Milan @ Jefferson

Milan (1-1) saw their 14 game league winning streak halted by Riverview 21-7 Friday/Saturday while Jefferson (0-2) fell to Airport 31-21. Milan won last year’s game 47-12. Milan has won seven straight in the series.

The Big Reds sputtered last week against Riverview with turnovers and penalities. Look for the offense to keep the ball on the ground as much as possible this week. Milan’s defense should be fine. They only gave up 14 points last week with 7 more coming on a pick six by the offfense.

Jefferson has shown that they like to throw the ball around this season, but the Bears will need to establish the run if they are going to win games. Defensively the Bears are giving up 30 ppg, they will need to be better than that this week.

We will be able to tell a lot about each team and where they stand after this week. Milan is still a good team in my estimation and Jefferson is trying to be one. Prediction: Milan 28 Jefferson 14

31 thoughts on “Milan @ Jefferson”

  1. Happy to see all the Jefferson picks. Ahhh, just like the good old days!

    While I cannot personally vouch for whatever tough love is being dished out by the Milan coaches this week, I can offer my take: As a coach, you can be tougher on underperforming teams than you can on overwhelmed teams.

    In other words, if these coaches thought that the Big Reds had little chance of success this season, would it do more harm than good to get tougher on them? The coaches might have taken a softer approach if they believed this season to be a year of learning and growth, holding back their higher expectations until next season. Until I see otherwise, I'm choosing to view the tough love as confidence in their players and in the leadership of the team to help their teammates accept the coaching in a positive way.

    For those who thinks that the Bears will pass to victory tonight, I haven't seen Jefferson outside of their open scrimmage, and I can assume that some things have gotten better in their execution. That said, Milan's defensive strength is its back seven. Through two weeks, when the opponents have had success, it's been through long, sustained drives through the running game. Milan's DBs are stronger than folks might think, and I look specifically to CB Jon Swain to have a big game tonight. He's the tallest DB on the team and seemed to take last week's loss particularly hard. If Swain can d-up his man on an island, it allows the Big Reds to help their pass rush with a blitzing LB.

    One more thing I want to give Riverview credit for last week: their DBs did a great job standing up their blockers, then shedding them to stop Lindeman on his jet sweeps. It was the difference between Trace running for 3 to 5 yards a pop and him taking it to the house. Ask Pirate fans the difference in the D on Lindeman between last year's game (2 TD runs of 60+ yards) and this one (94 yards but 0 TDs). They'll tell you it was night and day.

    So, is Jefferson up to the challenge? Can they execute on offense, passing against Milan's strength? Can they mix in the run enough to keep the Big Red LBs honest? Can they be strong on the edges in run support? Can they get their coach his first signature win?

    Is Milan up to their challenge? Can they bounce back mentally after two weeks of self-imposed wounds? Can they keep their composure and execute on both sides of the ball. Can they be more stout than their size would otherwise indicate and get their season back on track? A lot of questions to be answered tonight on both sidelines. Should be fun!

  2. I'm happy that my son plays for a program where there is discipline and that the team is all that matters. In today's society where everyone gets a participation trophy for everything they do, some good 'ol fashioned ways of doing things is welcomed.

  3. "Discipline builds character". Ask some of the best coaches there ever was. If you get humiliated and lose confidence from a little bit of discipline, then you had better work on your character

    Words to live by. Bet you have no idea who said that.

  4. Hmmmm. Discipline means humiliation. Humiliation means a tare at ones self worth. Self worth torn apart means lack of confidence to win. Wrong type of encouragement Milan. Good luck. Jefferson 28 Milan 21.

  5. Does anyone remember when Jefferson used to march onto the field like soldiers before their games?? That was something to see. Very Intimidating !!

    Need that attitude back.

  6. SMCC has discipline similar to that after a loss. They have been the best program in the league the last 25 years, perhaps some advice should be taken. Talk to Coach Sanderson and Coach Giarmo about discipline.

  7. Is that discipline? Taking away jerseys and team dinner? Was that done when they went 0-9? They haven't lost a regular season game in 2 years so I wonder how that discipline will be received? Seems kind of desperate to me.

    1. Not a good form of dicipline! The coaches preach we win and lose as a team. I wonder what their punishment is for losing. Humiliating SOME of the players with wearing JV'S jerseys and taking away team dinners was wrong. Much respect lost for those coaches.

  8. That was not a knock at Jefferson, that was a comment appreciating the Milan coaches making their players realize the importance of that loss.

    Jefferson coaches should do the same. I would bet nothing takes place like this after a Jefferson loss. Hopefully that kind of discipline will begin to take place there and bring that program back to contention.

  9. I think you know the answer to that!! nobody was even close to saying Milan is being counted out. Saying the game will be close, as a jefferson fan that is what we have to hope fun and then we can see. If we dont it will be rough for our kids to keep positive after the lack of success they have had

  10. That's how its done. I was not at that game, but that's what all coaches need to do when they feel their team is not giving its best.
    Unfortunately times have changed. Good for Milan coaching staff (players may not think that) but I'm sure Milan will prosper from this.

  11. Milan is on a mission this week. Not sure Jefferson will have a chance. Milan football players have had the hardest week they have ever had this week. Severe punishment for loss. Team dinner even taken away. Discipline is where its at after a loss. SMCC does this sort of thing when they lose. That's why they are successful. Last week an eye opener for Milan. They will be stronger than ever. Bears don't stand a chance.

    Milan 24 Bears 7

    1. You forgot to add that the coaches are also making the varsity team wear JV'S jerseys and not the ones the parents paid for. This loss really brought a lot of punishment to the boys. Verbally, physically, and mentally.

    2. If Jefferson sticks with the passing game and runs a little they should win Milan dbs are small offense for Milan is mostly running if you don't let linderman get to the outside they can't move the ball 21 Jefferson 17 Milan

  12. Milan plays one bad game and now everyone is gonna count them out. Please do. You won't like the results. BTW Milan has won playoff games the last two year. How many has your team won?

  13. Thats right cause its the same old bears. The offense is still in work in process. It is looking better so well see, it will be closer than 3 T.D's for sure

  14. Jefferson needs to air it out the running game is not good. But if they pass the ball around they have a good shot of winning. Hopefully they don't try to run away from their strengths (passing). Pass the ball, call good plays and pass block, if Jefferson does that they will win. 28-27

  15. This one might be interesting. Way more than I had thought prior to the season starting.

    How does Milan bounce back after their first league loss in over 2 seasons?

    I think Jefferson thinks they are better then they are playing and will play with a chip on their shoulder at home.

    Im picking the upset here

    Jefferson 28 Milan 27


  16. QB Kull and his main recievers Liporato and Fiala will preform. Run game led by Kirchner needs to have a strong showing. As does the defense

  17. Jefferson played better last week, hopefully more improvement this week. Defense has to step up, no doubt. Hopefully Bears can pull it off. I agree with the upset.
    Bears 21, Milan 14

  18. This one might be interesting. Way more than I had thought prior to the season starting.

    How does Milan bounce back after their first league loss in over 2 seasons?

    I think Jefferson thinks they are better then they are playing and will play with a chip on their shoulder at home.

    Im picking the upset here

    Jefferson 28 Milan 27

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