. You're not in the big house where millions are made every year to help with the up keep of the stadium and field… its HIGH SCHOOL. If you dont wanna sit on the Away side, then find a spot in the Home side, its the same damn bleachers… If you're gonna keep complaining about what Huron does, or doesn't have, then open up them wallets ballers. You have so much to complain about then help fix the problem; throw some money to the problem. If you're not helping fix the problem, then shut your mouths. The stands are metal. Dont like metal on your rears? Then bring a padded seat. SMH. Some of yall would complain if you were hung with a new rope.


    1. My grandparents aren't around anymore. But there is a handicap access ramp on the East side of the home bleachers that elderly and wheelchair bound can use to access the bleachers…


    2. Then deal with the hand you're dealt. You don't go to the casino and sit at a black jack table and say "well I want these cards please so I can win the hand" … No, you take the hand that is given to you, and you play it out. You may lose $20 but that's your gamble. Sorry to be an ass. But that's the truth. Tired of the bickering over damn away sections. You have a place to pee and poop, and a place to get food. Take it or leave it. Some schools have neither or.


  13. Quit complaining about Huron's field, you won the game didn't you? If you don't like it get out of the league. By the way NICE TRACK you have for your meets.

  14. I was on Huron's field and the grass is in worse shape then Navarre's. Why would any school have such poor visitor stands for so long as Huron, they had no problem building a nice press box. Treat your visitors the way you would like to be treated. I know CCs aren't the best but Huron's are definitely the worst.

    1. Those old Navarre stands were the best. Playing under those on the huge mats as a kid was the absolute best on a Friday night. Navarre hasn't felt the same since those were torn down.

  15. SMCC has really no facilities, they didn't even have a weight room until Giarmo got there. Back in 1991 when they won the State Title in class B they practiced at Roessler field with one goal post. Yes Navarre field is in rough shape but it is a Junior High Facility and CC leases it from Monroe Public Schools. You don't need great facilities to be good at something. You need heart, belief, will and strong tradition that's why it works there. Hell Jamaica has a bob sledding team and they didn't even have snow to work with.

  16. Love when people comment on other teams and say they are an observant fan. Could it be someone commenting on their own team indisguise. Like a fan from milan knows that jefferson has capable receivers standing on the sideline lol

  17. Just saying milan is the best team in the league smcc field is the worst lights are pretty bad and I went to milan when we went 9-0 both years and I started but yes SMCC field is horrible the lights suck and SMCC offense is good at wasting clock witch is to there benefit but it also goes against you because that could get u beat but milan will go 8-1 SMCC will lose to milan and finish 2nd #9 is the best RB in the league I mean he only got 9 carries and averaged 13.1 yards a carry but when his number gets called and if he gets a lot more carries his numbers are going through the roof but well see that's why they play the game

  18. Jefferson aired it out 75% of the time last year. This year Jefferson barley passes. Their personal favors something in the middle of those two. They have a QB that can throw and they have recirvers standing on the side line all game long. Once again not adjusting to talent.
    -Observant Milan fan

  19. Has anyone considered this? An actual benefit from playing at or on Navarre Field? I'm starting to think that by playing on a garbage field like Navarre, it actually gives SMCC a small advantage. It helps to show the CC kids that if they can play in crappy conditions like that, they can play just about anywhere. So when they travel to places with better and more modern facilities, maybe they improve a bit, because of the better playing surfaces. I could be wrong, but it was just a thought.

  20. EM I really hope you are being sarcastic. Redmond ran it up more than any coach in this league the last 20 years. Running trick plays to end games up 30 with your 2's is still running it up.

  21. My point is Redmond would never pass the ball with a huge 4th qtr lead. Sometimes the 2nd or 3rd string back would bust a long one, but that's on the defense to stop it when they know what's coming. Did I mention I miss Redmond. EM

  22. What your missing about Navarre is the guy running the clock. When the opponent has a lead, the clock moves slow. When the opponents losing, the clock rarely stops – smcc is tough enough to beat head up – but with god on the clock, good luck.

  23. SMCC has no reason on the planet to complain about a field. Yours is the worst and you don't even own it. Come on already.

    1. When you come to a game @Navarre, you at least have a place to sit, rented or otherwise. No one asks your fans to walk up an 8ft hill with no steps, walkways, or anything. At Huron, we literally could not see over the players on the sidelines. Is Navarre Field the best? Heck no! I'll be the first to say so. No parking, limited facilities, and the actual playing field is terrible. But for now, and the foreseeable future, it's our only option. We rent it, and the city makes all the decisions. We don't have the wide spaces that everyone else has. We are a small, landlocked, city school. Tax dollars aren't an option for us. We only ask you to come to our house every other year, as does everyone else. But as I said before at least you have a place to sit, and you can actually see the game.

