Practice will be starting shortly for schools around the state of Michigan. Most of the teams in the Huron League have been busy throughout July by attending 7 on 7 passing camps and leagues. Let everyone know how your team has been doing.
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Agreed but I would say the team has taken a step back, which is to be expected. Let's let it play out a few years.
Look at what you were before Redmond? Its not a crazy thought to say you might go back to that now that he has left.
That's a weak argument, Airport has made the playoffs the last 3 years without Redmond. EM
I personally agree that the top two teams will be Smcc and GI. They both have strong senior teams returning especially SMCC and they both have a strong junior team. It will be exciting to watch both these teams this year. I do believe that this LEAGUE has some very talented boys and win or loose its fun to watch these kids excel.
How did last year start a downward spiral for Airport? They beat a real good Tecumseh team to continue the playoff streak. EM
A record of 6-15 in that playoff streak, 4 of the wins coming in 2 years, 10 times one and done. Not necessarily a downward spiral, but not impressive.
While i wish the playoff record was better, making the playoffs every year since '99 is impressive. EM
So because they hired a young coach, Airport will drop to the bottom of the league? Milan hired a inexperienced coach 2 years ago and he didn't do too bad last year. The thing Baas has going for him is an experienced staff and enough talent to win games right now. EM
Jesse Hoskins coached for 5 or 6 years under Steve Robb, who I would say is widely regarded as one of the best coaches to coach in the HL. 4th coach in 4 years for Airport? Talent can only get you so far.
I guess we will agree to disagree. EM
I agree, last year could be the beginning of a long downward spiral for the Jets.
anonymous said…
What does CC and GI have to be considered the favorites?
AUGUST 6, 2013 AT 6:24 PM
They have good coaches, they have the best groups of returning starters. They both have strong junior classes filling the senior losses But they have little depth so things could change. GI has the best qb,and a few of the best lineman, Lbs and DBs in the league. CC has good skill players and a very good line = good CC. Their def will be much better than last year with the influx of the solid junior class.
Hey 10:36 you an Airport hater or just enjoy posting dumb comments? EM
Dumb comments? They just hired a twenty-something kid with hardly any expierence to fill the position of the last inexperienced coach that they had to fire last year for not acting his age.
What does CC and GI have to be considered the favorites?
Question about new Airport coach Chad Baas: i remember his playing days, but what is his coaching background? I don't believe he coached at Airport.
He coached one year at Erie Mason. Obviously Airport's only requirement to be a head coach of a program is that you're a teacher.
The good thing about coaching at E.M. is he should be comfortable only being able to compete with teams in the Huron league basement.
There is nothing NOT smash mouth about the zone read. GI runs waaaaaaaaay more than it passes. Dont let the formation fool you.
One of the more interesting things to me is the teams predicted at the top SMCC and GI have polar opposite offenses. SMCC is full house smash mouth, and GI is spread zone read. Just goes to show that you can win in any way if you have solid coaching and the kids buy in.
The HL is going to be very interesting this year, can't wait!
FINALLY a new coach in Monroe. They have some decent talent too. Wonder what it's gonna be like?
I see a deep playoff run for CC. The junior class is very impressive. Maybe a loss or two in the HL but as long as they don't get paired with the division monster in the playoffs they should go for weeks.
GI offense. Can't wait to see it. If the defense is close to as good as the last few years I don't know how many teams will be able to keep up.
Milan, not really sure what to think about them. What team are they? Last year or two years ago? The better they are the better for the league so hopefully more like last year. One thing is for sure, they are a MUCH cleaner team with the new coach. I love how they blamed the other teams for cheap shots and all the penalties the previous years on this blog. Then new coaches and the complaints stop….. Ya must of been the other teams all those times.
Huron. This should be the year they finally get it. This is the team I think will surprise people.
Riverview might be good or might not. The team is good, the coach is good, they have studs but I still have no clue if they will be good or not. For some reason they just can't put it all together sometimes.
Airport is airport. They will be in every game and if the ball bounces the right way all year they will be just fine if it doesn't they won't. When the top of the league is down they are a top team when the top of the league is up they are average. I think the top of the league is up so……….
FR, sorry guys, I just don't see it. I hope it comes together but if FR couldn't do it last year with all those seniors I'm just not sure how this year will be any different.
I post Freshmen and JV scores every Thursday as long as I have the result.
Haha good one 12:20. I say Airport will get it's first playoff win since 2007. EM
I think it is safe to say that Airport will be the same as every year. They will get 6 wins, get in to the playoffs and playing basketball by the second round.
