Huron League Thoughts

SMCC is only giving up 9.7 points per game in Huron League play.

Airport is averaging 48 points per game in Huron League play.

Huron’s win over Jefferson is the only bottom four win over a top four team this season.

Coach Stergalas clearly has his work cut out for him over at Riverview.

Jefferson will struggle without Mike Oley in the lineup.

Detroit Western’s loss to Grosse Ile is their only loss so far this season.

With all the criticism of Milan they are still 3-1 overall.

Will the aerial circus at Flat Rock continue?

Did Huron drop Ecorse off of the schedule out of fear? The Red Raiders are 4-0 and are giving up just 3 points per game!

22 thoughts on “Huron League Thoughts”

  1. After reading the comments written here I have the urge to make a statement. I would like to start by saying that I could care less who wins the Airport-SMCC game – not exactly earth shattering regardless of who wins or loses. But, I have to say that the anonymous who posts "AIRPORT BEATS SMCC BIG" really needs to study his grammer instead of talking crap on this blog. You can tell his posts by the horrible spelling and use of the english language. Pick up a dictionary dude – no one likes an illiterate (look it up)

  2. SMCC….Wasn't their QB from 3 years ago a Westland resident ?
    Westland to Monroe – just a short drive of 30 miles one way to go to high school.
    Nice………..I'm sure all the other Huron League teams have players that drive that far as well on their own funds.

  3. First I'm an ex CC football player and to the current kid on here you shouldnt be on here posting and hope coach Giarmo doesnt find out who you are thats not what you do. Second Airpot vs SMCC isnt played until next week lets all worry about this friday and on saturday we can talk about how obviously cc recruits and Airpot always gets ripped off in the playoffs cuz they finaly play teams their own size. So as for GI its going to be pass pass puff up in smoke they go to SMCC's superior game plan and improving offensive strategy

  4. You smcc players and fans sure spend a lot of time on here bashing airport and saying how great smcc is. I sure hope you guys will back it up or else you all will just cry about being a smaller team in a bigger league(even though you go there by choice), or try saying you won so many games over so many years. All the while us airport fans can say league champs, because this year is the only one that matters.

  5. You airport players and fans sure spend a lot of time on here bashing smcc and saying how great airport is. I sure hope you guys will back it up or else you and all of carelton will be a complete joke…

  6. Airport will dominate in the Airport vs SMCC game. Airport D is to good, there a senior heavy defense, They will keep SMCC to less than 14 points while Airport scores 48 like they usually look what they did too the Milan Defense. Plain and simple Airport wins BIG

  7. AIRPORt BEATS SMCC BIG. Thats all i got to say. SMCC and airport have the same people back as last year. and what was the outcome. i think airport was the victors. C.C. they dont stand a chance.

  8. I agree w/your comment that it is anybody's game but if you want to look at a long term trend, how bout CC/SMCC 37 Airport 9 in the series history. A lot of those are obviously ancient history but just wanted to give "all" the information. Redmon, Hull (former CC coach), VanWashenova have established a great program at Airport but there is no richer tradition in the Huron League than the Falcons. Both these teams know how to win and finish games (unlike upstarts GI and Huron have showed able to do). All I was trying to say w/my prior comment about 4 out of the last 5 by Airport was that you can't play the game of "well Airport beat Huron by 27 and Central only beat Huron by 1 so that means Airport must be 26 pts better than Central". Airport knows that CC will run trap up the middle and QB keeper off the fake around the end. And Central knows Airport will run jet sweep, 90% of their plays to the motion, etc. Both schools do what they do and they do it well. That's why they are both perennially fighting for the league. They will both get up for what will be a big game and play each other tough.

  9. Milan and Jefferson both lost big games to Airport in the last two weeks, but you can't compare scores. And you also can't seriously think that the Bears are going to win 4 more games.

    I LOVE the offense over there. Cisco's Bears is maybe my favorite team in the league, but they are just flat out not talented enough to beat CC or Bedford. They played alot harder and more determined than Airport and still lost huge, and it could have been worse.

    Milan will shut them down and win in a low scoring 20-8 type game.

  10. To the CC Player… Your not winning no title… Do you think the Airport players are content with how they are right now… Airports Coach is not close to satisfied either… Your not winning the title this year And your coach can go ahead and run you dead what is that accomplishing… wait i think i know… NOTHING

  11. to the guy who said jefferson 6-3. Ok they have two losses for sure left on the schedule Bedford and SMCC. And milan is a coin flip as neither team faired well in there games against airport. So that one could go either way. Heres the thing on jefferson football. They run two plays. a power, and a counter trap, and thats it…4th and 9 how bout a 36 power? No, jefferson could be successful with three yards and a cloud of dust when they had talented backs and a huge line. But now there line averages 190 and their backs arent what they used to be, the days of gendron, golden, servey, richardville are over. You cant be successdul being so one dimensional and they lost there passing attack when Oley got kicked off. Too predictable, too easy, too beatable. and thats that

  12. Trust me young fella….GI will have it strapped up tight, the question is will you.

    I know you're coach personally and I believe you will….but, there is something brewing on the island that is more that just talk. (the ol' "winds of change" so popular on this board) You'll encounter it soon enough, looking forward to a great battle.

    Strap it up tight boys!

  13. to the cc varsity player i have a few problems.. you only hung around with detroit crockket while it was raining and they couldnt run their spread offense and once the rain stopped so did your chances of winning. yes river view may have played you tough and maybe you could have score one more time but their and 0-4 team! you should have crushed them. also you did shut down flat rock which is also 1-3 beating only the winless river view team.(only scoring 2 tds before their last game) another thing is huron is not that good.. i know penalties killed you but you should have put up more than 20 points.. the D is terrible. 54 points familiar? and condition all you want cus this isnt soccer so unless you swing things around big time your not beating airport and your not winning league.