  24. I was at the Milan game also 12:28. all your TD's in the 2nd half involved passing. I believe you passed to get down inside the 10 and took 4 shots to run it in. ran Lindemann 3 times, couldn't get him a TD, so QB went up the middle. It was 34 to 15 at that point. That made it 42-15. You passed again late to drive down and make it 50-15. No reason for that. No sour grapes, your pretty good team, just got to get some class. Late tackles were awful. Anyhow, life goes on. Not going to argue with you about it.

    we hung with you for a quarter and a half. the blocked punt and our poor secondary coverage got you rolling. Too much for us to overcome. We did handle your run game well. But, whatever, you won't admit that. #9 dad, I appreciate your opinions, but downplay what your son does. Not cool to brag about him on here. Nobody else does that. Several RB's in league as good. They aren't on here like that. ITs about the team.

    1. Not one time have I bragged about my son. I only give his stats. I have only stated facts as well. And I also give credit where credit is due. I down play nothing. My son knows with out the other 10 players on that field the chance of winning just a play will not happen. I don't know who you are and how you came to your opinion but your entitled to that. I have no problem admitting mistakes made by my son or his team mates. I also have no problem telling the team that they all played well, good, great or bad. So if that's bragging in your eyes, then I guess this dad is bragging. Hope you have a great day!
      #9 Dad

    2. I quote from #9 dad "total team effort" .. I do believe a team is more than 1 player. He also mentioned other players who had big plays as well.

  25. 11:38pm, you sound pretty angry man. Calm down, it's just a game!

    "SMCC's ranking is based on last year…"
    I think most teams at this point are ranked based on last year until they lose. Do I think SMCC is a top 3 D6 team this year? No..they seem like the 6th or 7th best team in their division. But they haven't lost, so that won't change.

    "…all were going to hear is SMCC bragging about their supposed downfalls."
    The only reason people are bringing that up is because opposing fans have been saying that those downfalls are reasons they would lose the game. Of course when SMCC wins they throw it back into Huron's face. That's how fandom works.

    "…run almost every play, eat up the clock and that's it. Its a form of stalling."
    Yep!!! Haha I love and will always love how frustrated other teams get at SMCC's offense. It is nothing special. The coaches drill the entire offensive unit to stick to their keys and block to the whistle. Technique, conditioning, and discipline obviously go into all offenses, but SMCC really depends on those, allowing them to run on teams all night. You call it stalling, most people call it controlling the football or time of possession. Keeping the ball out of the other teams' hands is the best way to stop them from scoring points. Common sense. That's football.

    "Do we have any run vs pass stats on smcc."
    Who cares, man? I don't think anyone will see a 27-7 win and think "That team that scored 27 points needs to pass more." What SMCC ran last night worked, and Huron had a tough time stopping them.

  26. The Blog Lives
    CC is foreal
    GI what happens next week?
    View good lopsided win
    Milan also nice score

    Love reading all of the thoughts on here thank you Chris for the time and effort you put in throughout the week


  27. Also, props to the #2 Flat Rock player and the the apology. Your parents have taught you well. It was unnecessary for that to happen during the game and I know you must of had a talking to once you got home…..

  28. I checked with doing a artificial turf field at GI within the last 5 years and still over 1 million dollars by the time you were done. With current budgets it would be a huge fund raiser to get one installed. I believe that Riverview had it on their last bond proposal that failed so they would have a better idea of what a turf field would cost. It's not just the cost of the field. Next thing you know your have to end up replacing the track and other infrastructure by the time you are done. Way too costly in my opinion.

  29. Riverview place holder broke his finger at the start of the 3rd quarter…so that's why they went for 2 point conversion. .

  30. I saw Airport onside kick against Flat Rock twice during that era of football. Both times Airport was up by more than 30 points and it was late in the 4th qtr.

    1. You all need to let it go. I'm an airport parent it wasn't that bad. If we don't turn it over that play doesn't happen. There was a couple kick return fumbles . As of the Redmond Era it's over. It's a new Era . If it was running up the score "which I don't think it was." It's a new team and a new coach.

