Time to see what the pollsters think of Flat Rocks chances this season. The Rams finished 0-9 but return a bunch of talented players. Tell us what you think?
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Time to see what the pollsters think of Flat Rocks chances this season. The Rams finished 0-9 but return a bunch of talented players. Tell us what you think?
If Ida and Flat Rock played their JV teams without sophs up last year FR would have inflicted a running clock on ida..I know Ida has a few good backs coming back but don't be surprised if Flat Rock makes a statement..
And yes for teh poster who wants to knwo about the O changing..it will be a changing..or so i've heard from a few
10:53 poster….its never easy to play against kids a year or two OLDER no matter if its freshman , jv, varsity, or college ball. FR had a hard time scoring last year, true, but 90% of the O came from 2 sophmores that are only going to get bigger,faster,stronger,and OLDER. 500-600 yard with 6 scores are good numbers for sophmores that SHOULD of been on JV, those numbers should increase this year and give the rams a better chance at success………rams
Agree…might not have the blazing speed anymore but we do have backs now that crave contact and punish defenders…wonder if coach p has ever thought about going to a north/south type offense, grind it out for 8 minutes a quarter with blosser and knoch and keep the opposing O off the field, 3 yards and a cloud of dust……rams
yeah. gone the days of conner and crain* but they now have kids that run into contact and pick up those extra 3 yards. And not 200 on the line? They have over 200 on the line and in the backfield. Im not saying there going to make playoffs. But cut a little slack
people forget how easy it is to be good on freshman/jv lol
Keep in mind bn that knock kid ran for 300 yards and 5 tds as a freshman on the supposed 9- 0 ida team – you tube it
Ida is the least of fr worries this year….don't let that 9-0 fool ya which I don't believe is correct because we have beat their jv the last two including a win when blosser was on varsity and we started mostly freshman ….I see wins over ida, erie, riverview, and jefferson with close games to GI, Huron, and airport…….rams
FR fan….I admire your persistence and don't stop.
I got alot of heat predicting "winds of change" on GI but nailed it…..Seniors class with heart and patient parents were the reason.
Many people wanted heads to roll after 2 oh-4's back-to-back.
Possibly FR juniors can do it but I think it's a stretch.
What 6 do you have them beating? Keep in mind Ida's JV went 9-0. They have a strong jr class as well.
bn, it means they are small but they will show that they arent just a bunch of juniors with " no team " they have what it takes to make it there, pound for pound.
That threw me off too! I have no idea.
"Pound for pound flat rock will make the playoffs"
What does that even mean?
To the 10:59 poster let's not forget these two were ONLY sophmores last year and although overmatched, performed quite well statistically speaking. blosser WILL be a great back and has the potential to win opoty his senior year as well as knoch, which may be a little short but his strength and tenacity allow him to knock out players twice his size. Was hoping our monroe transfer would remain a secret until the season but yea the kid has some wheels and should give FR a threat from the other wing…can't wait for the season to start gonna be an interesting year…….rams
Pound for Pound flat rock will make playoffs.
It's looking like the fans think 3-6 or 2-7 is in order. That seems reasonable to me.
I say 3-6 with wins over Ida, Mason, and Jefferson. Too small and not physical enough against league upper tier.
You said name some talented kids, so I did. You can doubt Kamin. I know he is an unknown but he is quick and as fast as anyone in the league.
kamin is an unproven transfer..how do you know he is talented?
I see the other kids lettered, but come on..I just dont see it..
Flat Rock does have talent but needs a team….not a slam but rather lessons learned when GI had some talent but went oh-4 two straight because of:
-low numbers
-new coaches
-pilfering JV
-etc, etc.
As mentioned previous, a leading senior class is key and I don't think FR will have it this year…..2-3 wins BUT improvement vs last year.
HS football teams are good because of their seniors. Im not sure if FR has any good seniors or not. If all the talented players are juniors then FR will still be a year away from making any noise.
Let's see what I can coe up with.
Knoch is probably the best one. I would consider these kids talented Mike Chickeral, Mike Blosser, Brandon Hill, Austin DeLeon, Dave Minckiewicz and Ken Kamin.
what talented players chris..? I can think of talented player..
knock..who else is talented?
fr is small and slow..they don't have a guy over 200 on the line and they aren't atletic on d..gone are the days of conner and crane..
really..if they tackle, block, and execute like they did last year i say 3-6..the league is down, no doubt..I hear about all this taletn returning, but where was it last year?? the blosser kid is an average back in an average league..knoch is small, and so is the rest of the rams..they'll start off strong, but get worn down, like always…..this biggest concern for the rams should be coach p, and his health
first time since 1990… that would be something.
Got a lot of talent coming back. Mike Blosser and Colin Knoch are some really good playmakers i can see playoffs outta the Rams this year.