Congrats to Riverview’s Jeff Stergalas for getting his first Huron League win.
Looks like it is still the “Big Four” and the “Little Four”.
Friday nights weather was the worst in a long time for regular season high school football.
Why can’t Huron win?
Everyone at Saturday nights Flat Rock Class of 84 reunion looked the same age as me.
Looks like the Huron League will only get three teams in the playoffs this year.
I think Jodeci Mays is a lock for the Huron League Offensive Player of the Year award.
Has every coach at Huron been the problem?
I wonder how many games have Joe Pruchnicki and Marc Cisco been a part of in their lives.
What game should I go to this week?
Ecorse finally lost this week.
Kids have to actually attend practice to win right?
Dan Chickeral from Flat Rock should be a 1st team All-League selection on defense.
5 OFFENSIVE: 1. Jodeci Mays AIRPORT 2. Dex Teen GROSSE ILE 3. Labeau SMCC 4. Jim Cameron GROSSE ILE 5. Joe Connor FLAT ROCK
Honorable Mentions: Daniel Jones AIRPORT, Robby White GROSSE ILE, Andrew Maynard Huron, David Stockert HURON, Tyler Pluff AIRPORT, TJ Lovell SMCC
5 DEFENSIVE: 1. Tyler Weclowski HURON 2. Nick Riopelle AIRPORT 3. Michael Pannone SMCC 4. Thom Box MILAN 5. Dylan Close AIRPORT
Honorable Mentions: DeAmdre Mitchell MILAN, TJ Lovell SMCC, Tyler Baker AIRPORT, Andrew Nava AIRPORT, Dan Chickeral FLAT ROCK, Matt Metz FLAT ROCK, Michael Graves AIRPORT, Dylan Miracle SMCC
Very well..CC wasnt the prettiest in the second half.Best drive? Not sure on that but I'll give 1 touchdown a quarter when I'm up 19 at half.It was exciting and hope both teams finish well.
It took Milan 9:47 to score to start the 2nd half, and it was one of the best high school drives I have seen.
I would agree with the time managment aspect, but SMCC was struggling for yardage in the 2nd half minus a few big plays. Milan defense played well and wasn't manhandled.
I'm sure that we will not see eye to eye, but when it comes down to it, the Falcons did enough to win and thats all that matters. Good luck to both teams for the remainder.
Nobody has to boast about their kids,Dads or Uncles,if you follow the game like some of us you can see who the kids on every Friday night who stand out.(My kids are grown and gone ).I apprechiate all the young men who scratch and fight on Friday nights and I was on the O-Line many years ago and those are the guys who dont make player of the week or get enough credit.Someone else on this blog is like me and gives credit where credit is due…in the trenches.Box, Burkhadt,Collins are just a few who never see the lime light.Big fellows keep it up and keep making the backs look good,remember there aer some of us who love to watch more than just QBs,RB and LBs.Huron and Riverview have a few studs of their own.Im not boasting ,I have nothing to gain from it…
Chris or anyone, who do you think are the five best Defensive players in the league,in order. and the five best offensive players in the league in order??
19-0 first half doesn't sound bad,I agree the CC line came out cold in the 3rd and Milans D-line stepped up,but your kidding if you dont think CC's line manhandled Milans D for most of the game as well as CC's D.13min for Milan to score in the third ( 1 possesion ) and rest I you could call time management.
I thought that CC's offensive line played very well against Airport on their way to almost 400 yards on the ground. However, against Milan, outside of some big plays, St. Mary's couldn't find consistent running room.
Their offensive line is good, but they did not shine THAT brightly in the game against Milan. Milan's defensive line, in my opinion, controlled the line of scrimmage for the majority of the ball game, especially in the 2nd half when the Falcons struggled offensively (other than Howey's keep to seal it).
I agree with the film aspect of what you guys are saying. Believe me the coaches have seen film on weclowski and they know how good he is. That is why week in and week out they send multiple blockers on him and try and run away from him!
