19 thoughts on “Week 8 Wrap Up Video”

  1. Gary, thank you for all you do for this blog. People getting bent out of shape over the poll need to get a damn life. There is no scholarship money at stake, or a trophy or even a free burger at Larson's. It's a pat on the back for playing well, which the SMCC line did. Personally, I love to see a whole line get recognition…just like RV's O line did a few weeks back.

    If people want to vote over and over, they probably need a life too. But there is no need to get bent of shape and act a fool, and talk crap to someone who works tirelessly week in and week out. Chris has praised RV all season, even going as far to say they are the best team in the league. He predicted early RV would win the league! Just because RV didn't win one little fan poll is no reason to accuse him of being a homer, and say he's "irritated". That's just silliness.

    WE WON EVERY WEEK WE WERE NOMINATED EXCEPT THIS WEEK, the kid who was up for it this week already won, let some other kids shine. We've been preaching to be humble all season to our kids, let's show a little class, and not be sore losers because we lost one popularity contest.

  2. Gary and Chris, this website is awesome and I think very well put together. You guys are appreciated for what you do and please don’t let a few boneheads ruin a good thing or dampen your spirits. Stay the course and don’t change a thing. I wish this type of thing was possible when I played because it gives very good info and added things that most people wouldn’t know if it weren’t for you guys. Keep it up and know that most of us are very aware of the effort and the dedication you put into your work.

  3. On the voting thing. I only pointed out View was doing the incognito thing. It was obvious. And not what this is supposed to be about really. But if someone wants to vote 300 times. Then. Ok. Go for it. Now it looks like other teams are doing it as well. We will look at doing things another way in the future.

    I think I've praised View and FR more than anyone this year. Deservedly so.

    I picked Huron to win the League

    I picked CC to go 4-5 and to lose this week.

    You can say I have it out for certain teams and you can say I'm a homer. I do my very best to call it like I see it and give praise where it is deserved.

    I put a lot into this website. So does chris. We both appreciate the thank yous and take onboard the criticism.

    Again, thank you for reading and watching. We really do appreciate it.

  4. Riverview irritates the hell out of Gary. I’m not sure why, maybe because we beat CC? On another note, I swore that you guys said you would be choosing the player of the week. No voting on a poll? Then it showed back up. Interesting. I’ve been a avid reader, commenter, and always share your predictions etc. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your blog. However, this cheating on the votes on the CC side has left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m glad that it didn’t happen till the end of the season.

  5. Don't forget to mention the view side as well, I watched both scores go up by 1 every 30 seconds. Went on for fifteen minutes at least. Hilarious!


  6. I noticed snooze has Milan losing this week and then traveling to Chelsea next week. Also, Flat Rock winning this week and hosting Tecumseh next week. Pretty nice if Flat Rock can get that home game. I've watched Tecumseh, not that impressed. Tough game if Milan gets Chelsea at their place.

  7. Whats there to talk about? We all played each other and now its on to other teams. Why talk smack about people who aren't on here. I wish everyone on here the best of luck this week and hope that we all represent our league well.
    -View fan

  8. Must be a lot of nervous nellies this week. Not much talk on the blog. Could it be that all the HL teams are about to play much better caliber teams? Hmm!

  9. Aye…I like those jackets too!! Been meaning to mention that but that frizz on the face scares me to no end. Also…I got 2 Falafel sandwiches saying Monroe doesn't beat the Combines. I doubt if either of you will take that bet lol. I also have a feeling in a couple years Mason will be doing a flip flop in the standings. Not sure if I mentioned it but I did pick the Pirates to win the league…Aye…Good job boys..much doubloon to ya.

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