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Owosso 56 Erie Mason 6 final

Whiteford 22 Lucas (OH) 6 final

Sand Creek 6 Summerfield 58 final

Dundee 8 Blissfield 14 final

Ida 23 Clinton 14 final

Monroe 24 Riverview 43 final

Bedford 0 St Francis 30 final

Carlson 41 Lincoln Park 14 final

Airport 7 Avondale 28 final

Cabrini 21 Grosse Ile 28

Flat Rock 48 Clarenceville 12 final

Eaton Rapids 27 Milan 41 final

Melvindale 38 Jefferson 28 final

Country Day 7 SMCC 38 final

Henry Ford 6 Huron 40 final

Chris Schultz

View Comments

  • As a once proud Bear…. My heart hurts. It hurts for our community but most importantly for our boys. The lessons of overcoming adversity, playing with pride, and competing year in and year out are just long gone. There are a lot of great people in our area and unfortunately the kids will suffer because the administration will continue to turn a blind eye to what is happening in front of them. Strong leadership is needed for these young men, not someone that allows AND engages in trash talking. Teach the kids to work hard, have class, and represent themselves the right way on and off the field. Do better.

  • Gents, Thanks for another great year of coverage in the area. One question I do have is about playoff seedings. Does the MHSAA take playoff point average in to consideration when determining the number one seeds in each division. Do the top 8 teams get the number one seed for the districts? I know it is regionally based but I was looking at Mapetology's week 8.5 outlook and they had Cass Tech hosting a district with a lesser playoff point average than some of the other schools. Thank you for your time.

    • Teams are broken up into 4 team districts by geography and ease of travel. Playoff points determine seeds.

  • Culture is king. We have two opposite ends of the spectrum represented in the HL. One is 9-0 and the other is 1-8. With one exception, HL schools represent their communities honorably. To the one that doesn’t, well, what you allow is what will continue.

    The “template,” as some have called it, is toxic and, IMO, you would do well to move on.

    Congrats to SMCC on a great regular season! From this point on, the only game that matters is the next one. Go Falcons!

    • This Jefferson situation surprises absolutely no one who was around LCAA football from 2017-2019.

      It was the EXACT same at Erie Mason. The league cheered when they left for the TCC and the football program damaged relationships with other schools that still last until this day. Absolutely trash behavior from team, coaches, and fans.

      And if you check EMs record and score differential vs LCAA teams from 2017-2021 you will see the product on the field is largely the same as well.

        • My comment referenced LCAA.

          From 2016-2021 Erie Mason was a combine: 0-31 Vs LCAA teams.

          They went undefeated in 2020 in the TCC and played Clinton (an LCAA team) and were down 35-8 before the signature “stat padding TDs” closed it to 42-24 by games end.

          Regardless, 0-31 vs LCAA teams kinda speaks for itself. This is all variable on https://michigan-football.com/f/eriemasn.htm if you don’t believe me.

          • Excuse me, yes 2020 we were undefeated in TCC. I’m well aware of our record in the LCAA. I’d like to know what trash behavior your talking about in regards to the team and fans?? Their is trash talking wherever you go.

      • Pretty harsh. The kids are no reflection of the coaches . I had a son play from 2018-2021 and they were a good bunch of kids and leaders. To say look at their record today and see the product on the field is pretty harsh. They are a young team.

  • Congratulations Falcons......
    First time in 33 years to go undefeated in the regular season.
    The 1991 team was 14-0 and state champions..
    We have a chance to go 15 -0. Due to extended playoff format. And have the best record in school history.
    Stay humble.
    Stay focused.
    Stay hungry.
    Stay proud.
    And God willing.
    Stay undefeated....

    • Congrats on a great year. Heck it should only be the halfway point. You guys have a great team that should end up as state champs. My issue is with that debacle of a field you play on. Every time I pull up to that field I hear the theme song from Sanford and Son playing. The place is an embarrassment. You can’t even replace burnt out lights at the field. Then the playing surface is only partially grass. How does a school that has such a proud alumni base and charges over 10000 a year to attend have that. How does the MHSAA EVEN ALLOW A PLAYOFF GAME TO BE PLAYED THERE?? If you want to see how a small catholic school should do things look at Riverview Gabriel Richard. Their facilities are top notch. They have about the same number of students and charge the same for tuition? Gary Hauf can you shed any light on what’s going on down there?