All you heard early in the season was how small CC's O-Line was.Well they may not have matched up well some teams,but they did against our BIG REDS.Their line is as solid as line as I have seen over the years.For a team that doesn't pass and for them to rely on just a running game,says alot about those boys.We have a some studs but the middle of that CC line is tuff.It was a pleasure to see young men so well coached ( not taking anything away from our coaches ).And to think that Burkhart and Collins will be back next year to lead them again.It was a tough loss,but good luck to both teams the rest of the season and in the playoff.
Offensive Player of the Year will be Jodeci Mays.
Lets talk about OPOY.
i agree with Mr.HuronLeagueMan. weclowski is a heck of a player but there is more to go by than just stats. there are things a player does that does not show up in the stats or the box score. For example, a fullback who makes blocks and creates whole for the other running backs. Also for offenseive lineman who create wholes for running backs along with other examples as well. Another example would be a linebacker who does not have to make as many tackles as weclowski because his teammates make tackles. Just because a linebacker has less tackles than weclowski does not mean that player is not as good as weclowski. that better could be better than weclowski for all we know. film is a good way to see how good players really are.
Go back and look in the August archives. You will see I listed most of the players that were all-league last year.
1. Another name that might be considered is Chris LaBelle. He had a great game against SMCC this past week, and has been playing great linebacker for two years now.
2. Stats are not the most important aspect of who wins Player of the Year honors. Coaches see more on film than we could dream of seeing in person or in the box score.
I understand that Weclowski is averaging a whole mess of tackles, but on a team that has given up 29 points per game through week 7. I understand that one player can't stop an offense by himself, but I still don't think its out of the question to consider a few other players.
3. Poster on Oct. 13 at 12:39am, it would be far less than a "sad day" if he didn't win the award. Refer back to number 1 and 2.
to answer your question there are quite a few players who made first team last year that are around this year. tj lovell, nate collins, kyle bukrhardt, and chris labeau made first team for offense last year..all from smcc. collins and burkhardt were sophmore last year when they made it. For defense there was mike pannone and nick willson, both from smcc has well-also both sophmores last year when they made it.
again those players were from smcc. dex teen from GI made it as well. if you want the full list go to the the article chris posted in august that said "Last Year's All Leaguers". There are a lot of players on the list!
woah i didnt know this post turned into Welcloski and Pannone SHow…
Question: Which of this years players, if any, made first team all league last year??
Huron should have been in the running for a league title with the group of athletes this year. this season was a hudge dissapointment
Sure is starting to sounds like everyone's dad's and uncle's are using this blog to post and boast about their own kids. Is that what this is all about? Legends in their own mind. The coaches know what they see, they watch the tapes over and over, they know who is really good and who is "daddy's star." Glad you guys don't have a real vote.
Game four SMCC 20 Huron 19 WECLOWSKI 5-30 and 1 TD – 28 tackles and 1 interception and he returned kicks & punts. What did PENNONE do for his team in that game ? and he only had to play def. PLus Weclowski leads not only the Huron league but the hole down river in tackles while playing both ways. Come on i think it would be a pretty sad day four the league and the players. If the huron kid did not get DPOY.
You hear about CC running with no passing would you like to have Dex Teen or Wecloski running behind CC's line…that would be something to see.Why pass when you have CC's center and guards blowing holes open for you
Im with the other guy,Pennone or Weclowski both are worthy,but I like the unsung hero's as well CC's entire line is tough,with Berkhart and Collins returning against next year,LOOKOUT,they are all league and possible all state now.I watch my son go against these two and well lets just say he really tried hard.Best duo in the league.And my son is no slouch.Good Luck to them the rest of the way.
Weclowski plays[ed] QB on a screen play. faked it to the left, weclowski came back, has the ball handed off to him, he drops back, and passes for a screen right/left depending on what screen play is called. Huron runs many screen plays; right, left, double screen right, ect. so its hard to tell which screen they run but weclowski QB's for mayrand on one of the screens.
pannone dosent need 10 ints. the kid can flat out tackle anybody on the field. he plays linebacker from the safety position.
the conerbacks are the weak ones in the secondary, which cause everyteam that plays smcc to throw 50% more then they did last year, with that said do some math. more throwing = less running plays less tackles and he still leads his team.
not sayin its wrong bc if i was a coach i would throw on smcc's corners all day and thats what they do.
i just thought that needed to be said since some people dont understand
can you say Jefferson vs. SMCC can't wait to watch this war. no matter what the records are it always turns out to be a game….just take a look at last year
Baker for Airport play receiver and safety… can play quarterback running back too… also is a returner for airport
bloodynutter, are you sure martellis didn't play defense? i think he did. i think he played cornerback/defensive back. you know he covered the receivers when they were out there if i remember right.