  31. I think all the facilities in the league are average at best. I would say FR, Milan and GI have the best combo of everything when you consider seating, field, bathrooms and concessions.

    I really can't believe that nobody In the league has field turf. Huron probably should. They're a big school now and their field gets used so much. Riverview Gabriel Richard has it and they're a Catholic School with about 325 students. Prices have come down on that so much over the last 5 to 10 years. It should be an option for some schools.

  32. Unless they get in at 5-4, I doubt the Huron-Riverview loser makes the playoffs. Cause I doubt Riverview beats River Rouge or Huron beats Milan

    1. Great observation. I didn't realize how tough River Rouge has been recently. Neither team will have the points to make it at 5-4.

  33. Glad my Falcons won but I do have to give props to Hurons punter. Holy cow was that punt in the fourth quarter a boomer. Kid has a keg!

  34. Milan is working on getting better at what they do. If you want to supposedly play your twos in the third quarter, that's your coaches choice. We are trying to run plays and get better. If Milan wanted to run up the score they could of pretty easily. They chose to play the second and third string guys on their last drive and drove the ball 70 yards in 8 minutes for a touchdown with all runs in between the tackles. Congrats to those scout team guys who give it all through the week and got their time to shine. Happy for those kids. Good luck to the Jefferson boys. Never gave up and played hard. Lots of good kids. Just really bad coaching. Hope they can stay positive.

  35. So many negative and hostile comments on the Friday night posts. Take a breath everyone, it'll be okay! Just to address a few things:

    BN: I was pretty surprised too…holding Huron to a TD is quite the feat, I expected a closer game. Doesn't get any easier from here on out, hopefully they bounce back after 2 tough L's.
    KC: It's early, keep your chin up. Huron can still prove they belong if they bounce back these next two weeks. If they win them both they might still be in contention.
    #9 Dad: Appreciate your stats and observations after each game. Helps me get a sense of how the games went. +1 for you sir.

    Milan: Strong outing. That offense is probably the scariest unit in the HL this year. A lot of weapons and no one has really found a way to stop it this year. Next week against Huron will be a VERY interesting match-up.
    SMCC: Impressive D. I predicted 35-21, and holding Huron to 1 TD is impressive. They were averaging over 33 ppg coming in. That's a hell of a job by the coaching staff. I thought the coaching change would mean the defense would take a bit of a hit, but they seem to really be finding their form.
    Riverview: I could see them going undefeated the rest of the year. Fought SMCC to the wire and Milan just proved to be too dynamic for them, but the rest of their schedule is really favorable. Always nice to see a team bounce back after a couple of tough losses.
    Huron: That Grosse Ile loss was a killer. I think it must've threw em off and probably messed with their confidence. The problem is that their schedule is terrifying right now…a sleeper GI team, SMCC, then Milan, and then Riverview?? That's a gauntlet. Hopefully they can bounce back…they need to quickly.
    Grosse Ile: This team confuses the hell out of me still. Easily the biggest question mark of the season thus far, although Huron isn't too far behind them. Loses to Jefferson and beats Huron? Weird weird team. How they play CC next week will be telling.
    Airport: Neeeeds to get some offense cooking. Averaging just over a TD a game will not get you many wins. Sounds like they stuck with Riverview for a little bit. But lack of production on offense seems to have hurt them again.
    Jefferson: Sounds like they had a chippy game with Milan. They're still kind of a question mark. But, like Airport, they're not putting many points on the board.
    Flat Rock: I feel for you guys. Your JV seems to be doing well. You may be able to surprise a team in the next 3 weeks. Keep fighting.

    I ordered the teams for a reason…it's scary close to the picks Chris shared before a game was even played. Props to you man.

  36. Sounds like sour grapes to me. As someone at the game, Milan only threw 2 tds on the night. One of them was to start the 2nd quarter. The next was with 5 minutes left in the 3rd to go up 43-15. The last pass Milan threw was the first play of the 4th with 12 minutes left in the game and it was picked. So throwing two tds on the twos. Sorry that didn't happen. Again the last TD was thrown with 5 min left in the third. The last TD was scored with 11 back up scout team players in which all plays were run between the tackles to go up 50-15. Those are the facts for the people who didn't see the game.

    Jefferson kids played hard. A ton of respect for them. Milan played very poorly tonight and still put up 50. On a good day they score 70. Jefferson should worry about what they need to do to get better. They made 0 adjustments all game on either side of the ball. Anyone who knows football could call almost every offensive play from the stands. Credit to some hard nosed Jefferson kids for sustaining two good drives. Milan did blow two coverages to allow touchdowns, but both were nicely thrown balls by the Jefferson QB.

