
Week 4 Our Thoughts, Not Yours

By Chris Schultz and Frank Vajcner

Each week, Chris and Frank will give their thoughts on our blog teams. For the most part, one will generally keep things on the rails, while the other goes a little off the wall.


Frank: Worst start since 1996 for the Jets.

Chris: We all expected an 0-4 start, I expect the Jets to win the next 4.


Frank: I guess Pioneer was a one-year wonder.

Chris: The Kicking Mules opened a can!


Frank: Marauders on upset alert next week?

Chris: Ho-hum


Frank: Vikings have probably seen enough of Brian Dopp.

Chris: I told you

Erie Mason

Frank: At least there will be no more teams from the Buckeye State on the schedule

Chris: Laker time?

Flat Rock

Flat Rock: A sleeping giant woke up after being down 14-7.

Chris: Sheesh, Ram defense is going to need to be better

Grosse Ile

Frank: No one wants a team to be historically bad

Chris: I got nothing.


Frank: Huron will go no worse than 4-1 the rest of the season. Book it.

Chris: Football or WWE?


Frank: Dean Thomas just scored again.

Chris: Dean Thomas was seen selling tickets before the game and popcorn at halftime.


Frank: Was anyone thinking upset?

Chris: Bear defense giving up an unbelievable 53.75 ppg


Frank: Big Reds are a roller coaster.

Chris: Got to take the wins when you get them


Frank: Saline is just on another planet.

Chris: Yeesh


Frank: First big test next week for the Pirates.

Chris: I’m starting to think that this may be the best Pirate team since 1997. Too soon?


Frank: Ian Foster did everything seemingly.

Chris: Air Kipf?


Frank: Mitchell Gomulinski is still running.

Chris: I’m starting to think that Summerfield is really good. I guess we will find out next week.


Frank: Are we home yet?

Chris: 2-2? wait…what?


Frank: Some had to deal with Mother Nature last night

Chris: I had to deal with lack of sleep

Frank: Now the real test begins for Jonathan Smith.

Chris: Looks like I have to give the FUBO free trial a try just to watch the Spartans.

Gary: Welcome to the B1G.

Frank: We are on to Arizona.

Chris: To the tune of Ted Lasso’s Roy Kent song; He’s here, he’s there, he’s every f*cking where, Hutch-in-son, Hutch-in-son

Chris Schultz

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  • The Huron League will survive in some shape or form. There has been rumors for 2 years now that Milan and Jefferson have wanted out. My guess is the LCAA. I would guess that opens the door for one of the smaller DRL teams and Dundee to join since they are almost 600 kids in their high school. I don't see SMCC ever leaving nor Airport. Huron is a big question mark because they are close to many leagues. Being a former school administrator in Ohio, I can tell you that football drives alot of decisions because it usually brings in the most revenue.

    • I think Trenton and maybe even Southgate would be a good fit for the Huron if a couple small schools left. Close Proximity to Riverview and similar in size to Huron and Airport.

  • For SMCC D7 maybe 325 kids in school yes they are good as advertised. Very difficult up hill task to beat a D3 school. Riverview plays smaller schools all year. No idea why they would not want into a D3 level league other than it would hurt their record.
    SMCC has nothing to lose against Riverview.
    SMCC should make a run at D7 title regardless of Riverview game.

    • I'm going to give you a little history on enrollments to help you understand why the Huron league is the proper conference.

      Milan 611
      Jefferson 906
      Huron 583
      Riverview 679
      FR 510
      Airport 869
      GI 674
      CC 432
      Riverview 679

      Milan 1016
      Jefferson 724
      Huron 841
      Riverview 928
      FR 569
      Airport 920
      GI 674
      CC 432

      Milan 602
      Jefferson 475
      Huron 797
      Riverview 875
      FR 476
      Airport 760
      GI 525
      CC 324

      As you can see, enrollments rise and fall and Riverview as a city is about the same size as Flat Rock, they do not have land to develop the way Huron, Jefferson, Milan, and Airport does. The current numbers are driven by school of choice with 60 percent being non resident. It's safe to say that future enrollment will be between 500-800 students. At the moment, Riverview is the largest, but I wouldn't expect it to stay that way. Riverview did not join the Huron League 44 years ago with some intent to bully smaller schools, they joined because the Huron league Geographically made sense and based on the other school sizes being similar. The DRL cities are at a minimum double the size of Riverview and those schools have the potential to be double the enrollment or larger. Sure, Riverview would do just fine in the DRL right now, but long term, it makes no sense to be in a league with schools who could be double or triple the size. What drives the success of the Riverview program is a strong RJFA, solid coaching, and an effective offense. It's always been a very good football city with great tradition over the years but the offense brings it to another level. There is no other conference that makes sense at this point. At the moment they're the biggest, but that will change. Milan, Huron, Airport, those could all be D2 schools in the coming years.