Weclowski is a heck of a player as well. I'm really excited to see who wins the award this year. A few players have a really good chance to take home the honors.
Weclowski is a stud.Pennone is too,but this years DPOY is Weclowski.I son doesnt play for Huron or CC.Both are worthy but Weclowski has by far the best season on D and plays O also.As far as the line goes Box from Milan and Burkhart and Collins from CC.Collins is playing with two bad knees and a bad shoulder and is as soloid at center as any Highschool linemen I have seen,he's quiet but just pushes defenders around.Look they run plays over Collins and Burkhart all game.All Leaguers and All Staters as well as Box,Penonne and Weclowski.Without question.
Teen has started at running back and strong safety/LB since his sophomore year. Has gotten league honors each of those years. Also played had reps at QB all three years and been a returner
anonymous thanks for answering. does weclowski start at QB/RB though? thats wut i was trying to get at. is there a player who plays the whole game on both sides of the ball (not lineman) and goes out only for rest at key and demanding positions like a QB/LB or RB/LB? if weclowski starts at RB and LB every game then he fits what i was asking.
Mr.Huron, I'd reconsider your thought; your right lovell is a game changer and on the leagues best team, but look at this;
1] Weclowski is getting anywhere from 18+ tackles in a game.
2] He can run the ball very well on offense when their not running wilson.
3] He makes his hits close to the line and doesn't give up much yardage if he can.
4] He is on, not the worse team in the league, but not a good one.
He's not even on the best team in the league and he's doing amazing. He's getting many tackles a game, and still running the ball hard on offense [even tho its only Defensive player talk] he's a great player to both sides of the ball.. So id possibly reconsider your vote for lovell lol
To Bloger (serious question) Yes there is Weclowski has 4 TD has played QB/RB and plays LB on deff. also returns kicks/punts.But broke his wrist last week and is only playing LB now.
tj did not lose anything. he still starts at fullback this year. so i don't know what you are talking about. please explain cuz i do not understand. yah he isn't getting the ball as much, but he's still a very important asset to smcc. he blocks for the other backs that get the ball. also the fullback plays probably aren't open like they were like last year. they were open in the airport game though. he's still the same good player he was last year and as a sophmore even if he isn't putting up the same numbers.
lovell plays full game at linebacker and fullback/runningback. he only goes out when he needs a break. they do not rotate.
Martelis Simon didnt play defense. Pannone plays safety but he plays up as a linebacker on most plays. If he reads run presnap he is usually 5 yards off the LOS just after the snap. Teams dont account for the safety alot of times in their blocking schemes therefore he runs free quite often and makes tackles. For those of you that dont know, there are only 3 kids that play both ways at CC, Lovell, Burkardt and Wilson. All the other "stars" you hear about in the paper and on here(Pannone, Labeau, Howey, Collins, Miracle, Moore, Cardella, Highers, Cusumano, Lamour…) only play on one side of the ball. Which probably means that their "best" players or athletes arent always on the field but this is Jack's way of keeping everyone fresh. When CC plays against teams that do not platoon it shows.
How about this if you took all are coaches in the league. And told them they could build this years deff.useing all the players in the league.There first pick would be Weclowski.
Weclowski is the real deal he makes tackles from side line to side line, he reads the ball well and attacks.Hard hits and never makes a mistake.Teams double up on him alot and still can't stop him.His last five games 15-28-18-21-24.And he makes his hits at the line not ten yards deep.
Pannone is a good candidate for player of the year..Lovell is tough, but not the best LB in the league..Chickeral has 4 INT's with 100+'s not his fault their Dline/linebackers don't make tackles..his coaches hold him in high regards!