      • SMCC does not own the field. They rent it from MPS. This has gone on for years - forever. Therefore SMCC is not allowed to make any improvements or changes without going through MPS. MPS does not use the facility much anymore and they are not willing to make the changes. Please know, there are many many people who have offered to do things for that field to make it better. They are still offering. However, I find it odd that suddenly this year there are a ton of people commenting about the field. Is it a beautiful field? No. Is it as bad as everybody is making it out to be? No. Is it a field that in the 90s no one would complain about? Yes no one would say a word. It’s an old field but has been a fine field. Because it’s compared to all the newer, expensive, turf field, it doesn’t seem that way. But it is totally playable . To say that MHSAA should step in and do something is ridiculous. Across the country, there are way worse fields than this, and people still play them regularly.

        However, it’s not in SMCC’s control of the field.

        • I believe that Monroe Midfle School teams still practice at Navarre, but that is about it.
          Would it be out of the question for MPS to sell the property and contents to SMCC, then they could make upgrades, etc.
          Just a thought.

          • The gauge of adequate lighting should not be if you say it 100 times or 1000 times that SMCC can’t replace the lights.

            So what happens next year when more lights burn out and you only have 25% working? Oh well, deal with it because SMCC can’t change them?

            The debate is not if SMCC is the league champs. They 100% earned and are crowned the best. No debate. And I hope they win the state championship.

            The debate is if the lighting is adequate and if it’s “dimmer” in any part of the field, does that give an advantage to a running team vs throwing team.

            The debate is if it is inadequate lighting. I got some pictures of your lighting where almost 40-50% of the bulbs are burned out on one pole. The entire top row is out. Would you care to post the picture. I can forward it.

          • Glowing helmets? Joking aside. I haven’t an answer. I apologize Navarre is dimmer than most fields. All I can do. Good luck in the playoffs.

          • This has been discussed and gone through a million times. It’s not as easy as just selling it. SMCC has tried to do things, buying was once (maybe a thousand times) discussed.

            The lights should be replaced but that’s not up to SMCC. Not to get political, but there are some entities that don’t care that lights are out. SMCC does not have the power to do it.

            YOU CAN SEE ON THE FIELD. Lights are out, but it is lit just fine. It’s a basic field and totally playable. Everyone needs to move on.

          • I disagree. I think the parents at SMCC being tax pay members of society in Monroe for the most part, could put pressure on Monroe schools to at least replace the lightbulbs. Renting a lift and buying bulbs would probably be less than $5000. It’s an easy fix if really wanted. I honestly don’t care one way or the other, but please don’t suggest that it’s not fixable.

          • Yes I do believe it gives an advantage to a running team.

            You said there are 8 lights out.

            If lights are out and it’s “dim” and the lights can be changed, we shouldn't be having this discussion

          • SMCC QB throws on target every game. SMCC DB’s see well enough to pick off opponent passes. Nothing to do with lighting. And once again. For the 100th time. SMCC cannot replace any lights.

        • It regards to the MHSAA stepping in. Gary, Chris, is there some type of measure or rule the mhsaa enforces for lighting. Has anyone ever asked the MHSAA to analyze the lighting conditions? Maybe it’s as simple as SMCC asking the mhsaa the standards or to come down and clear the field. I’m under the impression some schools in the city have to play on Saturdays because of no lights or lack of lights so if that’s correct there must be a standard. ?

          Chris you are a AD. Can you shed some “light”on the standards?

          • You think teams win or lose at Navarre due to the lights? Zero to do with any of it. Time to move on I believe.

          • OMG. It ain’t that bad. It’s a little dimmer than normal. That’s it. It’s lit. It’s just not bright.

        • I think the complaints are coming from the fact the lighting is poor and there is no reason at this day and age that 8 lights should be out.

          Playing on a field that is brown and mostly dirt would give an advantage to a running team as Gary pointed out that T teams should have no issue with it.

          The light bulbs should simply function and it should not require some act of Congress from the city officials to get that done.

          Probably would not hear much complaints about the field if it could seen.

      • My bad
        Counted wrong
        1991 was 13-0
        You are correct
        5 post season games to win
        1991 it was 4 post season wins

  • Good news for the bears is that they set another record for most points given up by 24 this year breaking their own record set last year

    Bear strong

    4 year plan

  • Quite possibly the most unclassy football game I have ever seen at Jefferson tonight. Many players fighting, 3 or 4 players ejected on both sides, Jeffersons student section behind the end zone ruffed up a Melvindale player when they scored.
    Game called with 46 seconds left. No line up at mid field.
    What an embarrassment to both programs. I hope the MHSAA is notified. This is unacceptable.

    • Wonder what it will take for some
      major change at Jefferson. If this isn’t the final straw - what would it be? Everyone is talking about the game tonight. That program is an embarrassment to the HL and to high school sports. And why are there parents who are not coaches standing on the sidelines each game like he’s coaching? Jefferson needs a drastic change, and very fast.

