34 thoughts on “Huron League Scores”

  1. Ok, lets not turn this blog into Mlive. Lots of excuse making going on here, and it is completely irrelevant. Airport is a bigger school than any other in the league, for now. They can't help that. It may not be an advantage though. Consider this, do any of the sports programs really pull athletes from all sectors of the student body? I don't think so. In fact, you could probably walk through the halls at Airport and eliminate 300 kids from the student body (the type of kid that you wouldn't find at a smaller school like say SMCC) and it wouldn't hurt Airports FB program a bit talent-wise.

  2. i got a famous saying for all u CC losers. "only as good as ur last game" 21-0. wow, that was embarassing. idk y u guys brag about 5 out of 6 or whatever. u werent a part of those teams. u were on the other hand a part of last years team.haha, lass then 100 yards total offense last year against airport. Airport made u guys look like little kids. and this year you scheduled airport on your Homecoming, to try to give u a better chance at winning. ur gunna need more then that to beat this jets team.

    What is wrong with you airport fans??? Im not even an SMCC fan or grad or anything but let it go. They beat you pretty much all of the time, and you are making it sound like when they beat you this year, you are going to have the excuse to say "Well they played us on their homecoming, so thats why they won" GROW UP!

  3. Airport only makes it into the DIII playoffs because of its schedule with the "less thans" in the HL. If the were in the SEC or the Mega, they would not make it into the playoffs. St. Mary's Monroe is the only team that consistently challenges them, and it looks like they beat them more often than not. Could care less about the HL and its teams-just saying. Play people your own size on a consistent basis and see how you match up

  4. cc kids please quit comparing your playoff run to airports. the teams you play are not half the teams in airports division. airport plays in division 2 or 3 u play in division 6.

  5. CC fans have the "better than you" attitude. Nothing you people write will make them stop. They have to get the last dig on everyone!

  6. i got a famous saying for all u CC losers. "only as good as ur last game" 21-0. wow, that was embarassing. idk y u guys brag about 5 out of 6 or whatever. u werent a part of those teams. u were on the other hand a part of last years team.haha, lass then 100 yards total offense last year against airport. Airport made u guys look like little kids. and this year you scheduled airport on your Homecoming, to try to give u a better chance at winning. ur gunna need more then that to beat this jets team.

  7. keep in mind Airport's 7 league championships have all come in the last 11 years, so lets slow down on that arguement. Enrollment, recruiting, none of that matters. What matters is the work that people put into the offseason, how hard they practice, how well their coaching schemes are, and what happens when they step on the field. That is why SMCC and Airport win every year, no other reason. C'mon people, act like you play football and stop making excuses

  8. Airport will most likely win the HL and go "one and done" with schools their own size in the playoffs. Enjoy being the "big fish in a small pond"; statewide you are irrelevant-no one prepares for you come playoff time like they do in Blissfield, SMCC, BBR, and the other teams that make legit runs in the playoffs year in and year out.

  9. someone posted this on the monroe evening news and i found it very interesting


    SMCC- 18
    Riverview – 8
    tecumseh – 8
    Milan – 8
    Airport- 7
    Jefferson -7
    GI – 5
    Blissfield -1

  10. too many airport haters.. two year league winners in a row. made playoffs for 10 straight years about to be 11. class A or B doesnt matter. still cant beat us. thanks. 😉

  11. whether airport is class A(small class A) or B they still play some class A schools. give credit to cc for playing detroit crocket which is a toucher school also. in my opinion airport and cc are the only schools that can handle playing better schools. at least they try to get some competition.

  12. airport is still class A, missed the cutoff by 13.

    2 things about airport, their defense stepped up with the return of Nava. hope his knee gets the rest it needs for him to continue.

    they also get a very good player in Q. Draftz back this week. Good running back and good DB/LB, they will only get better as they play more and more.

  13. Wow… This is a multiple FAILURE comment fest.

    Airport is Class A for the second year in a row. They can't help who they play in weeks 2-8 so give that argument a rest.

    Week One opponent is Class A Bedford.

    Week Nine opponent is Class A Flushing.

    Definitely looks like they are not afraid to step up to play some good competition.

    Maybe next season Monroe will strap em up and take on Airport after the contract with Flushing is expired.

  14. the only year airport was class A was last year but enrollment dropped so now were a class B again. i go there. i would know. thanks.

  15. Milan beat Flat Rock by only 14 points. Maybe Milan is a team that is not so great this year. Big Deal, Airport! Are you sure you are "all that?!"

  16. wow airport is class b! enrollment is down from last year and they just got under the limit.
    which i might add was lowered for last year so as enrollment everywhere was going down, airports was going up and the state gave them the shaft.

  17. Size of the school does not matter at all, not all 1000 students play football, only 38 dedicated young men play football for airport. And if you want to get into class size, Riverview is 2nd in the league with about 930, yet they have been hideous the last 5 years, and I know enrollment isn't the reason why. If you want to win like Airport, pay for a coach like Redmond. Otherwise stop complaining

  18. I'd tend to believe the MHSAA…and, yes, you can change which league you're in.

    No one is scared here. Most people are tired of the school that's too chicken to face schools their size week in and week out, walk around like they are world beaters. Of course you should do well every year in this league every year. What would it say if you guys didn't?

  19. the MHSAA website has airport has having 1,000 students and being class A and another site i went to had airport has class B. what are they then? lol

  20. ok, we cant change the league we r in. the only thing we can do about it is win it. and thats what we did the last 2 years, and thats what we r gunna do this year. it sounds to me some schools are getting scared. and i would be too, after that score against milan.i mean wow, best team in the huron league in years.

  21. haha ……i was hoping they'd play inkster last year and get smacked like carlson/trenton did last year…they're tough against smaller schools..but redmond's ego isn't small enough to put aside in big playoff games..ask trenton 08

  22. Wow. So the only class A school in the league is sending a message? The answer will be IF you get to the playoffs and have to play schools your own size.

  23. airport sent a meaningful message to the rest of the huron league with a stomping of milan. the Jet D was questioned but they didnt give a TD. milan scored twice on kick returns, and one on the second D. Airport completely dominated this game. Watch out everyone else, the jets are the real deal..

  24. Congrat to Huron, Airport, Grosse Ile, SMCC on victories tonight.

    My thoughts at this point of the season.

    Airport – Very good offense, very suspect defense and special teams. I think the depth of the program is starting to shine. Airport's numbers are down compared to recent seasons, but the talent is very present.

    SMCC – Ho Hum, same old Falcons. Rushing game is solid and defense looks to be headed in the right direction. Im not convinced the Falcons will score enough points to beat the Jets yet.

    Huron – Very good offense, terrible looking defense on the edges. Not bad up the gut on defense, but Huron might sneak into the playoffs for the first time in school history.

    Jefferson/Milan – Probably going to be a defensive struggle when these teams lock it up. Milan should win this game.

    Grosse Ile – One word. Impressed. They are probably both better then I expected, and Jefferson and Riverview and worse then I expected.

    Riverview – Insert "Big Name" Coach…. Same up and down results. Riverview might be spiraling out of control, hopefully the Alum at the helm can fix things for the Bucs.

    Flat Rock – Tough to bring up the rear year in and year out, but the Rams have figured out a way to stick around the cellar. Huron has officially left the Rams in the rear view mirror, and there are no Casey Steffens in the tank for the Rams.

    OVERALL – Parody is present in the League this season, but only in the middle to bottom. Circle the Airport v. SMCC game this season!

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