Pannone played like 5 more games to get 163.Not all because of him wasn't there some guy named simons on that team.Fact if a DB is leading in tackles he getting scraps 10 yards deep.If he's a good DB he should have 10 interceptions not lead in tackles.
serious question: is there any other player in the league who starts at LB/DB and also starts at a key position on offense like QB/RB other than TJ Lovell from smcc??
i am asking because i can't think of any off the top of my head.
Mr. Huronleagueman what are you talking about experiencd game changer.TJ is a great kid but he lost his RB job from last year.So now he's a great LB. Sorry weclowski is the man he is everything a LB should be.He plays with heart and speed hits like a beast and knows the posistion better then any LB in the league.
why lovell he dosent even have 40 tackles and dosent even play the full game at lb. smcc has 3 or 4 lb who rotate
And as far as the Defensive Player of the Year talk goes, I would probably cast my vote for TJ Lovell.
There are alot of things that go into who should win the award. I think with him being an experienced game changer on the league's best team will be enough to land him the honors.
1. The quote in the paper about Cisco not knowing who he had next Friday was pretty funny and in no way a knock against SMCC, it is their biggest rival and I'm sure he has been waiting for this game.
2. Jefferson will not make the playoffs. IF the Bears happen to beat the Falcons this Friday (slim chance), than they will certainly not beat Bedford who is a very good team themselves.
I'm not hating on Jefferson, I just think that people are getting a little optimistic because of past years and a little winning streak (over Riverview (1-6) and Flat Rock (2-5)).
Wait Wait Wait Yes Pannone should be all league but Chickeral being the other one… for what? being on a team with a terrible linebacking crew so everybody makes it to hiim… Tyler Baker has 40 some tackles with the best line backing crew in the league not to mention 3 interceptions… Pannone and Baker
who cares if hes 5'8 or a db.
the kid from huron is a one hit wonder on a horrible team.
pannone was a sophmore with 163 on a state semi final team. 10-3. led the d as a DB!
and now hes a junior and is doing it again. who knows what next year hold.
and when ur leading the team in tackles as a db there only two things. your LB are horrible or u fly to the ball like a mad man. and i dont think TJ LOVELL is horrible.
24 a game you must have some think pads at huron
Weclowski is good there is no doubt about it. What i think will come into play is that Pannone DOES NOT have to make has many tackles has Weclowski does. Also, what does Pannone's size have to do with anything??
Weclowski would be a good pick at defensive player of the year, but for their size Riopelle and Pannone (both can't be more than about 155) can make hard hits, and both don't miss. All 3 play defense the way it should be played.
Selecting all league honors is very tough and often the teams record comes into play when trying to seperate who is more deserved. Fair or not… it does come into play. Sometimes very little seperates one player from another and how well their team did may make the difference.
Theres no way pannone should get defensive player of the year. He is a 5'8 defensive back. Weclowski has had a monster season. He should get it without a doubt. Regardless of how bad his team is. He has almost double the tackles than pannone!
How can people for get before Kalby we just hoped to win one game.We have a chance to go 4-5 for the second year in a row.Plus they beat one of the big four 1st time in 30 years.And only lost to smcc by 1 and played airport tuff till the 4th.
doesnt first league honors and awards go out to the player who is the best. The post that said that Huron and GI dont deserve to have players make first team honors is ridiculous. That just doesnt make sense. if your team is bad but your still the best at your position, you should be the one getting the award.
Your AD has only been there since March. He is a good guy and will do a good job.
You'll have to wait on those. I listed some kids during the preseason that I like. Look for my All Huron League sometime after the 9th game maybe even later. The timing will depend on how many league teams make the playoffs. I don't want to steal any thunder from those teams.
SMCC could easily finish 6-3.
