8 thoughts on “Changes Coming…….”

  1. Many schools always afraid to go outside their comfort zone. When you continue to hire within your own circle, many times you get the same results. If your program is winning then that is a great philosophy, but if your program is not very successful, why would you hire someone from within. That is a message to Airport, Jefferson and Huron. Carlson went totally outside of their own circle and I bet they are successful.

    New blood is refreshing. AD's out there, please consider this when choosing coaches.

    Good Luck on your choices.

  2. I hadn't heard that. I did hear that interviews have been set. Not sure why the community needs to be involved though. Teachers are hired all the time. Not really much community involvement there. Huron usually puts together a an interview committee, AD reviews recommended candidates from the committee. AD recommends candidate to the Superintendent and Superintendent brings it to the board. If the board approves, they have their guy. People are paid to do their jobs. Hiring teachers and coaches is usually entrusted to those who are paid to make the big decisions.

  3. Can you give us all state guys? I know Furteny made first team in the AP and Free press with Lindemin making special mention AP and first team Free Press and Barnes honerable mention for both. I think Humphries made all state honerable mention for both. Was there anyone else in the league?

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