    So please don't cry about Milan running up the score. That didn't happen. There's prob a reason Jefferson scored 0 points against AP last week. They have some good strong kids. If they put together a good coaching staff, I think they'd be playoff team for the first time in 10 years.

    Milan Fan

  37. 11:24, your JV will probably go 2-7. The end is near.

    Lost 25 this year, probably 25 more next year. Tuition will be $11,000.

    Middle college sports coming soon.

  38. Very classy #2. Well done. During the game tempers flare, it happens. Good of you to admit a mistake when your temper has cooled.

  39. Navarre field is the worst field in the league.

    SMCC's ranking is based on last year. They have only beaten 1 team over .500 and that was by 2 points. Settle down hot shot AND as I said earlier today all were going to hear is SMCC bragging about their supposed downfalls. They start this undersize, slow, dumber than a box of rocks crap, then brag about it when they win.
    most comments on here are about that. Its old. Your normal speed, size and maybe IQ.

    Your defense is weak this year, so you run almost every play, eat up the clock and that's it. Its a form of stalling. You take the clock to its max every play and run the ball. If anyone notices, SMCC is first game complete every week. Not just because they start at 6:57. LOL. Do we have any run vs pass stats on smcc. can somebody share them. Who's got a good scout??

    1. You mad, bro? Our "weak" defense pushed your team all over its own crappy field all night long. I take it that you would throw the long ball and score in 2 or 3 plays, then leave tons of time on the clock for your opponent. It's called "clock management". And it's good coaching, Einstein. And, while I'm at it, was Carribino's first score quick enough for you, hot shot? Finally, don't be so quick to sign up for that scouting position. Stick to your day job. Haters gonna hate!

      Just Saying.

    2. I didn't know riverview being 2-2 is classified as being above .500. And also, when has smcc ever thrown the ball all game long? They've always killed teams running the ball, with time of possession, and wearing down the oppositions defense.

    3. You mad, bro? We may have played teams with lesser records, but this is our league ya know. If you want to change that, win. The last time I checked, 1 point is all you need to win a game, as long as it's more than your opponent. Clock management is an important part of football. It seemed to work pretty well against Huron, didn't it? If you don't like it, stop us. As long as we keep getting first downs, the drive continues and, if we don't run out of bounds, the clock runs.One question for you. What game were you watching? The SMCC defense looked pretty strong to me. It held the Chiefs to 7 points.

  40. Wow. Huron has Milan next. Then Riverview. You guys could be looking at 4 straight losses. Good thing you made the playoffs last season. Good luck, Huron. You're gonna need it.

  41. On behalf of Flat Rock Schools and the Flat Rock football team I want to apologize for the dirty late hit I committed on #5 of Grosse Ile. It was foolish and very stupid and uncharacteristic of me to commit such a heinous act. I apologize to the player and the school and city of Grosse Ile, it was a solo act and no one prompted me to do such a thing. I will accept any punishment given to me with honesty and regret. I apologize to the negativity placed on my school, staff, and teammates for such a selfish act. Grosse Ile is a great team and I wish you all the best.

    #2 Flat Rock

  42. Hurons field sucked. Bleachers were horrible. That hill sucks. Was difficult for older people to walk. Reminds me of last baseball season when you had to pay to watch your kid play on garbage fields. Looked like hay fields. Huron really needs to get a clue.

    1. The sun in eyes is the worst part…. Not to mention the drains are a little close, but the field was always in good condition


  43. Jefferson rushing defense pretty good tonite. Probably one of the highlights.
    Other than the big 60 yd run on the first drive #9 was contained most of the night. Milan beat Jefferson with passing game. Jefferson stats said #9 under 100 yards, but whatever. I'm sure he will be hurting tomorrow. Gang tackled many times.

    Very classless to throw for 2 TD's against our 2nd string when your up by 20. Way to go Milan. Pretty crappy jumping on our players after they were on the ground too. Got that one on film.

    Milan offense has lots of weapons, defense not so good. We sustained 2 good drives and shot ourselves in the foot on 3 other drives. You really weren't stopping Jefferson.

    Lots of helmet to helmet shots tonite. Refs missed a lot both ways.