Do to politics i don't think Huron has had a good AD.The guy who has been doing it for the last year has not done much.His big project in that time has been putting up private parking for him and his asst.He lives far away and his heart is just not in it.Don't think he even want's to be a AD.I know a guy who's parents where teachers in the area for a long time.And he went to school here in the area his hole life.And he's coached for 18 years and knows most the coaches and kids in the area.How about it Chris
top ten players on O in the league
and top ten players on D in the league.
first being the top player
Huron League O.P.O.Y- Jodici Mays
Huron League D.P.O.Y- Michael Pannone
as for ALL- Region. those two could also be the winners
I would say Mayrand based on his experience. He has struggled a bit at times this year but his body of work speaks volumes about his ability. Plus he doesn't have a Dex Teen on his team. White is having a great season but White will miss Teen next year.
white or mayrand if you had one game…weather conditions not a factor who would you pick Mr. huronleague? great blog
To october 11 2009 at 516, have you ever been around Cisco? It was clearly a joke but im sure jefferson will show smcc whats up for the third year in a row..
Smcc 07-08; 7-2
LOST 21-7
Jefferson 07-08; 4-5
Smcc 08-09; 7-2
Lost 25-14
Jefferson 08-09; 5-4
Smcc 09-10; 6-1
MY opinion Loses 22-16
Jefferson 09-10; 4-3
SMCC finish 7-2 Jefferson finish 6-3
Its clear that smcc has been better on paper the last three seasons
But well let the kids pads do the talking this friday night. GO BEARS!
Good point Huron Grad. I would hate to see Dan leave. I think it would be a huge mistake to let him leave. Let me clue you people in on a few things.
Huron has had 13 coaches since 1965. The longest tenure of any coach has been 6 years. That has been shared by 2 people; Tom LaBeau and Dan Kabfleisch. LaBeau went 6 years then coached another 5years. He was the head coach from 75-80 then from 84-88.
No other coach has lasted longer than four years. Seven coaches lasted three years each. Two coaches only lasted a year.
My point is on this whole thing is you have to be patient and let somebody work their system and change attitudes and cultures. Dan already has 6 years in, give him 6 more! You will be happy you did. He does 90% right! The other 10% will come.
Huron would be crazy to run him off. He is a young coach who is learning every day, every game and every season. If you ride it out he will get better in the areas that people are critical of.
I will even say this if he isn't the coach at Huron next year he will resurface somewhere else and eventually the people at Huron will say, "I wish we still had that guy"
I'll also say this and I may catch some flack for it:
Players and parents come and go. Every year players graduate and new ones arrive. Parents eventually leave as well. Most are only involved while their kids are there. There are certainly exceptions to the rule but in general they come and go. There are two things that are constant and they are is synonomous; the school and the program. The program is more important than any one kid or class of kids. Now take a look at the successful programs, they usually have one thing in common, and that is a coach who has been there a while. Once again, not always but in general they have a coach who has been there a while or that has great experience.
Dan is getting his experience right now. How old is he? 28? Do you think he will be better at 32? 35? 45? 50? He sure will be. Lay off of the guy, he will be successful if he stays
I have lived in Huron for 25 years and seen many FB coaches come and go.Let me tell you that the FB coaches who have come here on the most part have been lazy.What I mean is its been something they do for a couple hours a day.They have never taken the time to build a foundation.Now the Kalbys are different they have done so much to take a program that had nothing that the other schools had.Look what we did not have before they came here.A feeder FB program,a conditioning & wieght lifting program,FB camps,team dinners,7 on 7 passing,just some things off the top of my head.And the money the coaches have raised doing fund raiser for new stuff and camps along with a very supportive boosters is unmatched.And the time they spend with the kids and the relationship they have with them is like family.I cant't tell you how many kids they have saved from dropping out of school and put them back on the right road.The hours and weekends they put in are double of a normal coach.The five or six players that have good numbers have played FB sense they where 8 years old at other feeder programs.The other schools have 30+ kids like that.Are feeder program has not yet reached the varsity level but soon.The tuffness you talk about i see at all the schools its just new here at huron. And some parents have a hard time seeing little johnny being yeld at.FB is a tuff sport you can be weak and get smashed or you can be tuff and do the smashing.My boys had a tuffer coach at age 8&9 then the kalbys.If your son has ever played at woodhaven little league you no what i mean.But huron FB parents are weak and weak parents make for weak kids sorry its true im a huron parent to.Old man Kalby had it a little easyer last year with his BB program. He only had to get 12 parents to trust him and his well discplined program. And the results where 12 kids that played as a team.No stars no show offs 12 kids that new what there job where and did it.They worked hard and where yeld at a lot and took it like men.Results 12 great kids that came out 12 great men. With a 22-2 record huron champs and district champs.1st in 30 some years.ITs a lot harder with 70 to 80 kids and parents to turn them around like in FB.But there trying there hearts out FB is there life.Young Kalby told me when he game here theres four things in his life family,church,school,and football.When your not getting wins it easy to point fingers.Things are tuff at fr,rv,gi,to i no kids who have quit fb there.Its time for huron parents to change. And support there coaches when there down,and pass that on to are kids.Thank you for all this blog spaces.And for give me for my bad grammar.(please post this chris)
Pannone is a lock for 1st defense id say. Lovell probably will sneak in and labeau will be close. i also think howey might also be 1st team He is a huge contributor to the team. The team is undefeated in league. I just cant see 1st team going to schools like huron and GI to be honest.