      • Crazy! Jefferson used to be a such a consistent powerhouse in the HL. Not necessarily skill wise, but almost always bigger and stronger than everyone else, dominating the trenches. Not sure about the current coaching situation, but it’s crazy how far they have fallen. Goes to show you how much quality coaching takes you these days. CC and Riverview have solid, state ranked programs every year in and year out due to great coaching, lifting programs w/ upgraded facilities, full support from the AD and alignment with middle school/little league programs. Hopefully Jefferson can right the ship. Side note, what happened to Monroe? I think Riverview has beat them fairly handily 4 years in a row?

        • It was 36-8 at halftime, Riverview started subbing the defense in the second quarter, and by the end of the third mostly all of them were 2’ and 3’s. Depth isn’t great on Riverview. Trying to save some guys for the playoffs. Monroe couldn’t stop the offense. The offense has somewhat healed itself since the FR game. I say that meaning, the new guy in the fullback spot we lost is getting accustomed to what the situation looks like and improved his ability to find the hole. It’s a bummer the Pirates was a mental and physical wreck going into cc, but it is what it is and credit goes to CC. As for Monroe, they remind me of Huron. They’ve got talent, good size everywhere they need it, it just doesn’t work. They’d be a good football game with Huron. At times, Monroe passes the ball real well, but often when they get something going they make a key mistake like a turnover. Riverview got cute last night and threw an int into the endzone that could have made it 43-8 in the third if they just ran the football. I look at it this way, if you don’t have the studs to have a lights out defense, maybe going to an offense that requires less talent to score would be more ideal. Getting fancy is only great if it wins ballgames. What I’m seeing of last night between Howell and Belleville makes a decent case for that type of concept. The T offense just took out the number one team in the state with the number one player in the nation who’s surrounded by all stars.

      • cause said individual has alot of money and helps fund the program.

        Way to represent tradition in front of the 1994 team

        • SMCC players talked about a non-coach on the sideline chirping profanities at them during their game with Jefferson. So you’re saying he’s on the sideline only because he is “daddy’s money”?

    • Not classy by either team at all. Maybe if the refs would’ve taken control at the beginning of the game this would’ve never happened.. They get paid to to run the game right?!

      • First and foremost, have you ever coached in your life? They are team full of freshman and sophomores with a couple juniors. Kids these days are not easy to coach!! Countless hours these coaches put in on communication, film, practice and games are endless for the pay they get.

        • I have coached for 15 years.
          There is no substitute for DISCIPLINE!!
          Discipline leads to success in all aspects of life.
          It is a coaches job to be a mentor to their players and not just continue to use the F word in their face constantly.

          NO MORE EXCUSES. New Superintendent needs to fix this immediately.

        • I coached for many years. Kids have changed yes. Drastically. This coach has had issues every place he’s been. So his reputation precedes him. Jefferson didn’t do their due diligence in hiring him.

          • Im sure that they did their due diligence when they hired the current coach. They interviewed him the year before when they hired Tipton. A coach told me that he knew they were getting fired at the end of the season when a player told him that he was going to miss them next season. They knew what they were getting into when they hired the current coach. After firing Tipton they used words like generational talent and phrases like "hibernation over' Trading wins for dignity and that hasn't worked out for them so far. 3 wins in two years and controversy every season. The current coaching staff should be replaced, there are several coaching legends around here that could serve as an advisor in helping the administration in their search for a suitable replacement. I feel for the student athletes who are caught up in the adult madness. Go Bears! Do the right thing.

        • You are fortunate you were not there. Chris, your lucky you left at half time. Something must change. Both benches were penalized, some guy on Jefferson sideline, not even a coach, got a flag thrown on him.
          What the heck is going on!

      • The student section didn't rough up a player. He was dancing 5 feet in front of the students taughting them, when a Jefferson player came up and hit him. Which resulted in some shoving from players near the students section. That player rightful got ejected. There was a lot to not like about the game but don't make stuff up. I'm sure they won't allow the students to be there anymore. Surprised they let them there in the first place.

        • In defense of Jefferson…. Oh, forget that… they don’t play defense… but on a bright note- their J.V. Team didn’t lose a game this year… I think the four year plan just got severely shortened last evening in front of Coach Cisco (Who the field is named after) and the ‘94 team… I’d say what a shame but actually what a sham is more appropriate! To the Jefferson School Board, the criticism of the program is real and deserved and action immediately required! In the words of another poster “there’s no way we lose to a bottom feeder”… well, what’s below a “bottom feeder”?

        • Who cares if he danced in front of the student section! Let the refs flag him for it. Instead the kid gets hit by a Jefferson player and you’re making excuses for everything that went on. That school needs to clean house with that program! It’s not gonna get any classier. They’ve been bad for a long time but at least they lost with class when Gennoe and Tipton were there.

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