    1. #9 had 116-120 yards for 10-11 carries yep that's containment… (NOT) He's not our only weapon. I'm sure he won't be feeling a thing tomorrow morning. Easy win

    1. Idk who you are talking to my team stomped SMCC the two years we played them. Playing at their field was still awful.. Even after beating them.. Just saying

  44. Does anybody watch film? Very disappointed in Huron. You have the guns and don't know how to use them. Adjust the damn defense and stop somebody. Ridiculous.

    We continue to make CC look good and all they do is watch film and stay in their blocks. WOW. Its not rocket science.

  45. I don't want to hear anything else about how bad Navarre Field ever again. Huron's visitors bleachers SUCK! They have more and better seating at St. Charles School in Newport, and they're a grade school. I would have bought the 50/50 tickets if I knew the money was going for a decent set of visitors bleachers. These seats were below field level. Even the people sitting in the top row had to stand up to see the game! And all of you know, SMCC's team is so small, even a mouse could see over the top of them. I'll take Navarre Field any day over those crappy visitors bleachers @Huron.

  46. 5 minutes left when they went for 2. If Riverview's holder got hurt then I apologize. Didn't think it was as big a deal as the Riverview people made it sound. As for the guy who brought up the 2008 game nice try, Redmond wouldn't run up the score if his life depended on it. Btw I miss Redmond lol. EM

  47. The game may have started at 6:57pm, but I, for one, am still waiting for Huron to show up. Did they go to Navarre Field by mistake? Or are they still looking ahead? To next season maybe. Let's face it Huron, I think maybe the term OVERRATED has to come into play here pretty soon. The better team won tonight. You have no more excuses. You have no arguments left. Your kids played hard, but you're not quite there yet. Next year may be a different story. This may be the last year CC dominates the Cheifs. You have a good coach and a great feeder program. The Monroe CYO is all but extinct, so SMCC may be down for the next decade, but who knows. You may not have us to hate for a while. But just when you think you're out of the woods, watch out. We may be on your heels again.

  48. Airport came to play tonight. Riverview worked hard and didn't let the bad things get to them. The game was close a good part of the game. Good game tonight on both sides.
    Riverview Dad

    1. Good to hear someone with some class on here tonight. I agree good game we had some pretty untimely turnovers. You guys played a good game wish it could of been closer. Airport dad

  49. Jefferson looked ok in the first. Not so good after that. Barnes had a great passing game tonight. Connected with 3 or 4 different kids. #9 had around 120 yards on 11 carries and a rushing TD and a catch for a 20 plus yard TD. Price had a great catch too. Milan's defense is getting better each week. The offense is on fire right now with all kind of weapons. Milan is very versitile on O and might be the team to go deep in the playoffs this year. Got Huron next which should be another great game.
    And I know SMCC is high on the horse right now and so they should be. I really thought huron would give them a better game. Shows what I know. Lol. Anyway, good job Big Reds, that's was a total team effort and a huge win tonight!
    #9 Dad

  50. Couple of thoughts about the SMCC/Huron game:

    Obviously the better team won.
    SMCC tackled well, Huron didn't.
    I'm sure SMCC was happy to have LaPrad back from injury.
    Carrabino and Fryer are two very good RB's from either side.
    I don't believe Huron had a penalty tonight. Quite a difference from last week's 200 yards in penaltys.
    Kipf is a good coach.
    Game started at 6:57 pm. Not sure why.

    1. That is a good point Chris -When my son played 4 years ago I was always racing after work to get to several games only to find out that a lot a games started a few minutes early – frustrating!! JS

  51. Milan up 30 and STILL throwing the deep ball and then sending hits out on Jefferson players after the whistle… Talk about classless Reds'

    1. Jefferson was dirty all game. Come on you're accusing coaches of sending hits out. Never seen that from a Milan team in my life. The game was chippy and most of that was from the Jefferson side. Feel bad for the Jefferson players. That coaching staff is really bad.

  52. I think I'm retiring from the blog early this year… I feel as if the only scores I've been enjoying seeing has been from Hurons JV squad. Guess I should wait til next year. -_- Im gonna go pray now.


    1. Cmon man he's not being rude. Just an opinion. It depends how late the game was to determine if it's slightly out of line or not.

  53. Congrats to coach Kipf and his staff, that is a big win on the road in convincing fashion. No question which team was better prepared.

  54. I thought Huron was bigger….faster…..stronger??? Blah…blah…blah…. Until someone knocks us off our perch we are still the defending state champs!!! Let us prey!

  55. SMCC is ranked 3rd in the state in division 6 and is the a reigning division 6 champion. Did you you really think they were just going to lay down?

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