Game Summaries

Grosse Ile 24 Riverview 15

The Red Devils were able to claim the Colvin Cup back after a two year stay in Riverview by beating the Pirates 24-15. Dex Teen led the Islanders with 149 yards on 30 carries. QB Robby White accounted for all of the Red Devil scores by throwing for 2 touchdowns and running for another. Grosse Ile moves to 1-1 in the league and 2-1 overall. Jeff Sterglas has yet to taste victory as the coach of his alma mater as Riverview drops to 0-2 in the league and 0-3 overall.

SMCC 40 Flat Rock 0

The Rams were no match for the visiting Falcons as SMCC ran all over the Ram home field in rout to a 40-0 victory. The SMCC offense took advantage of the pourous Ram defense in rout to evening it’s record at 1-1 in the league and 2-1 overall. The Rams are winless in the Huron League and 0-3 overall.

28 thoughts on “Game Summaries”

  1. To your point on GI fans, I certainly didn't have a count of fans at the GI/RV game, but from the looks of it, there were just as many, if not more GI fans there. I would concede the point only to say it's an opinion and neither side could prove the other right or wrong.

    Regardless if more or not, it is still a testiment to the GI program to have that many fans at an away game for a Oh-4 team the last 2 years.

  2. Anonymous @ 1:29pm

    Not a single part of my post has even a hint of jealousy. Everyone talks about CC being small. IT'S A PRIVATE SCHOOL, the kids made up their own mind to go there.

    Also, before you call me a "kidd" learn how to spell "jealous" and actually put some thought into what you're saying.


  3. People….it dosen't matter what you say! The folks from SMCC will always get the last dig. They just can't let it go. That's how they were brought up. "Were better than you!" Let the battles be fought on the field, not in here.

  4. Not many fans of CC have "let it go". Every time they have success, they are the ones tooting their own horn about being smaller, and winning in a bigger league. Nobody cares how big your school is. Not to offend, but the parents CHOOSE to pay for their kids to go to a SMALLER school, so why act like it is a crutch?


  5. Public schools will always talk about private schools "recruiting". At a clinic that (Head Coach at Rutgers University) Greg Schiano spoke at, he even joked, "I'm not going to talk about recruiting because none of you deal with that… That is unless you coach for a private school."

    The joke got a laugh from everyone in the attendance as well as Schiano himself. I think that when most people talk about such recruiting that it is just a ribbing of those schools.

    As far as SMCC is concerned, they are an easy team for the Huron League to target such jokes. They have a successful program, that has significantly less people in their school.

    I think that those of you who attend and/or support SMCC just need to quit taking it seriously or personally and just let it go. Because we already have. And with that I will quit "running my mouth".

  6. LMAO, "Recruiting?", your right.. Airport, Jefferson, GI, Flat Rock, Riverview, Milan, & Huron, don't give scholarships.. *laughing*. Guess its all how you word it really.

    Your right school of choice negates anything..

  7. SMCC has international recruits. They went all the way to Brazil to recruit Chris LaBeau. They brought him over when he was young just so he can play for SMCC football. SMCC recruits out of country and thats the only reason why they are good. NOT haha they are just good stop hating..

  8. Still didnt answer who was recruited, i know everyone on the team, not one recruit at all, and people like you is what pisses these kids off by saying they are recruited. for the record smcc is pretty good at everything too.

  9. Flat Rock Alum,
    Things have to get better..If its truly that bad at FRHS, hopefully the parents would voice their opinions. Sports is crucial to the character development of young athletes, and I know there is incredible talent at the school. Which is evident by the number of upsets exhibited by FR in other sports.

    Keep your head up.

  10. blah blah blah… SMCC students and parents have a choice after CYO to go somewhere. There are "city ball" players on the team. You can't tell me that they are not recruited if they were studs on a CYO team and live in a District. The public schools don't get to pick from the creme of the crop. The students go there, choose to play football, and the PROGRAM takes over. Stop kidding yourselves. I will concede to the fact that Football is not as evident as the other sports at SMCC. SMCC has every reason to be proud of the tradition, heritage, and legacy, BUT, lets be real now. Sick of hearing how many championships they have won in Football, its like an area all star team at times… Look at their championship banners in other sports?

  11. In reference to Flat Rock. The problem is the apathy of the current administration not the Head Football Coach. Nobody in that school cares one iota about sports. The AD isn't required to attend any nightly events and has other paying jobs elsewhere. The Principal only comes to see the band. The Assistant Principal gets a stipend to be the guy who hires coaches but really could care less. They have a night supervisor who is in charge of each nightly sport.They pay 3 different people about $50,000 a year total and that is still less than most schools pay one Athletic Director. The only way to change things is to elect school board members who believe sports play a role in academics. Do that, then force the current Principal to retire and take her paper pusher AD with her. She backed doored everyone when she hired him in the first place. The current board is filled with people who never played a sport in their life and our busy pushing their inside agendas. Flat Rock sports stink and it goes hand in hand with the administration. Do you see that crowd last night? It stunk! I will not attend another game until their gone.


    Angry Flat Rock Alum

  12. smcc players are not recruited. look at their roster. every single player is from a catholic grade school in this region. there are some from the huron area, but they have came to smcc for acedemics. they have not been recruited. only a couple people on the team have gone to public grade schools, and they dont usually start

  13. Some of you people on here need to get a clue. All of the talk about SMCC players being recruted just proves how nieve you really. Who are these alleged recruted players. You need to get your facts straight beore you un you mouth.

