Numerous sources have confirmed that Riverview football coach Jeff Stergalas has resigned. It appears as if Stergalas will remain as the Athletic Director at the school.
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Numerous sources have confirmed that Riverview football coach Jeff Stergalas has resigned. It appears as if Stergalas will remain as the Athletic Director at the school.
That was weird the d zone just tweeted he resigned and then everyone else reported it too and they didn't say anything else about it since? or did I miss something from then? They're on top of the whole state in terms of coverage so I could of missed it.
I remember watching the FR '76 state championship game while I was in high school (late 90's) on an actual film reel. I think our coaches wanted it to inspire us. I remember thinking "these guys are good, much better than we were." You look at rosters and the size of kids in the Huron League has not changed significantly. Sure, it takes more games to win a state championship now but there are twice as many opportunities to win a state championship. As a player in the late 90's or a coach NOW, I would not want to play the '76 FR team, '91 SMCC team or '94 Jefferson team (which I saw in person). Sure, it would be a great challenge but a very likely loss. Those teams were just as good as any state champs of similar enrollment today. Like a famous coach once said, "It's about the Jacks and Joes, not the X's and O's."
All the real athletes in flat rock right now are looking to get out to go tonHuron anyway…..thanks to the Huron little league program for recruiting them! They have convinced parents that their little 4th-6th graders are 'studs'…. What a joke
Flat Rock is working now but they have a basketbal coach who preaches the do not play football and get hurt crap instead of encouraging more kids to play……
They need to get 20 more kids in the varsity program to begin to compete. Baby steps, then the league will split anyway with the new playoff system and they will be playing more schools their size anyway and hopefully have some 5+ win seasons.
Lloyd Carr's stepson has had a rough go in his current job.. Is he really a candidate? Is this a high demand job where a ton of coaches are actually interested? Is Riverview will to fork up a high paying teaching job for someone? I have heard nothing.
FR should go back to the Flood Rt Flood Left with duggie and wegieka. It's simple unbalanced football. Run the old 4-4 like duggie solidified and mix in some 5-2 monster. Kids will be in the right spot. I'd like to teach a tackling clinic for them. Kids don't know how to tackle in FR, they should be learning that stuff early and right now
Chris, Don't ZZZZZzzzzz you're getting 45 replies on the Huron league football blog in February!! WAKE UP!! Hoops in the HL is boring!! It's Milan then true HL hoop
I'm friends with Lloyd Carr's step son Ryan McCartney and I know that he as talked with Stergalas.
I went to many of the games for cc in 91. That team was every bit as good as ANY of the teams that have won a state title as of late in D5-6. Remember back then CC competed as class B. It was 4 divisions not 8. MUCH tougher to win a title back then it is now.
There wasnt a bad player on that 91 team. They all could block and tackle very well. That wins games. period.
I will even throw my '87 team in there as well for CC. They(we) lost to Mill the thrill coleman and Farmington Hills Harrison, back in their hay day. All respect to Ithaca, Montague and the like but that FHH team would have wiped the floor with Ithaca….
Lansing Catholic is going to be VERY good this year. SMCC closes with them and opens with Tecumseh.
Not gonna argue a mute point. A title in 1976 is not worth talking about. I'm sure they were a very good team. I don't know about them and won't pretend to. I do know they only won 2 playoff games to win a class c state title. Against two teams I've never heard of. Galesburg and Onaway.
As far as generalizing too much, not really. Just stating what most people already know. Like it or not it is a different time, with better players and more football knowledge from coaches. This is across the state and the nation is H.S. football. I'm not talking about a very average Huron League. This is across the board. When you talk about camps and clinics available to coaches these days. I don't care if you run the I, the spread, or the T. The game has evolved and there are simply more opportunities for players and coaches to get better and become more knowledgeable. That's all I'm saying. Not trying to say anyone who won a state title wasn't deserving or good.
Let me ask you about the 1976 Flat Rock team. What offense did they run? How many division I footballers did they have on that team? How about professional athletes? How big were they? Did they have the 1970's Region Coach of the decade? Did they have arguably the greatest athlete in Monroe County Region high school history? Fact is you know nothing about that team.
What offenses did the state champions from 2013 run? How about the runner ups? There was every offense under the sun run in the state championship games.
You are generalizing too much because you are being a "fan"atic.
I believe it was until 1994, that the playoffs finally changed. Through the 70's, 80's, 90's, there were so many great 7-2, 8-1, and even 9-0 teams who never made the playoffs or had a chance because of the limited amount of teams allowed to participate in the post season.
Sorry those teams could not compete for State Titles in 2013. That is a total joke. Not that they were not great teams, anyone who wins a title gets a ton of credit, but lets be real. This is a different time in regard to strength training and schemes. From about 97-98 on, things have really changed in H.S. Football. Coaching is at a different level. Football classes rule the great programs and offensive and defensive schemes are so evolved it's crazy. Case and point is Stergalas winning a title in the early 90's. He's running the same stuff he did back then and had a great team this year and a ton of talent there over the last few years.
