Falcons Slip by Chiefs

SMCC’s Micheal Howey scored a on a 45 yard run with 5:29 to go in the 4th quarter to help the Falcons slip by Huron in a key Huron League game tonight. The run came just moments after a Falcon defender intercepted a Andrew Mayrand pass at the Falcon goal line.

SMCC opened the scoring in the 1st quarter on a 20 yard run by Andrew Lamour. The 2 point conversion was good and the Falcons led 8-0. Huron was able to respond with a Tyler Weclowski 25 yard run on their first possession. The conversion failed making the score 8-6 SMCC. SMCC struck again late in the 1st on a 45 yard run by speedy Luke Yinger, the conversion failed and the Falcons led 14-6 after one quarter.

Huron was able to respond midway through the 2nd quarter when Huron’s Sterling Wilson scored from 17 yards out. The 2 point conversion failed and the Falcon lead was 14-12. Huron would strike again when Mayrand hit David Stockert on a 17 yard pass play. The kick was good and the Chiefs went into half time with a 19-14 lead.

The 3rd quarter was relatively quiet as both defenses stepped up strong. Huron looked like that may have the game won late when Huron’s Wilson broke away seemingly for a touchdown. SMCC’s Luke Yinger made a game saving tackle on Wilson by catching him after he had covered 56 yards down to the Falcon 15 yard line. That play set up the interception that led to the Falcon’s final touchdown drive.

The win makes the Falcons 3-0 in the Huron League and 3-1 overall. Huron drops to 1-2 in the league and 2-2 overall.

11 thoughts on “Falcons Slip by Chiefs”

  1. "(See how ridiculous that sounds)"?

    I'm pretty sure they made up their own minds to go to their smaller school, so stop acting like it's an unfair advantage. I don't understand how people can't choose to go their, pay the money, and yet complain about it being small??? Huron is not bad, be happy you won and stop making excuses (bad ones like enrollment) for a close score. By the way, playing all the "bigger" schools helps you guys in the playoffs with drawing a home game, if you weren't aware.


  2. On paper, looks like Airport will blow CC away, but, teams always seem to rise to the occasion, sometimes, pull the tough games out, I'm sure Airport remembers 2007 season. Anyway, lets just hope someone gives Airport some competition this year.

  3. Great game. Huron played great! smcc was not great but not terrible. Credit to both teams on this one. Hurons stockart had some great catches and their D stepped up, the huron backs were not half bad either, they definitley have talent. The falcon D shutdown that highpowered huron offense. Lovell played good, lots of big plays defensively. Miracle played goods well. Offensively smcc had some fast kids with the qb howey and couple of the rbs as well. showdown between airprt and smcc it looks like

  4. Wow! The team picked to take the league only beat Huron by 1 point. Can't wait to hear all the excuses from the CC fans on this one!

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