Let us know how your team fared at their four way scrimmage. Please remember scrimmages usually don’t mean too much. No special teams, clock, lots of substitutions and coaches playing possum.
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Let us know how your team fared at their four way scrimmage. Please remember scrimmages usually don’t mean too much. No special teams, clock, lots of substitutions and coaches playing possum.
Agreed. Good luck to all region teams this year. I agree the HL is down, maybe as low as it has been in a while and also agree Redmond will tuen Monroe into the gem it should be.
SMCC excepted. They will continue to reload, plus I see some names on their roster this year that played on other schools last year.
Most of the HR schools have a feeder from 1 junior high. SMCC has a feeder from about 10 cathlic schools. Go to their CYO night and count how many.
50 players is a HUGE number for a D1 program, 100 is not possible. I would say last year only about 10(if that) programs in the state had over 50 players last year on varsity…. SMCC being one of them.
Monroe Population according to Michigan-football.com
I wouldn't say their population is going down. I would say it varies from year to year. Having and sustaining 100 kids on a team is not very realistic. That is why you don't see even the powerhouses in the state having that all the time. However there are exceptions to that rule once in a while.
I never said that there wouldn't be kids from those schools that couldn't play at Monroe. Of course that would be the case. I only meant to say Monroe has more athletes. I think we are saying the same thing but different ways. Monroe has more athletes on the field. However, when you look at some of the teams they play now in the SEC that are not nearly "athletic" as any of the Ann Arbor schools.
Trust me I know the Huron League is tough hard nosed football. I played in it, coached in it, and have watched plenty games. But lately I think the league is going a little soft. With the exception of SMCC and Airport and the verdict will be out on them this year. Of course they will make playoffs but lets see what kind of noise they make once they get in.
Oh and this year Monroe has 70 freshman, 40 on JV, and 50 on Varsity. Which they should have. Those numbers haven't been that high since the Carducci era.
Redmond is making his mark!
I heard monroe has like 40 on freshman and around 60 on JV. So your right in the future monroe could have a hundred kids, than again alot of those kids who dont play will quit.
OK, but atleast they HAVE facilities!! You have no idea what a luxery it is to be able to WALK over to your football field, baseball field etc… etc… CC has to be bussed everywhere(and it sucks). It is a definite feature that all the other schools have over CC.
I can assure you that there are athletes from Jefferson, Flat Rock, SMCC, Riverview, Huron, Milan, Grosse Ile, Airport, Ida, Whiteford, Summerfield, Dundee, Mason, etc. etc. that could play for and start at Monroe in every sport. Because you go to a larger school does not ensure that you are a superior athlete. It normally allows you to have more kids to choose from is all.
I am sure many athletes from past and present can be named that could or would have been very welcomed at Monroe High School, and in some cases may have starred more brightly due to larger exposure.
Lets look at numbers for a minute.
Monroe has over 2,000 students, and has 50 – 55 boys on the varsity football team.
Another smaller public school such as Ida or FR has maybe 500 kids and has 25 boys on the varsity football team.
Based on that percentage, Monroe should have over 100 boys on the varsity football team. The trend over the past 30 yeasr is not to send your kid to Monroe for many reasons.
Their population contiues to go donw while the smaller schools continue to go up. Why is that? SUperior athlets? I don't think so.
Ya look at all the huge monsters and college talent out there for cc. Oh wait there aren't any. Next excuse guys.
not going to argue with you whether he would have started at DB as a junior. But I doubt he would have played over hamilton or quinn. And yes that bigger school does have better athletes and they do have more of them to pick from too. You cant tell me that Flat Rocks best athletes are on the same level as Monroe best!
I wish the kid the best of luck and good luck to Flat Rock this year!
nobody in the huron league has beautiful facilities BN, Airport has a nice baseball field, milan has a nice gym. Thats about it.Face it, people transfer to CC because they are a bunch of cheats.
Close to 70% of the students at that school received some sort of financial help this past year. I don't think they all transfered there to play football. I think I heard that some kid got a full ride to transfer there to compete on the debate team. Damn cheaters !
Ok, but when that D6 rinky dink school has no football field, no practice football field, no pool, no track, no wrestling room, no baseball diamond….. so on and so on… why on earth would a kid want to go there for sports!?
Wouldnt he much rather go to a D1-D3 school with the most beautiful facilities? think about it.
quit making excuses as to why your team loses every year.
"Losers make excuses"- Lou Holtz
A student transferring from one public school to another involves no money exchanging hands. However, ONE school in the league does in fact offer to pay all or part of a players tuition if they transfer to their school to play a sport. Now what would you call that? It happens, and THEY know it does. End of story.
