Huron 24 Riverview 20 Final
SMCC 28 Airport 7 Final
Jefferson 35 FR 14 Final
Grosse Ile 38 Milan 36 Final
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Huron 24 Riverview 20 Final
SMCC 28 Airport 7 Final
Jefferson 35 FR 14 Final
Grosse Ile 38 Milan 36 Final
BINGO CHRIS: 2 things fell into place for Huron. 1, the youth program finally got up and running and 2, you had a coach for more than a couple years that stuck with it and made it his program.
Someone wrote about this a while back. Huron's football participation numbers are through the roof. It is a direct result of their youth football program. They have 100's of kids every Saturday playing football at the school from grades 1-6. This group of juniors and seniors played in the youth program as 1st and 2nd graders when the program started in fall of 2004.
As I was finishing my workout last night over at Huron I saw one of the 5th/6th grade teams at 7:45 pm finishing up practice. The parents had their headlights on so they could see the field and finish practice. Huron has a great model that can be replicated by any community if they are willing to volunteer some hours and coach kids.
I will agree with others that the number of kids in the program is a problem for Milan. Milan dressed more kids on Friday than GI (props again to the Red Devils), but low numbers is a problem throughout the program.
It's pretty well remembered that Milan didn't field a JV team a few seasons back, but they have also had seasons where they only fielded one team at the middle school level.
While I often enjoy watching the youth football teams, I also wonder if this isn't putting a early cap on the number of kids who consider playing football in later years. I assume this is not a problem in Monroe with the CYO teams, but what about in the other HL communities?
I hear Hoskins boot camps keep kids away. This year is proof that you need more than hardwork. You need players…loosen up.
Thanks for the clarification.
One basic definition for troll, courtesy of Urban Dictionary:
"One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument."
That said, I would argue that one cannot troll their own site. 🙂
First, congrats to GI. Play to the whistle, indeed. I couldn't agree more.
Milan hasn't often been in a position this season where they were protecting a lead late in a game (week 1 vs. Marshall, they had to make a red zone stop for the win, but otherwise have not closed a game out).
I hate to talk about playing for next year, but hopefully this is another lesson the team can take forward with them. There were some real strides made by the offense last week.
what does troll even mean?
Hit a nerve I guess. I would say most all good athletes out of our area played up most of there athletic careers. That's how they become so good. Try to play as good as the kids at the next level. Why not do it with a whole team. Most all of the state ranked and very successful teams in our state play up during there regular season to gear up for the playoffs. It brings out the best in them.
Hater and troll.
Worry about your own school pal.
leave the league along I guess. Im all for Flat Rock staying, If anybody goes it should be SMCC.
Play up all year long to bring there game up, then drop down and crush schools there own size. never have agreed with that. This league is beautiful for SMCC. They couldn't have a better situation. Plus their own refs.
New dumbest quote of the year. Why wouldn't you want teams in the league to do well ? Hater and troll
Huron has a .270 overall winning percentage since 1950. Flat Rock has a.425 and a state championship in 1976. Huron was the doormat of the league from 1968 to about 4 years ago. Now they are one of the better teams this year and have been competitive for the last 4 years. Should we have kicked them out of the league all those years ago because they had crappy football teams? There is more to life than football. take boys basketball, All time MHSAA tournament results has Flat Rock the #3 winning-est team with .526 and Jefferson has a low .172. Should we make Jefferson leave the Huron League for boys basketball? Enough already, they can get better at football.
leave the league along I guess. Im all for Flat Rock staying, If anybody goes it should be SMCC.
Play up all year long to bring there game up, then drop down and crush schools there own size. never have agreed with that. This league is beautiful for SMCC. They couldn't have a better situation. Plus their own refs.
Flat Rock is one of the founding schools of the Huron League. They need to stay!
The Huron League was generally more successful against the Mega League, with an overall better winning percentage against schools that are mostly bigger, and did better overall in the playoffs vs. Mega teams too.
Flat Rock can leave if they don't like it. The rest of the league needs to stick together.
