Here is the other half of the league slate only at the Examiner.
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Here is the other half of the league slate only at the Examiner.
When I left the CC/GI game, there were CC fans who were down right pissed! I couldn't help but laugh. Not at the team, but at how some fans just don't feel "special" anymore. They better get used to it, because I see a few more losses headed their way.
Grosse Ile Beats SMCC 20-14
As of 9:15 PM..
Upset at Navarre. CC lost by 6
Aiport was up 20-0 end of 3.
The View beating Jefferson 16-7..
Last I heard.
Its hard to say who the best coach in the league is right now. We have state championship coaches (from the past) who seem to be a bit past their prime. A league dominator who is always the brides maid because he can't adjust when behind late in a game. The hardest working coach and staff I've ever met but can't get athletes to play football over tennis, golf and soccer on their little island. A few newbs that don't have a resume yet to bring to the table but might be good soon. We have coaches that make a lot with a little, one that doesn't have "borders" to be locked into some with huge student bodies that are always at an advantage because of district. My pick would probably be the one that's whole program is turning around from little league to varsity but sense he still hasn't consistently been there I can't. So its gotta go to the league dominator until he is overthrown.
To the 1:20pm poster – SHAME ON YOU! I am SICK of people like you posting on this site assuming that ANY player on ANY team is not "battling and trying their best!" These boys are in the weight rooms, conditioning, 2-a-days, and daily practices NOT so they can be belittled by the likes of you but rather so they CAN go out on Friday nights and give it their best efforts. Too bad for you if some players and/or some teams just have more talent. My hat goes off to all the guys out their battling on Friday nights. You have no right to question the HEART of any player!!
Just some pointless, "Readership" Input for discussion….
I would suggest some considerations if measuring who might be the best coach:
-Constitency with their Program regardless of the talent each year.
-Leauge Victories and Championships
-Progress in the state playoffs, year after year
-Ability to adjust their strategies to win BIG GAMES
-PROVEN Halftime adjustments to win games
-and several other intangibles (ie recruiting, LOL)
State Championships is only one facet supporting a the "best coach".
Based on Giarmo's consistent success, willingness to play tough programs and the consistent playoff runs, as much as it pains me to admit, Chris may have a very "arguable" point.
Cisco is a legend, I know his teams havent done much but too not even give him a mention for what he has done is kinda a slap in the face. Giarmo was taking over a great program that was built up by castignola, labeau, sandersen.
Cisco had to built the program up all on his own. He didnt have tradition to work with, he had to make it.
So is that how we measure best coaches by how many state championships they have? I don't think so. Let's ask the readership!
Here we go……
GI/SMCC – Giarmo is the best coach. The problem with this game is the best player(s) are wearing Red, the Islanders take this one, 28-20.
Milan/Huron – Until the Chiefs can prove they can beat Milan, they can't, Milan wins 24-14.
Aiport/FR – Subs will get some work in the 2nd half for the Jets. FR will score late to make it look respectable, Jets 40-20.
RV/Jeff – Best game of the night. Riverview in OT 20-14.
GI please pull off the upset, if not can you at least play SMCC close. I'm sick of watching blowout football games. People pay money to watch these games, the least you kids can do is battle and try your best.
Giarmo is not the best coach. If I'm not mistaken, there are two coaches with state championships.