38 thoughts on “Huron League Scores”

  1. To the Milan Player who said that we are all hating even when you are 4 and 1… the reason its like that is because your sitting there saying you want us again in the playoffs and actually have the nerve to say youll handle airport this time… you might do better then last time but to sit here and say you want us in playoffs and your going to take it to airport or something need to put up some better statements then the wins you have gotten… barely beating riverview and grosse ile… and you might even lose to huron… you beat riverview 14 to 0… swith the 1 and the 4 and thats what airport beat them by 41-0… if i were you id be hoping that you dont have to play airport in the playoffs

  2. To Craig M
    If you look at the history of Airport they were the doormat of the Huron League for years and the community didn't have anything good to say good about us then. It wasn't until Coach Red came and cleaned us up, and that was with much hard work and time. Now Airport is a good solid contender in the Huron League and some people still say unfavorable things about our program, coaches and the kids. They have worked hard over the years and have earned the right to trash talk some. So lighten up and let them enjoy there time in the spotlight. SMCC has been in the spotlight and a very strong contender in the Huron League for years. So sometimes you have to share the wealth, so stop hating, it makes you look really bad.

  3. milans offense did not score a touchdown on airports d and airport ran all over you guys. u beat gros ile by 10 congrats they just got smashed by cc. also you only beat flat rock 14-0. you should be glad your still considered a power house in the huron league. you dont stand a chance against airport. your just silly.

  4. People on here that are saying Airport players talk crap are wrong. What can we control about our fans that are pumped and excited for one of the greatest games this year? Yes i play for Airport, Yes i want to absolutly smash CC but i really dont count that as talking trash. If your not excited and pumped to play your rival than whats the point? And for all the parents and fans talking trash on here yes i think its wrong but for you to say CC has talked ZERO trash is a complete lie…before the season even started they were posting blogs on mlive and you can go look if youd like to. Well i hope to give all of monroe county a great game friday. Hope to see you all there.

  5. I expected Riverview to lose. Actually I expected it to be 49-0 to tell the truth. And it was NOT what kids told me was said. It is arrogance. Yes, you are a good team and we all know it. Great win. BUT win and be sportsman about it. DO NOT tell a team that they suck. I remember back in the say when the only win that Airport ever got was Huron and Flat Rock. They are at the top now and it seems that they are a very arrogant and disrespectful bunch of kids. Win or lose, ALWAYS respect the other team. Just remember, it could always be you at the bottom someday. Yes, EVEN the mighty Airport. I think maybe class was sort of harsh. Just show some respect.

  6. What are you talking about Milan already got it. They just got their butts spanked two weeks ago. I really don't think your boys are up for another hurting.

  7. Looks like alot of people flip back and forth between this blog and the Monroe News blog. I had to go see for myself. There is trashing talking from EVERY team! It's just part of the game! Love it, or hate it, it's going to happen.

  8. Huron player, I can guarantee that there isn't a high school kid that would say "were gonna have to give it our all to try and beat them" in this entire region. What kind of mickey mouse shit is that? Airport and CC hate each other, period.


  9. Myself being a Huron player, and having talked to a few SMCC players, their not trash talkers. Had the chance to conversate with a few when i ran into them in monroe after our loss. They had nothing bad to say nor were their any smart remarks. When conversation of their game VS Airport came up, they said nothing bad except "were gonna have to give it our all to try and beat them". That right there? Is not trash talk. That right there is a football player saying what they need to do without undermining the other team. Where as Airport players like to go to Monroenews.com and dog on EVERY team talking trash consistantly. You going to tell me thats "classy"? SMCC has more class than that. Go get em boys and shut airport up. They're beatable just gotta stay on top of your game.

  10. SMCC has more class then to trash talk i havent heard any from the yet. All i hear is Airport complaining about them.How about they worry about their game and getting ready for Cc becasue their gonna bring it. And what a good win for Flatrock way to put our name in peoples mouth. GO RAMS

  11. 41-0 first Goose-egg! Way to go them JETS!!! and yes expect this week to be a lot of trash talking for the Airport vs SMCC game. this game decides basically who wins the Huron League and them Jets are going to get it!

  12. smcc hardly talks compared to you airport fans. go to monroenews or look on here…all airport players and fans running their mouths

  13. To Craig M, can you be a little more specific as to what the Airport TEAM did that was classless? I'm having a little trouble understanding your comment. Or was it something that one kids did that you didn't like? I cannot believe that Coach Redmond would allow anything to happen

  14. GI your “winds of change” from the island was like a screen door flapping in a hurricane. Or was that just SMCC blasting past you. You will not get out of the bottom until you have the commitment from the top on down. I still wonder why they are coaching the same way for the last three years. It hasn’t worked in the past, it sure isn’t working now. You are marginally better just because you have more than a handful of players coming out for the team. But you will not step it up until you teach all the players the skill of football, not just the chosen few that are for the most part natural athletes. Until then you better be content with a 2 wins that you have.