Airport's Junior class is very solid as well.
Airport will have a nice team. This class has always been successful. A new coach will provide for a tough sled but a majority of the staff has been in place for a long time.
Airport class of '98 here…Living in Lansing so I don't hear much about football down in the Huron League. How are the Jets looking this year?
Bunn is going to Concordia University in Ann Arbor along with Flat Rock's Mike Chickeral and Milan's Ty Peterson.
Jefferson numbers up this year also. 30 to 40 more kids went out at the high school level over last year because of the coaching change. Should be plenty of depth, definitely will make the starters work harder to earn their spots. Didn't have that last year.
Also a lot less players playing both ways.
No cutting at Jefferson, keep as many as you can, brings out the best in the players all season long, not just at the tryouts.
where is bunn playing college?
12:16 poster
Lets just say I have a little inside knowledge on this matter.
But, yes you are right in almost all cases.
Football is a numbers game.
I have no clue what this not 50 only the "35 best" and CC cuts "sort of" guy is talking about. CC puts the frosh on frosh, the Sophs on jv and the juniors and seniors on big V. If there is a need/opening or a player that deserves to "go up" they pull em up just like everyone else does. It's nothing special or different than anyone else. This guy is cracked by some idea there is a secret to it. If they have 50 guys on V there are 50 guys on V and the coaches are more than happy to have em. Other than beng at a monster school where the numbers could get crazy coaches LOVE having extra players. The more kids you have to practice and play the better.
It is still a no cut sport.
They do so by making the freshman and JV tough. At least at CC that's the case. A weeding out so to speak. Which is why CC plays the best schools in the entire state as freshman and sophs. So it not cutting as you may think of it but it serves the same purpose.
Most schools don't cut for football.
"Cutting" players is authorized I do believe.
Here is the thing regarding large rosters. Large rosters usually increase the size of your talent pools. That is why for the most part, larger schools produce better teams and better individual players at almost every sport.
CC no longer wants the 50 man rosters. They are focusing on the 35 best.
I agree With the poster above. Depth is the key this year. The two best teams are GI and CC, they are stacked at most positions but only 15 deep at best. Most positions are above average or better but neither has depth. If one of them can stay healthy they should take the league outright. If not i hear Huron and Milan have big squads. Hurons jv team that is on V now was pretty good too. Numbers and depth equal late season wins so look out for them if GI or CC has health issues.
Flat Rock has been busy playing 7 on 7 as well. Graduation losses were huge for the Rams and will take a toll. The Rams must replace a 3 year starter at QB but the extra reps this summer can only be a positive change for my boy OC. They will take their lumps in the solid Huron League but he will get them there.
Huron spent most of their time in the Dearborn area. Looked good at times. Had as many as 5 guys playing QB but do return their starter from last season. They will have some offensive weapons. They return most skill guys except Bunn who is headed to college ball. It will all depend on their line play just like everyone else.
The defense lost a few returning starters due to tragedy and injury and will be key. If they stop people, they will win some games.
Depth won't be a problem for Huron. They anticipate a roster of 45 or more. The weight room is busy every morning and afternoon. The speed is solid, size is pretty good. Huron opens with Summit. It will be interesting to see their talent level. They will most likely get some Inkster kids and the head coach is the President of the Woodhaven junior football program. I'm not sure why kids would leave a solid D2 playoff program for a D5 school like Summit but parents can be silly at times.
Hearing scuttle around the area that numbers are down. Everyone a bit worried about depth. Riverview should be on the up, Stregalas does a good job recruiting school of choice kids. I hear the league is losing some to summit and DC as well. 7 on 7 was kind of a washout because of weather. GI fast but small. Mostly juniors should bode well for them for 2014. CC has a real strong Jr/Sr class. Don't know what is in the pipe for them. Moral is up at Jefferson, kids are energized. Chris, how does Huron look? Size, speed, depth? BTW…YES WE CARE!
Obviously football is won in the trenches and games without linemen really makes no sense but surely you can see which teams have speed and talent.
It's not that people care or not it's more that 7v7 doesn't really show anything. I watched some of the Wyandotte passing leagues this year, at one of them Grosse Ile pounded Monroe and hung with Wyandotte. Do I think Grosse Ile could beat Wyandotte or Monroe? No, yet they looked just as good 7v7.
Apparently nobody cares anymore or no teams participated in 7 on 7 this summer.