Yes Paulowe, you are absolutely right. That whole Mega League format was a total mess. Are we in the Mega Blue, or are we in the Mega White? Or are we back in the Mega Blue? Or are we in the Mega Gold? Are we playing Thurston this year? Or Edsel Ford? When do we get to play Robichaud again? Oh, nevermind they got moved to the Blue. Or the white. Or whatever.
What a joke.
On the subject of Flat Rock's participation in the Huron League, as an alum I wouldn't want it. I also coach in Colorado and our leagues change every two years, so I would recommend the Rams not take a hiatus and people should appreciate having history, rivalries and short drives to games. CHSAA determines leagues strictly on enrollment. Schools end up playing various sports in as many as three or four different leagues. Because CHSAA only allows you to be in a league of schools in the same class, Fruita Monument (5A or 1600+ students) has to play in a league where the next closest school (Thunder Ridge) is 4 hours away. Even in the league I coach in where all the teams are in the same county (Jeffco 5A League), because our schedule changes every two years we only get a few hundred people coming to games in stadiums built to house a few thousand. There are no rivalries, no school spirit. I wish my players had the chance to see what it's like to play just one game in the Huron League. You don't want to kick out Flat Rock. Adding more schools may help with competitive balance but you don't want to become the MEGA League. For those who don't remember, it was a great disaster. Just ask people from Downriver League schools.
Yes nobody that graduated from a high school can ref for that high school. Penalty is forfeit of 4 games spread out over 6 years or concession money must be given over to the losing team.
there are other sports than football.
4-5 away games for football yes, but what about ALL the other sports.
travel is an issue.
flat rock got stopped right on the goal line twice, just pure power defense by the bears
This league hasn't changed much in 40 years. That is a long time. Riverview joined in 1980. Carlson left after 1992. Milan joined in 2000.
That's it.
That is pretty stable. To say otherwise makes no sense.
Flat Rock is free to go if the administration feels that it can no longer compete. The people in this forum complaining about it have no say anyway.
I know of schools that play in one league for football in a different league for basketball so I'm not sure what issue it would cause
Are you saying if the team goes away and they have no football team then the other sports are out of the league as well? Probably not, so why not just for one sport what's the difference????
They can opt out for football on a waiver for 4 years…. Nothing else changes. I am not even a FR guy and I support it
There are other league sports besides football. Travel would be crazy. Just get better FR.
Any clarification on this referee thing?? Seems to be a quiet thing. I have learnt throughout the day that this has happened before and there are quite a few referees out there from SMCC. Not cool. Whatever happened to referees doing games for a league outside of there local area.?? I will check with the MHSAA on this.
Any input would be great, trying to learn how this works.
Referee Crews are picked
just remenber the guys are a lot of high school kids playing there hearts out for their schools
Every year teams go into and out of leagues at the high school and college level. You make it seem like this is ground breaking. My outside opinion is that FR will get out and try to rebuild for a few years and get back in or in 5years they will not have a program. Either way the league is headed toward having to address it.
Enrollment is an issue but not the only issue.
I love how the Huron League is "down" every year that Milan isn't good. Lol
Who said Milan isn't good. We might win out. I know coach Hoskins first year he only won 1 game. What happened after that season? 2 undefeated seasons in the league. They are a good team playing bad. They wil improve this year and make an upset. Not saying who they will upset, but they will.
Milan will go 3-6. 4-5 at best
Milan two yrs had very good players. Ddnt beat no one they shouldnt have. Now with just good lets see how many teams they could beat but wont.
This is by no way the same team as the last 2 years other number 9 the others are ok 2 of them came to Milan from Lincoln the coaching has not changed there systems and are very predictable because of the number of players many are playing hurt till the coaching staff stops patting themselves on the back for the last two years and stop blaming the players and try to get more kids in Milan high school to play football and stop trying to get other players from different schools just look at the jv team they are very small number wise and are getting beat using the same plays I would not blame those 2 kids from Lincoln if they play for Lincoln next year
Do you know that going back 50 or 60 years you will see that there have been like 22 different teams in the Huron league, Milan was in , out and in again so if everything is as it is because of Rivalries then why have there been 22+ teams in the league?
You play 4 away games a year so driving is not a big issue…… You make no sense
Huron, Riverview and SMCC are all very good teams.
Airport, GI and Milan are good teams.