  14. SMCC varsity football player here.
    To the comment before mine: yes, i understand we haven't played the best of the best yet, I get that. But look at who we have faced, a 4-0 Detroit Crockett team, in a game we should have won, a Riverview team that obviously has some gaps to fill but had a very impressive defense against the T, score should have been 24-10 if we didnt knee it on the 2 yr line. Totally shut down the spread offense of Flat Rock, number 2 got rocked, and came back on a very good Huron team, who could only pass to their 6-4 reciever, couldn't run on us at all.

    Saying all of that, our coach was/is not happy. We just had a practice today that consisted of 90% conditioning. A 3-1 team and our coach isn't satisfied. That should say something about our program. Grosse Ile would be hopping in their seats at 3-1. Our coach wants us to be champions, and like the comment before me, it's all about heart.

    You're going to see a better, faster, more disciplined and more conditioned SMCC team at Navarre Friday. Strap it up tight Grosse Ile, along with the rest of the Huron League, SMCC is a new team, and we're going to win that Huron League Title.

  15. Quit saying they won 5 out of last 6 years… they werent on those teams they were on last years team who lost 21 to 0… SMCC Airport both have a lot of returning starters… Same Players Same Finish MATH

  16. Airport has been impressive and has probably moved in front of the Falcons as league favorites but the beautiful thing is that it gets to be decided on the field in less than 2weeks! The Jets will be the favorites going in (rightfully so) but don't discount the fact that Central has won 4 of the last 5 games vs the Jets. People often fall victim to the "how many points against different opponents" game but teams match up against teams differently and you never can discount factors like heart. It should be a great game and both schools have continued winning traditions. Regarding Huron, props to their coaching staff. They have taken a perennial league doormat for as long as anyone can remember and made them relevant. When is the last time you remember anyone talking about New Boston Huron?! I wish them luck in pursuing a playoff bid. GI has also stepped it up, although remaining games vs SMCC and Airport make the playoffs unlikely. I've started to hear a lot of the Cisco haters come out of the woodwork. But before you are so quick to call for anyone's job, let's keep in mind that Jefferson is still 2-2 and only 3 years removed from an 8-2 record in '06 and a playoff birth. Props to Cisco and/or the school for taking the necessary disciplinary action against the QB. And for those Bears who want a replacement for the coach whose field bares his name, let's look at another school not too far away who already went down that path. Don Lessner's name resides on Riverview's field and compiled a 223-104-1 record for the Pirates over 35 seasons. Yet some players and parents were unhappy and got him removed. The next coach, Flint, didn't quite match Lessner's .682 winning percentage but did go 29-15(.659) w/2 playoff births in 4 years but again unruly parents and board members made life difficult so he stepped down. The next 3 years the Pirates went 9-18 (.333); anyone see a patern here? Now they threw a bunch of $ in a tight economic time to get Stergalis and the Pirates are 0-4, soon to be 0-5 (they do play Airport this week). I hope the superintendant, the A.D.Hawley, and the unruly parents at the View are happy w/that?! Here's a novel concept for Riverview and Jefferson and all the other secondguessers and troublemakers, maybe it isn't always the coach's fault. I know, I'm talking crazy talk here. But sometimes parents have to accept that the talent level is down and "little Johnny" isn't quite good enough to go to Michigan or Penn St or wherever. Case in point w/the Bears; school enrollment is listed at 785, that's 101 less students than when they won their state title in '94. Speaking of Penn St, didn't a lot of people call for the head of another iconic coach not too long ago and now the Nittany Lions are once again among the national elite. In this day and age when so many core values are going by the wayside, people need to take a serious look in the mirror and look at what we are teaching our kids. I heard a great coach once say that football is a lot like life; and parents, teachers, coaches, and administration need to do a better job communicating this to the student/athletes through example. In life, just like football, sometimes things won't go your way. And instead of being the 1st one to stand up and point the finger at someone else, be the 1st one to stand up, take accountablity and work harder.

  17. Yes SMCC is only giving up 9.7 points per game in the league but they've played Huron and two JV teams (FR and Riverview), not to take anything away from them cuz you hold bad teams down and thats what they're doing, but expect things to change when they start to play more capable offenses. Airport is averaging 48 points a game while playing upper echelon teams, look for that number to rise as they still havent played the porous defenses at Riverview, FR, and GI. Dont expect Huron over Jefferson to be the last win for them over a top 4 team, they should be able to handle Milan as well, look for Huron to go 7-2 and make their firt trip to the state playoffs. Coach Stergalas might as well turn to soccer seeing as how their doesnt seem to be promise in the Riverview program at all, this is just part of a long sad part of Riverview football history. Jefferson will struggle moe without Oley but they arent a playoff team as it was, the difference between 5-4 and 4-5 shouldnt be too hard for bears fans to handle. Detroit Western may only have one loss but when GI is playing more competitive games with Jefferson and Riverview it makes me question exactly what type of competition DW is playing, it doesnt seem to rough. Im gonna have to say that FR will continue to throw passes, they have a three year starter at QB and will constantly find themselves down game after game. Huron dropped Ecorse because they offer nothing, there a small school supplying few playoff points and for the past few years have been terrible, losing to Huron by nearly 40 everytime. But good for Ecorse im glad to see them scheduling winnable games against bad teams with 150 kids in their school, nobody likes to lose every game year after year (GI). Yes Milan may be 3-1, but with wins against GI, FR, and Ypsi those 3 wins dont seem to offer much at all. It wouldnt be too unlikely to see Milan not make the playoffs with upcoming losses to SMCC and Huron and possible upset games with Jefferson and Belleville. 12 days til the BIG airport smcc showdown.

    Another huron league fan

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