While traveling on a much needed mental health vacation to a remote cabin on a beautiful out of state lake, my wife and I were able to listen to Governor Whitmer as she laid out her return to school plan. While tuning in a few minutes late, I listened intently until she turned over the podium to her healthcare expert.
Feeling good, we referred to her document that was posted on the Michigan.gov website. My wife read all of the phases out loud while I was driving and quite frankly, it made sense and looked good. I thought, we are in phase 4 and upper Michigan and the UP are in phase 5. Everything will be well, as long as we don’t slip backward!
Upon arriving at our stop-over destination somewhere in upstate New York, I quickly realized I had missed the question and answer period of the press conference. Apparently the Governor suggested football and some other sports flip seasons, with football being played in the spring. What on earth happened? We read the complete document! Did we miss something?
I also checked my email and I have been invited to a zoom AD’s meeting with MHSAA Executive Director Mark Uyl. I also see that the Michigan High School Football Coaches Association, which I am a member, is having a meeting as well. While everyone is now scrambling, it seems like the Governor had scored a TD, but ended up punting on 1st and goal. It doesn’t make sense.
Now I am not trying to be political, that is not what this website is about, but I was left scratching my head. Maybe since I was out of the loop for 8 hours, I missed something. I’m a little confused
I’m not questioning the health and safety of anything and I’m not suggesting anything one way or the other regarding Covid-19. I am simply confused.
Here is a link to the document that Governor Whitmer referred to Michigan.gov Hopefully the link is working. The website was not fully downloading earlier. I suggest you read for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Most of what I have read in the media is not full details.
Last night all football coaches had a zoom with Mark uyl.
Plan A- the plowing straight ahead idea with school and football in fall
Plan B- numbers continue to rise- fall cancelled but switch is made to winter sports first followed by fall sports finished by spring sports which would stretch into summer.
biggest fear is plowing straight ahead-kids come back to school-members on teams get sick and plug is pulled after 3/4 weeks
After hearing Mark Uyl talk to ADs
By July 25th will be a determination on the fall. At this present time lets talk 2 sports-baseball and football .
If I asked you what is more of a certainty of being played in a few weeks I think we would all agree its baseball. I know it isnt that easy but I am all for doing whatever works to get all 3 seasons played and if we decide to put the outdoor less high risk sports in the fall to buy some time for the high risk sports I am all for it. The lets plow ahead with blinders on mentality is a disaster waiting to happen. If Ohio and nearby states change their fall course of action we will follow-all it takes is one to have the courage to try something outside the box for this to happen. And remember this is a one year plan during a pandemic- its not a change that will be permanent.
Football twice in one year(2021) might make me really happy.
I think it’s really important to plow ahead right now. Cases are up in Michigan, but deaths and hospitalizations are down. Check out the daily stats. I know I do, every day. If we are in school, we should be playing sports as usual.
AMENN AMENNNNN Chris. if we are in school = sports SHOULD/WILL be played. if that does not happen, wow
Mi Live published an interview with some one from the MHSAA. They will apparently make a decision on July 15 to allow for two more weeks of data( today’s numbers did not help ). My interpretation is that if we can get to the Phase 5 of the governor’s reopening plan football is on with limited fans in the stands. If we remain at Phase 4 football is possible but no fans present. If we fall back to Phase 3 no sports or school