Whoever said the league is not made up of quality teams is crazy
That was the first homecoming game riverview has lost in many many years.
The size difference between the schools is not the joke. Whining about it is.
The Huron league is on part with every athletic league in the entire state as far as differences in enrollment numbers. People forget that 10 years ago the enrollment numbers were completely different, just as 10 yearso before that, and so on.
We can NOT change the league every couple of years because someone has sour grapes that their program is not strong. Rivalries exist for a reason, and destroying rivalries that go back 50 years is just ridiculous.
Flat Rock is the smallest public school in the area. They can either join a league with Ecorse and River Rouge, or go west with Dundee, etc. Either choice is a lot more driving than they currently have. So stop whining about it.
Just watched the film.. yes nobody touched the ball and was a heady play by the GI player to pick it up. Ball mmmmmayybbee should have been blown dead since it sat there for about 3 seconds. Not sure why they didn't blow it dead. Nor sure why Milan players didn't touch it.. how do you just walk away and leave it there?
Lindeman is a really nice player. Milan went away from the jet sweep in the 2nd half especially in the 4th. Not sure why. Judd is also a nice player for GI..
Great game to diagnose. Enjoy watching 2 teams play hard.
Milan-GI-Airport all evenly matched. will be great games.
It was there only about 2 seconds. Jet sweep one of the predictable plays oh yeah
The punt play at Milan was just interesting…that is all. The ball had clearly come to rest, the Milan players failed to "deaden" the ball for sure. Why the officials didn't blow the ball dead after such a lengthy period of time who knows…however, Milan should have downed it.
Regardless, two struggling teams had a slug fest with an exciting finish. Both teams played hard to the finish. Good win for GI.
In the end, Huron League football this year, outside of an impressive SMCC team, is not very good…..competitive, but not very good.
Flat Rock's final game is against Stockbridge. Looking casually, it is of concern as they are 4-1. Digging deeper though, all 4 of their wins are against teams that are 1-4. Go Rams!!!
Airport played well. Turns into a blowout there with #22 playing though
Always excuses from Milan. Let's not talk about bad calls. The ball was not dead on that punt return. I was right on the GI sideline. I probably got a much better view of the play than you did…. And I'm pretty sure grosse ile had a clear touchdown that was taken away on a poorly called fumble.
No it was a fumble on the 1yd line the ball was on the 1 and #25 was in end zone cause by #44 Milan
Let me reiterate, never touched by Milan, I'm not a gi fan. 3 Milan players look at ball, GI #11, picks up and goes distance, crazy. But right call.
Not touched by Milan on punt, just saw the video.
Last night was a tough loss for Milan, both teams played great. I have a new respect for the players that play for Grosse Ile, to see these boys congratulate and hug my son Trace Lindeman after the game was awesome. They showed him respect and gave him some encouraging words. This shows great character and I want to say thank you for lifting him up. I am super proud of both teams for a clean, well played game.
Great game Jefferson. Even though it was a not so good Flat Rock team, whole team looked more in sync. Mixed it up on offense this week, used a lot of options.
Definitely improvements on the Bears part. Hopefully this will be a confidence boost toward the rest of the season.
Hang in there Flat Rock, sorry to hear about your assistant coach. Hopefully our moment in honor of him was respectable.
To poster 12:33 I'm sorry I don't believe a coach should be happy with a 21 pt loss. I also didn't see the dominate offensive line that you saw. If it were they would have been able to score after their first possession. What I did see was a team that has some unused talet. Last year Mcgraff ran and caught pass all over the field last need he hardly touched the ball. Brinson had a few good plays but I feel was under used. Airport turned and handed the ball to Meiring who ran hard and is a good back, but they need to take some of the load off him.
I think what happened at the FR game was simple, they made some mistakes that cost them and they could not recover from them. It was a decent game and they played well, better than last year. It is going to take some time to build it up over there.
I think the coaches good but needs a couple of better assistants, they have more talent in the school but they have a basketball coach who has them all thinking they are better off only playing hoops. They need to be able to get some wins to turn it around because winning changes everything.