Credit to SMCC and Jefferson for playing Tecumseh and Bedford. However, Tecumseh will be down after losing a few all-staters and a nice senior class and Lansing catholic Central has not been good since losing Cooper Rush to CMU.
Serious props to Jefferson for playing Bedford again. But lets be honest. This is a mistake. If they can't win games in the Huron League, they shouldn't be playing a team like Bedford. Ida is a nice match for them being an above average D-5 team. D-1 Bedford not so much.
Well…those 76 and 91 teams could have competed for State titles in 2013. So could the Jefferson State Championship team of 1994. Nice try though.
Marshall was really bad last season. They beat two terrible teams. They are a shell. Rich Hulkow who had built the Marshall program left to go coach in the college ranks. They were a bad team last season.
DCD graduated numerous divison I players and will be down from last season significantly.
Don't get me wrong, it is a tough non-league schedule, but may not be as tough as last seasons non-league schedule.
SMCC has the toughest non-league schedule. Milan or Jefferson has the next toughest.
Titles in 1976 and 1991 are what they are when you could go undefeated and not even make the playoffs. Not discounting them, but the game of football has changed and in those days you won with the best players not the best scheme for the most part.
Marshall won a state title only 4 years ago and made the playoffs in 2012. To say they are a shell of what they once were is a little much. Country Day will be a power like they are every year and that will be a very hard game to win.
Who has a better schedule in the Huron League?
FR and SMCC have won state titles in football. Milan's schedule is solid, but Marshall is a shell of what they once were while Country Day will be as down as they have been in the last decade. The schedule is still better than most in the Huron League, but that may leave Milan out of the playoffs with two non-league losses.
There were a few post on here not so long ago that claimed Milan was dodging " certain non conference opponents" if you look back. Marshall was down last year, but made the playoffs two years ago and has always been a good program. There state title 4 years ago is 1 more than anyone has ever won in the Huron League. And Detroit Country Day is hands down the best opponent anyone in the league has faced in quite a while let's be honest.
Tecumseh is a very good football team and well coached. Adrian has been going downhill the last few years. There win against Airport last year was the highlight of their season as they won only 1 other game. I will say that no one else in this league besides SMCC will play anyone in the non conference. Besides Jefferson who gets serious credit for there few years of playing Bedford. Riverview, GI, Huron play no one. Crestwood, Annapolis, Romulus Summit are like playing J.V teams.
@ 2/24 7:42 AM
I don't see where anyone claimed Milan was "dodging non-conference opponents". I just happen to think Airport's non-conference opponents are much better than anyone else's in the League. I do agree that Milan's non-conference seems to be good with Country Day but I'll have to take your word for it about Marshall. Just because a school won a title 5 years ago doesn't mean jack-squat. You can't conclude they're some powerful team because they won a title 5 years ago. They may be, but you can't draw that conclusion. Maxpreps says they went 2-7 last year, not exactly putting the fear of God in anyone.
How about the guy at Gabriel Richard?
Who are actually some realistic candidates for Riverview? Adams is at Wyandotte and would not leave for a HL job. Robb is probably past his prime, and why would Riverview want Sikora from Carlson who has led that program to the bottom of the DRL? Most likely this goes to an assistant.
According to, Milan is opening with Marshall (2009) State Champs and ending with state power Country Day. So much for dodging non-conference opponents lol
It's great to see Milan is playing Country Day.
I hear that Carlson's coach might be Riverview's next coach.
What are your thoughts on new MHSAA playoff system? The system goes by strength of schedule so all the big schools in the Huron league would be hurt by playing the smaller schools in the league. In theory a 3 or 4 win small shool could make it because of points from playing bigger schools. In turn a 5 or 6 win team could be out for playing small schools and nobody's during the season.
I'll hand it to Airport if the schedule on the website you gave is correct. IMHO, they are playing the most difficult non-conference schedule this year. Opening with Adrian, a traditional district/regional foe and closing v. Tecumseh.
Although SMCC's is no slouch either. If either of them need to win one of those games to get into the playoffs, they could be in trouble.
Flat Rock's schedule isn't posted on there but I'd suspect the coach to try to get some competitive teams at their level. They just need to start building wins to get more interest in their program. Once that happens, then they'll be able to attract a few more "athletes" willing to play. After that they'll need to just be able to compete in the league and then go from there.
I'd love to see Ron Adams take over. He's shown he can not only turn a program around but get the most out of the talent that's available to him. Problem is, can Riverview afford him?
Ron Adams is back at Wyandotte. He took back his resignation. I am sure the DRL coaches are wishing he would leave. Steve Robb.. Can't see it.. I think they will go younger.
Thought it might be a good topic on who are playing tough games etc
Rumor has it Steve Robb and Ron Adams are candidates for Riverview job
Could you do a post on Non Conference sch. and who everyone is playing?
