Vote for Your League Champ Pick.

Here is an opportunity to vote for the team you think will win the league championship this year. I will leave this up until the Sunday before the first day of practice.

You can only vote once but this should give us a solid idea of who the fans think will win the league this year.

26 thoughts on “Vote for Your League Champ Pick.”

  1. this will " give us a idea of who the fans think will win the league this year" too bad the fan dont step on the field friday night, just b/c someone votes on who they think might win, doesnt mean they will, Riverview fans and Flat Rock fans are on here everyday telling ppl to vote, so you can tell were im going, but we all know who is gonna make the playoffs, what really matters. CC, Milan, maybe Airport if they can win in week 9 and Jefferson will need 6 wins before they get to week 9, b/c they won't beat Bedford,

  2. Don't rule out Jefferson is what I've been hearing too. Last year left a bad taste and they are ready for redeption. Those guys are hungry. Those seniors are gone and the new seniors are ready to take on the leadership. They should have a good year.

  3. Airport wont be as tough as the have been in the past new coach or not..they are rebuilding Huron one demetional Riverview and Jefferson could make noise but CC and the middle of that O-line is gonna punish teams,size,strength and experience along with top notch disipline is a reciept for Leage Champs. Dont count any team out but on papper it shouldn't even be close.CC is my pick.

  4. Jefferson? Did someone really choose Jefferson? Come on, quit fooling yourself buddy. Everyone keeps writing off Airport because they have a new coach. He isn't new, only untested. CC has the best chance of taking the title, but don't rule out Airport…..just yet.

  5. the rams have heart just need some size and to hit the wieghts, but only most of the kids have heart half the kid's quit before the first game. they don't have the numbers to compete with teams who have 35-50 kids.

  6. I don't think offense is Huron's problem. They have proven they can score on anyone. Remember, they beat Jefferson by more than 20 last year.

  7. CC is alot of people's team to win, but look out for Jefferson this year. they have alot of experience coming back. It should be interesting week 2 when they play each other.

  8. but the people call an upset of the league and the peoples choice is Flat Rock? i guess this is a democracy

  9. CC's Oline will be 40lbs heavier on average and at least 2in. taller.With the center of the line returning they will be tough to stop.They have also been working on their passing game could get interesting…I vote for Riverview to upset the league.

  10. Absolutly right,CC line is sick.Although everyone will be shooting for them and may even upset CC.They have to be the favorite to win.CC starts with three tough games.I belive CC will win the League but they lost alot of toughness.If they dont buckle down or get to cocky they should repeat.The line will be fun to watch,they have all grown in strength and height.Dont expect them to be as small as in past years they will match up with alot of teams this year and if there running game is close to last year…Look out.

  11. i agree, i also attended and played for flat rock and played during the 5-4 season. the team wasn't big or that strong just speed and heart. the school is getting closer with lifting programs and conditioning, but they don't have consistant players. they get them in 2-a days and lose half before the season. i also think CC will win the league, and there offense is hands down the best in the league running wise.

  12. FR uses some deception but nothing like SMCC. They just haven't had the horses since Coach P got there. They went 5-4 the year he had the most talent.

    It should be interesting to see what happens now that FR has a young pro-sports principal in place. The addition of weightlifting to their PhysEd program should help as well.

    FR has a talented sophomore class coming up it would be interesting if Coach P could coax Darryl Mossburg to come back and coach the defense again.

  13. Just a note to all, please vote for who you actually believe will win. Not who you play for or who youre a fan of. I attended airport and still voted cc if that says anything.

  14. Flat Rock already runs a basic offense. They just don't consistently have the players.

    That would be great offense for Huron, especially with their strength from the BFS program they run.

  15. Question for anyone: Why dont Flat Rock or Huron adopt the Fullhouse T? It is an excellent "equelizer" for less talented teams. I honestly think both Huron and FR could double their wins if they went to the T. Yes it can be called "boring" but to me winning is never boring.

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