Tough to tell on the Defensive Player of the Year. I would think that Riopelle, Pannone, Graves, Weclowski and Lovell all have shots. I'm not sure though. It's tough to give it to a DB but somebody from SMCC should be considered. Maybe Weclowski gets it but his teams defense isn't paticularly good. If I had to guess, I would say Pannone.
As for first teamers from lower teams it is tough to tell. Much depends on how the coaches approach nominations. I would think that guys like Cameron, Weclowski, and Bosman would make it. I think Teen has a chance but it will probably be LaBeau and Mays at RB. White and Mayrand have a shot but Jones may sneak in at QB. I would think that White would get it. Racisz or Conner from FR may make the defense.
It's a tough call, coaches jockey a little bit for their kids and it doesn't always end up being the best guys but I think the system works. I do think you'll see some guys drop down to 2nd Team and some other guys move up to 1st based on politicking but there is no other way to pick it. I will say this most players who make 1st or 2nd team usually deserve it.
I will be giving my own all league awards based purely on my opinion and it will probably differ from the coaches. Their the Pros though, I'm just a fan.
I played for kalbfleisch at Huron and I can say that he spends just as much breath telling his players, "good job" as he does "playing the blame game." All coaches correct their players mistakes, but it seems that these guys take it personally every time coach tries to correct a mistake. What is he supposed to do? You all seem to be suggesting that he never correct the players mistakes. I have spoken to coach lately at homecoming and from what he told me you all might get your wish very soon. But…
DO YOU THINK THE GUY FROM DETROIT CC WANTS THIS JOB? Dan is the winningest coach here since the 70s. Be careful what you wish for cause you might get it.
Now that he has built the foundation of a real football program and driven numbers and weight lifting up maybe a new voice will win one more game for the team for onw year. But where does the program go from there?Should we really be that willing to turn our back on a guy that built that foundation?
Isn't it his plays and his system that allowed those players to put up the stats in the first place?
Could Mayroand throw a football when he was in 8th grade?..I remember him when I was in school and the answer is no.
Just be careful Huron fans cause Dan might actually leave.
After reading Cisco's stupid comments in the M.E.N. today. I'm sure the SMCC kids are going to be more than ready!
After 40+ years of coaching, I cannot believe he acted in that manner.
Chris, any other 1st team selections on either side of the ball from mid to lower standings in the league in your opinion.
No question the game of the week is Jefferson vs. SMCC. Go to that and witness either a championship or big upset.
Message to Huron and GI, fire your coaches and go get one. I'll come back from Chicago and be a head coach if offered, but since you'll forever be mediocre/hideous disgraces to the game of football, I take it that won't happen. Learn from Airport and SMCC, if you want to win, you gotta get a coach who can
Chris, who do you think should be the defensive player of the year?
Pannone is the best safety in the league.
As far as the Huron situation goes. Stats do not determine how good a player is. You argue that they are talented because of those stats, but maybe it is the play-calling and system that has given them the opportunity to get those stats.