  15. GI recap;
    The good…offense showed up with both a potent passing and running game. Sputtered at times but delivered.

    The bad…Defense was non-existent or even pathetic. Special team the same…AGAIN. Coaching???where are the D adjustments and special teams play…this is coaching not necessarily personnel issues. To be fair, GI had 2 O and D starters out with injury and it showed, especially on D.

    The Verdict…humilitating loss to a team with an obviously SUPERIOR COACH. No defensive adjustments, another KO for a TD against, etc, etc. GI gave up 6…thats right 6 TD runs over 50yds. I've never seen such a pathetic defensive performance in all my Football days. GI O did put up huge numbers against the SMCC D but could not convert any extra points or match the onslaught of the SMCC running game.
    As of last night the Devils sunk back to a bottom dweller status and the winds of change blew right over the sewage treatment plant….Coaches included!!

    BUT…Flat Rock proved that the HL is still up from grabs in the 2-3 position and GI can either choose to fold camp or strap it up….I'm not saying it this time, it's up to them to show up and decide to play and be coached, perhaps the winds of change will blow again???


  16. Okay whoever wrote that Airport has no Class with the way they were acting before and after the game, Please tell me what you saw they were doing where they showed no class… Are you mad because you wanted riverview to win and Airport was pumped like every friday and wasnt going to play down to riverviews level… Their coach is not going to let them take a game off your going to see the same fire you saw last night every single friday… thats how airport does it and thats how airports coach teaches it

  17. I would have to say that Airport looked fantastic last night. Last week the Def looked pretty bad along with special teams. Last night i seen hunger in the Def eyes i haven't seen in the past four games!!! If they keep it up they'll be very hard to beat…Nice job Airport

  18. Inredible heart shown by Flat Rock. Learn from it Huron, and make sure you play your best vs. Milan.

    Upcoming week is going to be filled with SMCC trash talking, just so the Jets can ruin their homecoming.

    I have a feeling, Jefferson is going to pull it together and get up for SMCC as well.

    Way to represent Bedford, my goodness. Incredible victory, and still tough games ahead. Stay up guys, Edsel is going to be tough.

    Region Fan

  19. This season is proving to be the great one we all hoped. Anticipation is high, Airport has a target on them, someone has to take them down. They're the only team that hasn't struggled this year. They seem way above everyone else. Good luck to the Falcons next week. Practice hard men. Leave it all on the field. I'm still thinking Jefferson will make a comeback,give SMCC some trouble, they always do. Milan, you showed what you can do, keep it up. Flat Rock, way to go! Shows what the "underdog" can do when they give it all.

  20. All you people who say winds of change are really driving me crazy, are there really winds of change? No, the story in the Huron League are the teams that actually make the playoffs, aka Airport, SMCC, and Milan. No one cares about who is 8 and who is 5, if you are not trying to become #1 you will never deserve to be there, nor will you be there. And right when we think Huron is finally on their way to a playoff season, they blow it in a rivalry game against Flat Rock. That is why they are a bottom team. So everyone who says winds of change for red devils, mighty chiefs, pirates, and rams, get a hold of yourself. I'm unfair to call out Flat Rock though, instead of their 15 kids trying to talk crap about the rest of the teams, they work hard everyday and play like it. That showed against Huron. If they could get some more kids at the school to come out for football, who knows if they could move into a playoff conversation. But the rest of those bottom feeders stop talking until you win. That's why Airport SMCC and Milan are allowed to talk, because you can't beat them. And someone please prove me wrong, you have no idea how much I love when other teams beat SMCC, problem is the only conference teams I've seen do it in the last few years are Airport, Jefferson, and Milan. Barack Obama is the only one around here bringing change, not those bottom schools in the league. C'mon people

  21. Airport needs to learn to have some class. Yes, they are a good team ON THE FIELD. But they really need to act a little better before and after the game. The way that the kids acted before the game was totally uncalled for. And 61 points against the might Fantasy Island. Go Red Devils.

  22. Just wow… I'm absolutely astonished and disappointed in the Chiefs… Wow… Is the only thing that can express the way myself and anyone feels… They lose to SMCC by ONE POINT then go back to 3 years ago and get drilled by Flat Rock… what the heck is that…….

  23. Holy crap. Flat Rock beat Huron? This means that Huron is gonna have to find some way to beat Milan to make the playoffs, which I don't know if that will happen. But if that doesn't, say goodbye to this historic season. I will give credit to Flat Rock, as small as their team is, they play with a tremendous amount of heart. I don't have huge reactions to the other scores, pretty much what I expected. This sets up for a huge matchup between Airport and SMCC, perhaps the biggest in history of the rivalry. I wish I could come back from Chicago to see that game, but I will be here trying to get every update possible from the game. I also heard Bedford won, so that just shows that Airport is for real so far (The SMCC game will confirm that)

  24. So much for Huron being a contender. Flat Rocks coming alive. Jefferson is falling apart. Airport is flying high, and who cares about SMCC.

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