  14. To anonymous 7:00am

    I also said that I am a fan of a more conventional offense, so I would definitely prefer a coach like Kalbfleisch. Take that as you want.

    Being the answer is not settling for being the perrenial doormat of the league. Being the answer is asking questions of the coaching staff. Being the answer is having decent coaches at the lower levels (JV and middle school) so that the kids start getting used to winning instead of getting used to going winless. Making winning a tradition is an answer. None of these are excuses. I hear the excuse of "We're Flat Rock, it's OK to lose" all the time. And I will have no part of those people.

    My son stays at Flat Rock because of his friends and he refuses to leave his teammates. Something that he should be admired for. I have 2 more coming up the pipeline and maybe they WILL end up playing somewhere else.

  15. Name one player that was recruited to play for SMCC. It seems like people like to make excuses why their program is not as good as CC's even though it is double the enrolement. You can look at the roster and find only 2 players that did not play in the CYO when they were in grade school… one is Johnston who went to Monroe middle and is the BACKUP fullback and the other is Shurtz from FR and he doesnt even play other than on special teams. Where are all these recruited stars?????? They dont even have anyone in the top 5 in any category as you can see in this blog. You can make excuses as to why your program does not compare if it makes you feel better. SMCC is better because of discipline and pride… watch their games and those 2 things will stick out.

  16. Celebrate the Victory over Flat Rock, SMCC… Was praying for an upset. Going to be a tough road for the rest of the season for you..

    Great to see GI and Huron programs back on track… Excellent Coaching. I am thinking they are NEAR or will be Top 4 Huron League Programs in the next couple of years.

    I am astounded at what the JV and Varsity Airport teams did to Milan. GREAT TO SEE. Congrats Redmond, Goings, Staff and boys.. Making this very memorable for the parents and supporters.

    Congrats on the win SMCC, but as they say "SAVOR THE FLAVOR"…

    Great kids (even though some are recruited) at SMCC, disciplined, talented, and well coached.

    Which is why so many Huron Leaguers exhibit our dislike…
    Go Bears & Jets…

    I chose to go to one of my friends son's game at Edsel against their crosstown rivals Dearborn. All I can say is WOW. Incredible talent, player size & strength, fan base, parents, & coaching at Edsel. BUT, still love the brand of football in the Huron League. We need to FSN or Channel 7 out to a Huron League Game.. That was amazing.

    Thanks again for the blog, YOUR DOING A GREAT JOB. EVERYONE PLEASE keep supporting the Huron League and our region. Great years ahead.

    "Region Fan"

  17. well, where is Covo5479 with some comments on the GI v. Riverview game. Seems to me I said GI would indeed beat Riverview back after watching the GI scrimmage, and was told, "MC Joe you cannot seriously think that GI will beat Riverview?"

    Well, I seriously did think that and they seriously did beat Riverview.

  18. If your gonna talk about the GI Riverview game you have to talk about Jimmy Cameron coming up big for the second straight week. He had to have about 100 or 150 yards.

  19. hey flat rock parent..u want jim kalbfleish to coach your kid…send him to huron….be the answer, don't make excuses..joe p. forgot more then the kalbfleish

  20. GI recap:
    The good, Offensive arial attack was unstoppable. Maybe not Huron-esque, but something that will have the opposition rethinking the Teen/Church tandem…nothing like options!! Defense showed bend, don't break mentality again but delivered big plays and big hits that were not as evident in game 1&2. First defensive score of the year.

    The bad:
    SPECIAL TEAMS…will someone PLEASE explain to GI that special teams are not recess. GI needs to address special teams or a disciplined team will roll them on kick-off, punt, etc. Offense did not block well later in the game and it showed when GI could not control the ball when the needed to run it. Defense needs to tighten up the corners and off tackle gaps…too much porosity tonite if they plan to contend.

    The Verdict:
    WOW, first HL victory in almost 3 years, JV and Varsity are sporting a combined 5-1 record, a long way from door-mat status. More fans in the stands than the home RV crowd….lots of pent up thirst for football on the island. I've been trying to hold my excitement knowing something special was brewing at GI…BUT I CAN'T ANY LONGER. GI IS BACK, the winds of change are a full-on gale, the fans/players are hungry and of course, you better strap it up tight boys because GI has the speed, diversity and attitude that make a team tick. Hold on tight as you cross the bridge next week Milan, because those winds of change are going to rock the bus…HARD.

  21. I wasn't at the GI/Riverview game tonight. I had planned on attending but had a last minute change of plans.

    In regards to your question regarding coverage. I try and get to the best games each week. Week 1 I went and saw SMCC/Crockett and I had someone else volunteer to do a writeup on Airport/Bedford. Week 2 I thought I would check out Airport/Huron. I was busy that Thursday so I couldn't catch GI/Jefferson. Tonight, I ran over to Jefferson at the last minute and I had someone covering Airport/Milan.

    It's tough to cover everyone, I could use more volunteers. I went to FR and haven't even seen them play yet.

  22. hey huron league man, i was just wondering i saw you at the GI, Riverview game tonight, why do you give full length reports of huron and airport but none for Gi and Riverview, thanks for the site

  23. This was the first time I've had a chance to watch SMCC play. These are a group of well coached kids, on both JV and Varsity (my son plays JV for Flat Rock). The offense may be quirky and the kids are a little on the smaller side side, but they run their plays to perfection. I had to be impressed with SMCC even though I'm more of a fan of the conventional pro-style offense.

    Maybe we can get Jim Kalbfleisch here at Flat Rock to compete against his son? I played under Jim in high school and Dan has obviously learned from the old man.

    Ram fan

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