Thursday Night Scores

Huron 49 Avondale 6 Final
SMCC 62 Tecumseh 39 Final

Airport 30 Adrian 22
Jefferson 28 Ida 16
Flat Rock 49 Summit 0

Please submit your JV scores and I will get them posted.

32 thoughts on “Thursday Night Scores”

  1. CC fans aren't allowed to cheer or say anything about their team. If you do, you are a pompous braggart. Don't you know this by now? This is why every kid gets a medal just for participating these days. Just sit back, and take every jab thrown your way. Do it quietly, or someone's feelings might get hurt.

  2. It's not the Huron league blog without some troll posts, Steve Robb did a hell of a job at milan and had some good teams. CC doesn't watch more tape than anyone else, knock it off with the pomposity. Hartwick seems like a heck of a duel threat hope he continues to have success, did not expect a 49-6 pummeling.

  3. Its all about the film now, boys. He who studies the most film will win. Just ask SMCC. They study more film than anyone. Especially last year. Convenient day jobs allow you to study film all day. Ask Coach Giarmo and Windham. If you know what their doing, doesn't matter your size, strength, talent. STUDY!, STUDY!, STUDY!

    How do you think these young know where the opponent is going, or already know the play. Hmmmm?

    I was on staff, that's what you got to do.


  4. Tecumseh has taken some severe steps back. Steve Robb, NOT GOOD. Long time coach, but Milan was never that great when he was there. Success came there after he left. Apparently, Tecumseh and Avondale not so good. Good warm up games for league play.

  5. 42-14 SMCC. Tecumseh is small and not very good. SMCC looks very good and impressive. Low numbers must stay healthy

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