I’m still in the process of figuring things out for the upcoming season. I was hoping for some input of what people would like to see in the content if I were to go subscription based. Please throw some things out there. One thing I was considering is adding a Saturday podcast as a wrap up of the weeks games and possibly a Wednesday podcast that would serve as a preview.
2,374,673 Visitors
podcast would be super, considering i'm at my kids game and don't get a chance to attend the other huron league games
fantastic to see you online again,
subscription or not, i'm in.
Nobody can BN, that it is why It would be a podcast with no video.
Im not sure I could stand looking at Chris' mug twice a week.
Great idea with the podcast !
I would gladly pay for something like that.
I don't know what kind of suggestions to give you. I thought you were doing an awesome job since I have been following. I don't know what to suggest other than I hope you keep it going. I love reading everyones opinion about all the Huron league games. Subscription or not I'll continue reading and replying.
#9 Dad