Blog Considering Expansion

I am considering expansion of the blog that would include a monthly or annual subscription fee. I would offer insider info, stories, stats and coverage of Huron League football that would be second to none. There would be daily content during the season along with twice weekly post during the offseason. Limited access would be made available to non subscribers.

I have included a poll to the right for readers to share their vote on whether the blog should be subscription based or for it to just disappear.

12 thoughts on “Blog Considering Expansion”

  1. I think it's a good idea and would def sign up. Hope you follow through and looking forward to getting things kicked off

  2. I would pay a reasonable subscription fee. A lot more people, including many, many players read this blog.
    I would suggest, from a PR stance, a more comprehensive look into individual players in some way. It's the players, who will urge their parents to subscribe, read, and subsceibe again. I know I would be more inclined to pay when my player is mentioned, just human nature.

    Don't forget those first home game programs if you decide to proceed. A small ad could Kickstart the project. These types of side projects may start small, but usually grow with time.
    Good luck!

  3. Definitely a wide open race this year in the league. Milan and Riverview return alot of starters. Huron and CC both return some key players, gonna be interesting to see if CC can win the league without Giarmo on the sidelines. I'm glad he went out on top. EM

  4. I knew you couldnt stay away Chris. Ive paid with blood sweat and tears for this site now for 7 years.

  5. Great news Chris! I would be willing to contribute to the blog. I have a question for you though. Where do you see GI in the 2015 Huron League standings?

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