Could you do a post on Non Conference sch. and who everyone is playing?
Kabby has done a great job at Huron from what I see and hear from an interest standpoint. He, however, is not the answer if they are going to actually do something with that interest. They have underperformed for a few years now. If Giarmo or Hoskins had the talent of Huron, they might never lose. Its frustrating to watch at times.
Are you crazy? Huron won't run Kalby out. He has done a good job with the program and a great job throughout the school as a teacher and mentor.
He is the new baseball coach so maybe he is looking to get out of the football job.
What college coach is thinking I want to come and take over a high school program? Try an assistant coach at the D2, D3 or NAIA level. They make peanuts. If they can get a teaching job and be a high school football coach, then they can make a living.
If Huron gets a good coach, look out. The league is on notice.
Old school/new school
It all matters not. Block and tackle well and you will win. It will always be that way.
Heard he is coming from the junior football program actually…….
I am by far not a Dan k. fan, but look at what he has done for Huron. He made it a job people want. This is not the pros, why run a guy that took a doormat and made them competitive? What are you teaching kids. As a resident of that district that disgusts me. I also think that unless someone is in the building that is a huge disadvantage. And do you see Huron creating a job for a new coach? What college coach is really thinking I want to go take over a high school program? Lets hear the specifics.
Speaking of coaches – I hear Huron will get a new coach after this season and he has no high school coaching experience at all. He is also planning to come in and bring 5 to 7 players from FR and other schools. Even though Huron is close to capped on enrollment right now he is asking for special permissions to get these kids in.
When did public school sports become a recruting fest and loyalty to your neighbors and friends go out the window….
Shallow and a shame my friends.
HAVE THEM!!!! I hope kalby leaves because Huron will go back in the sewer!! GO RAMS!
What you are hearing concerning Huron couldn't be further from the truth.
The only part possibly true would be the guy having no high school experience, that would be because the guy is coming from the college ranks.
Word on the street is Southward is on the inside track. But they'll go through their paces I'm sure.
Benefit-of-the-doubt or not, it is still curious. That's not a judgement, condemnation, criticism, etc. just an observation. However, knowing now that he's staying on as AD, I'm sure he'll continue to lobby for stadium upgrades.
I also had heard there may have been some grumbling about favoritism shown the FB program as AD. That's why the district has the rule that an administrator is not supposed to also be a coach. But they were so desperate at the time to get a quality coach that they found/created a loop hole.
Anyway, good Coach, helped a lot of kids go to the next level. Was a little old school but now a days we could use more old school ways. Just my humble opinion!
Definitely leaving the program better than he found it. Not an easy task to do in a competitive Huron League Conference. Appears he has the program moving in the right direction for the new coach. Now, the questions will be how much input will he have looking over the shoulder of the new guy remaining as AD…
Speaking of coaches – I hear Huron will get a new coach after this season and he has no high school coaching experience at all. He is also planning to come in and bring 5 to 7 players from FR and other schools. Even though Huron is close to capped on enrollment right now he is asking for special permissions to get these kids in.
When did public school sports become a recruting fest and loyalty to your neighbors and friends go out the window….
Shallow and a shame my friends.
Ignore the clowns. Stergalas was a solid coach. He will be missed by Riverview.
might be the most predictable but everyone but milan had trouble stopping it. They averaged 49 ppg? something around that
This guy did the school and community a huge favor coming back. did they pay him well, sure, well deserved i might add. most talent….past his prime….outdated….most predictable…. your insulting the rest of the league i might add. 37 years, he deserves any benefit of doubt. Have an incling who may get the job (an ex QB). Jeff has laid a tremendous foundation; little league thru JV squads all have much talent!!
Cripes, its HS football. Jeff bought respectability back to RCHS and the little league up to JV teams are now pretty stocked. 37 years coaching, curious or not, he deserves the benefit of the doubt!
That's funny because riverview's offense scored alot of points in th Huron league. Granted the defense gave up too many points. I guess by outdated you mean everyone should run the spread offense. Seems to me teams that run systems that work with the players they have are successful. When riverview had the tailbacks they had, it seems I-formation football is the way to go.
who cares? He realized that if he couldn't win the league last year or win a playoff game with that group then he never will. He had the most talented team by far in the league last year and didn't win anything. They have talent coming up, but his style and coaching strategy is outdated. He is smart enough to know it's his time and he knows he is past his time at Riverview. The game has passed him up. He still has the intensity and has tough kids, but he doesn't understand defense and his offense it the most predictable in the downriver.
I liked Stergalas overall, brought some credibility back to the program after miserable seasons between 2005 and when he took over. But this is curious timing in that he has been working is hind-end off trying to get funds to turf the field.
Had a couple good years but could not get beyond the first round in any of the playoff seasons. Wish him well in retirement and hope they can attract someone who'll commit to the program long term and work with the lower levels.