Congrats to Riverview on the win though, nice to see them finally win. (It also gives them as many wins as Huron in the league.)
I think Pannone is a better player. Both will be all league in my opinion.
In all honesty, when your getting the yards, and tackles, and so forth, you know its not the players. When you only see 3 points on a score board, the reason is because of the coaches play calling. The kids listen to everything the coaches say and if it doesn't work then it doesn't work.
Huron has major talent, and its showing practically every game [mayrand was doing good. weclowski is averaging 20+ tackles a game. wilson is getting 90+ a game, stockert is getting 100+ yard of recieving] and those are Huron's main players. When you got stats like those, but are only putting 3 points up against a 0-6 team, you can't blame the players. You can only turn to the coaches. The coach is the one who makes the call as to what to do, not the players, if the players could [they know their own potential] then they'd do decent and they would've beaten SMCC but you giving crap play calling which is holding the team back from doing good.
I understand what you are saying, and yes, I dont know what it is, but there seems to be something wrong at New Boston for football. But instead of bringing in these hard nosed coaches who just yell and tell these kids off every time they lose, maybe bring in a guy with a solid resume, but maybe with more focus on teamwork, and CONSTRUCTIVE critcism, instead of just playing the blame game. Maybe a coach who will make these kids feel as good as they really are.
I think Huron has seen some good PLAYERS come through the system to try and coach, but maybe it is time for a real COACH to be brought in. Playing the game is completely different from coaching the game.
I think that Kalbfeishes have tried their hearts out over there, but their style is just not good for the environment at Huron. Hard nosed coaching is for kids who know that they have a good team, and a good program. Not for these players, or a school who has never SEEN the playoffs. Breaking the kids down obviously hasn't inspired them to get back up, so from a coaching standpoint, it is time to switch something up.
do you beleieve that chickeral is better than pannone of smcc?
i would go to the smcc/jefferson game. jefferson always plays smcc tough. jefferson has beaten smcc the last two years. smcc needs to win to have the huron league title by themselves. smcc cannot look past this jefferson team! i think this is going to be a good game. GOOO FALCONS!!
the other game i would consider going to is the milan/riverview game. i would want to see this game to see how riverview responds after their firt win.
i know im attending huron gi…mayrand white. cameron stockert. teen vs. huron defense….its ganna be a shootout with not much defense played…should be very intertaning
Regarding the response about Huron. I think you have some valid points but it goes a little deeper, don't you think?
My question is: Have all the coaches at Huron been the problem over the course of their history?
It is easy to blame coaching. They have tried everything over there. Maybe it is something else.
Gee, why didn't I think of that. Fact is Chickeral is one heck of a football player and the coaches will most likely vote him first team because of it.
i do not think chickeral should be 1st team. his team is not good and the only reason he gets tackles is because all the backs that run against flat rock make it to the second level all the time because the linebacking core is not very good.
What happened at Huron is because of a few things.
The kids were devistated by the one point loss to SMCC, in a game where they should have won. It is their responsibility to bounce back after a game like that though.
Everyone blames the coaching, and this I do think is a huge part of the problem, but not all of it.
The coaches at Huron have to get their kids ready, and willing to play their hearts out. I coached for 13 years and have since retired, but I think that getting your athletes to WANT to play, and want to win for you is the second biggest part of coaching, (1st of course being your technical part of the game) and from sitting in the stands on Friday night and talking to some parents, it seems like these kids are ready to just hang it up and be done for the season.
From what I have heard all these athletes hear is how terrible they are from the coaching staff. This in turn, is going to give you a team that is not willing to give the effort. If they hear no praise for the good things that they do, they are not going to want to play good.
The kids also have to come together and want to play, although it is a little to late for them to really make a difference.
Huron needed a coach this year who can address both the mental and physical aspect of the game, because they have a great set of athletes. Its really kind of sad to watch this happen every
hey buddy DO NOT count jefferson out yet they always play tough agaisnt smcc, cc is deffintly better on paper the last three season than jefferson but they have one the last two season and will see what this friday night brings..
Jefferson 6-3 shocks everyone and clinches a playoff birth at home vs bedford.. heard it first at 143 oct 11