The Monroe transfer would have started for Monroe as a junior at DB. This is according to Monroe's coaches (Mossburg).
Just because you are at a bigger school does not mean you have better athletes, you just have more of them to choose from.
He left Monroe because of the baseball coach at Monroe, whcih is his favorite sport, next to boxing.
Information regarding FR "Transfer" from Monroe.
I believe his parents are divorced and he went to live with his father sometime last year. He is a good kid and somewhat fast. He should do well at FR. At Monroe, he would have been 3rd or
4th string. However, he could have played some special teams for Monroe this year.
Good Luck to all Huron League Teams! Stay healthy throughout the year and the teams that make the playoffs represent the region well!
Monroe Insider
students moving to a different school .? Must be recruiting
Then who is flat rock's fastest? (I wont name names) #10 or #25 aren't. Who is?
His name is ken Kamin. And he isn't even there fastest playet
he transferred because he knew flat rock had a team this year. last time fr has a chance until 3021.
Flat Rock has a monroe transfer? interesting, was he a disgruntled backup at monroe or did he transfer for some other reason?
Airport dominated Jackson, and did well vs AA Huron. Defense looked good vs Wayne. Dfront was impressive vs all.
Why such petulance all the time? Can we have an "adult only" day just once?
I guess you're not allowed to talk with people about other teams. Why don't we just go with this.
Every team in the league looked wonderful. It looks like another solid season. SMCC is just reloading. The Airport and Jefferson teams I watched actually dominated their competition. The teams that Huron and Grosse Ile scrimmaged against will all make the playoffs this season.
The league looks tough top to bottom. As good as I have ever seen.
Tell us how your team looked.
Anonymous said…
From what I heard SMCC looked ok. Milan, Airport, Jefferson, Riverview and Flat Rock looked bad.Grosse Ile and Huron looked good against some of the worse teams in the state.
Why post if you DONT know? Your just chirping.
Thoughts on FR…..monroe transfer is a player, u were correct chris, he's as quick as any in league…didn't show much on O, limited carries for blosser and knock , however if you're a corner in this league get out of the way if that knock kid is leading, punishing blocks, qb looked good
..couple nice grabs by that minkewitz….defense alright, again limited time for 1st squad trying different looks and personnel….guess we'll know next week good luck to ALL teams (yes including u airport) have fun, be safe, and thanx to all especially Chris for the content…..rams
I agree, however I also do believe a scrimmage is just that….I don't take much away from them other than a snapshot of where the O and D are heading into game one.
White is not playing D, but that young man can lay the lumber!!
The thing that I took notice of was Airport's front 7. The DLine has much better size than last year and they have some playmakers at LB. Jones & Shumake looked good. Like 2:51 said if the recievers start catching passes look out. EM
If the airport receivers start catching passes look out. Maybe they need to get used to the velocity of the ball…?
It's just an overall bad year in the league
From what I heard SMCC looked ok. Milan, Airport, Jefferson, Riverview and Flat Rock looked bad.Grosse Ile and Huron looked good against some of the worse teams in the state.
Hundreds of daily readers but not many people went to a scrimmage.
sitofn,are you saying white played defense?
Cabrinin, Detroit SW and Detroit Consortium… what can you tell about your team by scrimmaging these guys? GI needs to find another scrimmage or invite some better teams.
Airport didn't show much. Potential is there but too many penalties. Defense improved.
Cc beat Salem 3-1, Carlson 6-3 and lost to thurston 4-2.
Zach Schlarb started at QB for Huron. He is a 6'3" sophomore.
Junior LB Steve Curnett was a beast on defense for the Chiefs.
Tough to tell on Huron. They only ran four different plays on offense.
Defensively they struggled in the secondary. They have some young guys and Greg Filby is coming off a season ending track injury.
GI scored at will in the air against Cabrinin, Detroit SW and Detroit Consortium. Ground game was potent also scoring several times as well. O will score OFTEN.
HINT…Cameron who??
D looked good against Cabrini and Det SW. A little porous against Det C. Couple nice picks for sure. D has speed, needs a chip.
Question…biggest hit of the night was delivered by GI, who was it. HINT…an O player with no need for protective jersey.
GI moved the ball at will on the ground and in the air against all three teams. Defense did look improved but then again it isn't hard to improve from last year.
I heard Huron was without their starting quarterback too, Chris.
Based on there performance how do you see Huron looking this year? Your right you cant take scrimmages too seriously but they do give you a good idea of what to expect on D and O.
Huron beat up on Romulus and L'Anse Creuse North. Romulus scored on three long pass plays but couldn't move the ball at all. North couldn't move the ball either.
Jeez o petes. Awfully quiet on here. Nobody wants to spill the beans or every team sucked tonight.