The majority of teams in this league do not get better by playing FR, they should let FR out of the league for 4 or 5 years in Football and the league needs to be split into 2 divisions and add a couple of teams. They disparity in the league with enrollment size is a joke. The teams who are smaller have a once every 12 year chance of making the playoffs because they are unable to beat these bigger schools, if a smaller school did make the playoffs they would do well against the teams their own size.
So why not split the Huron League and make it bigger and just have 2 divisions?
Thoughts Chris????
Who from the smcc o line can move airports big line? They all looked pretty small to me
@ 4:31. You still dont know the rule. I tried.
OK now I have seen Cortez Grey. Some Parent was obviously just doing a lot of posting. Good player but nothing special.
Hes a very good player I see film and he can destroys blocks and makes tackles. He plays all over the field.Dont understand why hes not running football
Watched SMCC/Airport game. Some big boys out there for Airport. First game I have gone all year and had good sportsmanship from the other crowd. I thought the Airport crowd showed great class. Was most impressed. Airport played hard and give them credit. The boys from CC keep proving they can handle bigger and faster kids week after week. This should help them in the playoffs when they go against schools as small as them. Good luck to Airport and SMCC for the remainder of the season.
Big win by cc wo Howwey
Wow. 38 comments and not a one of them has been "oh Huron lost to a bad Riverview team". I can dig that.
Good game tonight Riverview. As stated, yourselves and Huron are evenly matched, and you all put up a hell of a fight. I thought for sure when I was walking up and heard Huron fumble the ball on kick return, and then watched you guys score that drive that you guys might win the game. I wound up leaving with 5 minutes left [my butt was killing me from them bleachers] and my buddy text me saying it was 24-20. i was about to whip it around and come back lol good game fellas. keep your heads up and look up to the next weeks game.
Very good fundamental game with SMCC at Airport. Both teams exhibited what Friday Night under the lights are all about. As a Jefferson Grad and Airport Dad, I can tell you that SMCC has an incredible amount of discipline and talent (yes that hurts). Baas and company should be happy, they played em tough, and the Airport O-Line proved they are no joke. Vulich and Windham are amazingly talented, and the entire SMCC team exudes discipline and team work. Great game, and Class Football by both teams..
Airport Dad.
Congrats to Huron and GI on their big wins! Congrats to Jefferson for getting their first win of the season.
Flat Rock lost. You can't read the score I posted?
C'mon who is stirring the pot with the Milan post?
That is not a legit post. Just somebody trying to start something
Coming from a GI player, #9 carried Milan tonight. Great kid and great player.
I am Traces dad and I'm pretty sure this is not a GI player. Trace is only as good as his line and his teammates. Because of them they allowed Trace to have a good game. Proud of all of them.
Correction a good back can get yards on his own. Hes not a every down back yet. Hes good not great yet.
Have you seen this kid play? He's a beast and averages around 105-110 yards a game, he's only a sophomore. He is great and his "team" helps make him that way.
He is a sohpmore. He will dominate this league next year and as a senior. He might not be great but he is better than good.
What happened to your flat rock pick Chris?
I believe seen people officiating at Airport with the last name Jones. Go ahead and focus on Carribino so Lakos can run wild on you or Vouich taking a pass to the house. Maybe you should open your eyes when you are watching film.
@10:36. The punt plsy as you describe it appears to be called correctly. The ball is not dead after "first touch". In fact, it can be the location of first touch establishes the worst field position that the receiving team can end up with. This means that the receiving team can lose yardage or fumble and the ball will go back to them at the location of first touch. Thus, the receiving team can gain yardage or even score a TD without any downside risk.
To all parents though, high school football is a precursor to life. Sometimes things may not seem fair or go the wrong way. Do not play the blame game! Tell your kids to pick themselves up and continue to work hard. By enabling them and entitling them as young athletes, they will approach life the same way and fail miserably (because real life could care less who's fault it is). So stop blaming the referees, the catholic school kids, the school-of-choice districts, the timekeeper, the coaches, or the chain gang. Be better than that!
If you read my statement you should gave noticed where I said that I would not blame the officials. Also, that rule you just stated is only if the ball is moving. The ball laid still for 2 full seconds, touched by the punting team. And I know what high school football is and how it teaches you about life. I tip my hat to GI for not quitting. Just seems like certain teams get all the breaks. Also no official should be able to work a game where they are alumi. That is pretty disturbing as well.