      The kicker is the most successful Huron league team over that 44 years is the smallest one, SMCC. If enrollment was everything, Taylor and Woodhaven would be the best teams in the area year after year.

      • A lot to digest here, but the numbers basicly show Riverview is 40% large than over 1/2 the league. Not sure how that shows it’s a good league for them.

        My guess in the future Milan is the first to leave, their enrollment is in line with other schools out that way which wasn’t the case 20 years ago. Then Jefferson, and the league evaporates and Riverview joins the DRL.

          • Western Wayne athletic conference, lol. Similar size schools and larger, more playoff points and a much easier schedule every year. I guess there are options for D3 leagues after all. Thing is, I'd really miss some of the good games in the Huron. Look at what's coming up. This Flat Rock team and SMCC team are both very good and could win the ball game. There'd be no games that competitive in that conference. The Huron may be down, but it will at least produce three good teams every season. If this year's Huron team Played in the WWAC, they'd probably win the conference.

        • I'm not sure the DRL would want a potential D5 in their league with the one opening they have. It doesn't help those larger schools who need the playoff points. Milan has options, like the SEC west, but that situation wouldn't be any better.

        • Yes but for years Riverview were middle of the pack it’s new that there the biggest he’s saying this because look at the DRL they’d be the smallest by 50 kids and the other schools can get bigger where Riverview as a city and school cannot and that the Huron league teams can go back to the 2000 or 2011 sizes so it’s a good league because they can fall back into the middle of the size pack where in the DRL the best case is 3rd smallest and more than likely smallest if they get a small freshman class 1 year and have to go back down to 4

      • Good explanation
        I hope Jefferson and GI can make a comeback both with enrollment and on the football field. We should all want a strong league with great competition.
        If Huron can get out of their own way they could be a powerhouse of a team.  

        • I think coaches have to be creative enough to be less creative. You don't need a fancy passing league offense to win high school football games. Just focus on the fundamentals and let the talent perform. Everybody wants to look like the NFL, but the NFL is changing back to pounding the rock right now.

          • Thank you...

            We are working on rounding up some state wide guru's to do a podcast covering all of Michigan.
            So standby for that.

            If anyone reading this would like to maybe throw their hat in the ring, and be a part of the podcast.

            Email us at fridaynightvictors@gmail.com

    • If there was actually a D3 league in the area, sure. At one time the HL was mostly schools of similar size with Riverview being in the middle, they were a D3-4 league. Only thing I could think would be for Southgate and Trenton to enter the Huron league and CC and Jefferson to leave it and form a smaller school league. At one time, Jefferson had the larger enrollment. Riverview is about 850 students last year, this year they are below the D3 threshold and are at D4 numbers. 60 percent of the students at the school are out of district. They can’t jump to the DRL, there are no available spots with next years new playoff format so there really is no other league locally the school can enter with D3 schools. To make you feel better, the majority of the starters are residents I believe.

        • The field will be expanded and playoffs begin week 9, with teams who missed playing an at large match up. that means 8 league games in the max. It could be good, especially for the teams who didn't win a game all season to get matched up and somebody come out with a win.

          • This has not been voted in yet, also received very little support from multiple coaching groups. I don't expect that this will occur.

  • The downriver football gods were not looking down at us. D-3 starts at 1,074 students , Carlson has 1,076… they were 2 students too big to be D-3. I think everyone wants to see a Carlson vs riverview playoff game.

    Riverview is doing a disservice being in the Huron. Most schools are d4 and below and 1/2 the league is d5 and below.

    They have maybe 1 to 2 competitive games a year in the Huron.

    Put them in downriver league, they play 3-4 competitive games a year.

  • Heres a few questions for the bloggers and fans
    Riverview. Are they too good, too big for the Huron League anymore?

    Monroe. In a school of 1700+, how are you playing that many sophomores? I am not blaming the coaches, but do that many kids just not play football anymore there?

    Jefferson. Why? Bless those kids for wanting to be better. There are many adults in that community setting them up to fail. Their egos come before the kids.

    SMCC. Are they as good as advertised? If Airport didn't shoot themselves in the foot last week, that could have easily been 28-21 game.

    Huron. Who is in charge? No discipline with so much talent.