Milan did not touch the ball.
Milan never downed the ball….or touched it either!
Noone on this blog needs your parenting advice. Tone down your arrogance.
Congratulations to Milan for not losing for the 3rd time this season, they just had a few too many turnovers and bad penalties resulting in less points on the board at the end of the game.
You are an idiot! Milan played great and no one is blaming anything on anyone but Milan. They came up short but played a heck of a game. They never quit and for that they have every reason to keep their heads up and keep working hard.
Huh they did lose 3rd game. Ddnt play great either. Flat rock has a reason to keep their heads up n working hard too.
CC made some defensive adjustments after airports first drive and Airport never did adjust to CC. That is coaching.
Focus on Carrabino. You stop him, you shut down the running game. Tackle him every play, ball or not. You will wear him down. Seen it done. Come on guys, watch the film.
SMCC has their owns refs now?? wow! Nice!
You've watched some good ol CYO football haven't you?
Pot stirring. Another suspect post.
Windham with yet another pick. he must lead the league. Best 2 way player? he is making a serious bid
OK mom
All the refs and judges in town graduated from CC. You too can be successful
WOW.. jets had bigger stronger lineman, a GREAT back in meiring and 2 great LB's in 42 and 20. How did CC win?….. Jack Giarmo.
I have never seen such garbage from the officials in all my life. Once the ball is punted, travels past the line to gain by at least 30 yards, and touched by the punting team, the ball is dead. GI picks it up and runs for a Td. I will never blame the officials for a loss. But come on, also the coaching staff needs to adjust the play calling for Milan. Too predictable. It's a tough loss for the big reds. They took a step in the right direction even with the loss. Only 1 turnover. They had to have at least 350 yards of offense. The bad thing is they have no depth. Defense is soft. It's going to be tough going for the next 4 games. I know they wil keep playing hard and make a go of this season. Keeping the faith.
It was never downed by Milan and the ref never blew a whistle.
Was a great game. Can't wait to watch it. Huge win for the playoff hopes for GI and quite the contrary for Milan.
If you don't pick up the ball and the whistle isn't blown the play is still on. Learn the rules. You're just mad your homecoming got spoiled
Tons of film watching over there at SMCC. They know whats coming. Only plays that work are the ones their opponents put in during the week before the game. SMCC knew where Airport runners were headed before ball was snapped.
Not sure how they do it, but huron v riverview is turning into an annual thriller
Not real happy to see SMCC alumni Antonelli as a referee tonite. Seems like a conflict to me. almost all calls he did tonite went SMCC's way. Is there a rule on that?
CC held Airport to 7 without Howey. Nice effort.
Not a fan of SMCC or Airport I just don't understand how SMCCs O-Line can Move those Big Airport kids off the ball like that?
38-36!! GI in double over time!!
CC impressed tonight with a solid running game and tough defense. #12 was as good as advertised, caught a TD and saved another on defense with a nice pass breakup. EM
Airport's D-line is huge. Makes cc's team look like lil people.
Ill have more on this but I think my initial thoughts are that Airport put up a decent showing. Scoring on the opening drive.
As I thought however, they would have a hard time scoring… and did.
Both teams may have left some points on the field.
more to come
Double overtime win for Grosse Ile
GI beats Milan in a thriller 38-36 in Double OT!
Great job GI
Airport has 900 kids… CC has 400. Hole, shut it
Any update on the GI/Milan game?
SMCC O line quite the difference in the game. Airport runners tackled by LB's, SMCC runners tackled by DB's.
Smcc is the real deal could of been worst!! Airport isn't that bad!!
20-24 Huron with 50 seconds left in the 4th
i think smcc need to be in the catholic league because they pay to go to school there. or play Monroe Dundee idea Bedford .it not fair smcc goserecut
Really! ! Kick them out for having a good team With good coaching.
Riverview 14 Huron 24 6:43 left in the 4th
Huron 24
Jefferson 7
End of 3
21 SMCC 7 Airport… Half
Milan 17-6 at the half
21-7 halftime.SMCC.