      • 51-0 2 plays into the 3rd says otherwise but I think with better line play/coaching I think they could have maybe gone 6-3 this year and made the playoffs but now we’ll have to see how they finish out the season after a 1-3 start

        • I don't know what's going on this year but they definitely had the talent at Huron for the years 2021 and 2022.

    • I thought Jefferson did a good job against Flat Rock, the problem with Jefferson is they handed FR a bunch of short TD's because they refuse to punt or do a real kick off. They're young, but they're growing up.

      • It can only be said that the Bears played a great first half vs a state ranked team.
        Flat Rock was not asleep at the wheel and did not take the Bears lightly.
        kudos to Jefferson.

        • I hope those young guys at Jefferson realize that they are headed in the right direction. They just demonstrated that they could be competitive against a good football team. Their line was actually creating a pocket for Beadrie and they were running the football up the middle. The first td that got called back was very questionable, second was a clear block in the back. The coach needs to at least make the other team drive the distance of the field and have a real punt and a real kick off. Going for it on every 4th down is what killed the bears from staying in the game.

  • Listen to me, like I have been saying all year. No one in the Huron league is beating Riverview. I hate to say it because I’m a Smcc fan. They are going to kill Smcc and Flat Rock. They will put running clocks on both teams and I do agree with the guys from FNV this is Riverview best team.

    • After playing all 3 of the undefeated teams in the league and Carlson… I would put them in this order of strength. Riverview, Carlson, SMCC, then Flat Rock. Riverview and Carlson are on a different level than the other two. I think Riverview has the best backs… more physical than Carlsons, but would give the edge to Carlson’s line (albeit close). Flat Rock will have a tough week versus them this week. I could see them having a running clock. I will be surprised if anyone in the HL will give Riverview much of a fight and they will beat Monroe in week 9. I see them going 9-0.

      • Based off the scores this just far from the truth but I’d be in my feelings too if my rival just held me to 0 #Getusedtothis

  • Wow, quite a statement regarding Riverview when you consider the ‘98, ‘02, ‘04, 17, and ‘22 teams. Hope you’re right though. They look great so far, but haven’t been tested in the least yet. CC and Flat Rock games should be battles. Unfortunately they face a real gauntlet early through D3 locally. If they were still D4 I could definitely see Ford Field as realistic, but going through Rouge, King, etc. will probably be too much of a talent disparity to overcome.

    • Riverview Offensively can play with those teams. Its their Defense vs those Teams massive Offensive lines is the problem. Riverview basically has to score on every possession. Then if they fall behind by a score or more, their whole game plan goes up in flames.

      Trenton had them beat last year, it took a miracle "trap" with less than 30 seconds left. So dont' forget riverview will more than likely have to play a pretty talented Southgate Anderson team early in the playoffs. That will be a very tested Anderson team that had to play both Allen Park, Carlson, Woodhaven, Trenton, and Lincoln Park.

      • Plenty of playoff history against DRL teams, but never Anderson . Sounds good if it could happen. If they play some team like Rouge, yes, they have to score on every possession, just like any other team in this area would to stay in that ballgame, but the rest of the schedule, no that wasn't the case. It was by no means a great defense, but it wasn't a horrible one either. As for the gameplan, they run the T, if it doesn't work for an entire game, they lose the ballgame. I wouldn't call it a miracle trap. They ran that play all season and scored on it quite often. That was a very young team out there last season and they did really well considering. I've been around both leagues and it's the same story, a few good teams, and a bunch of bad ones. Just last year we had a league champ match up between the Huron and the DRL and the Huron came out on top.

        • I am pretty sure you are talking about Airport vs Carlson and I don’t think anyone thinks the Carlson week 1 team was the same the week 9 team.

          Trenton was 5-4 last year and should have beat the co-champ of the Huron league.

          • Ok, so how come Trenton almost beat Carlson? That wasn't a bad football team, they almost won 4 times last season.

      • Yes, they were D3 for many years back to 2003. Next year they return to D4. Very small freshmen class this year, D4 numbers right now but it’s based on the year before. Good football players in that class though.

        • The funny thing is, the league would rather have View at 3 vice 4. More playoff points if anyone happens to beat them. But at 4, they won’t have to run into King or Rouge in the playoffs.

  • 53 points per game! Maybe at least allocate time for defense at practices!! I know, it’s hard to pad defensive stats but the “Master Plan” is to win in two years with a veteran Senior class… maybe my beloved Bears are developing defensive players on their JV team… Oh wait… but hey, it’s 2026 or bust!

    • Dundee missed out last year with a 5-4 record. They have a very tough schedule the rest of the way. Sitting at 1-3, it would take a miracle.

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