
FNV MHSAA Week 5 Scores

Here are the scores for this week’s games

Riverview 52 Flat Rock 45 final

Carlson 63 Anderson 13 final

Advanced Tech 54 Erie Mason 26 final

Airport 42 Grosse Ile 6 final

Milan 0 SMCC 32 final

Jefferson 21 Huron 38 final

Clinton 38 Dundee 16 final

Onsted 7 Ida 47 final

Summerfield 20 Whiteford 14 final

Monroe 7 Pioneer 10 final

Bedford 24 Lincoln 21 final

Chris Schultz

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  • Trying to add a little non-partisan perspective here. When growing up as a student/athletie at Flat Rock High School back in the 80’s, I never once thought about how many students were in my school or other schools. I never heard my parents say anything either. We just competed! Carlson was our rival, Airport next, CC and then Huron. We beat and lost to every school we played in the Huron League throughout my career. League champs in track, second in hoops, 5th in football (lost in OT to undefeated Jefferson) my senior year. We played whoever was on the schedule. School size didn’t matter.

    Looking back at enrollment numbers, we were the smallest school in the league. Literally half the size of most in the league. We didn’t know any better and didn’t care.

    • Chris I get you are old school, but you are also talking about a different era when a small team was 30-35 players. Back then there was no soccer, and kids played football.

      Football is a game of depth. The larger your pot of males, the better chance you have… look at Milan, great example, very good and competitive for years, but now the numbers just aren’t there.. what has changed in Milan? Their enrollment and the number of kids out for football is down significantly. Milan has the lowest enrollment they have had in the past 20 years.

      • Enrollment matters
        This is exactly why they have 8 divisions separated by exactly that—enrollment
        Over time population shifts. We used to have 4 divisions and MHSAA found it necessary to have 8 which was a great idea. Again it evens the playing field by again—enrollment

  • Lost in all of this is the fact that FR had one of the best comebacks i've ever witnessed..They were actually down 29-6 and up 45-44 with 1"15 left
    We should be thinking about Ian Adams
    And man oh man that behavior in the stands at Riverview would not be allowed or accepted at FR..
    You can see the difference in leadership.

    • Yes it was a great comeback and a great highschool football game. FR doesn’t ever seem to quit and have pulled a few come from behind victories out over past few years. Summit game a few years back and airport last year were awesome comebacks

  • Saw the video, the tackler came up high and grabbed the shoulder pads, and stuck his legs out into Ian Adams legs and slid under. It was a dirty looking play and he did it numerous times through the game. The refs failed in this game. A kid just got his dream destroyed over this play. FR coaches should watch that play and ask, if that was your player someone did that too, what would you think? I was hoping this thing was an accident, but it doesn’t look like an accident the way he stuck his legs out.

    • Good thing you’re not a replay analyst Davey. Many people with differing opinions from you.r replay view that also watched the tape.

      Not sure what makes you think your opinion is so superior you can go out and publicly state the intentions of a kid during a split second decision. FR people told you his personality and he would never do this intentionally. So your analysis is over riding all the character statements of the FR people as well?.

      Regardless where he was hit It was unintentional. No one was trying to hurt Ian during a 50 yard break away. It’s a shit scenario but it is football and as Ian slowed down right as contact was about to be made it became even a more awkward tackle.

      Let it go!

      • I believe he didn’t do it intentionally, pretty clear after seeing him in the pic with Ian on the stretcher that he cared. I’m sorry for my comment. You have a great football team. Best of luck with the rest of the season.

    • Davey
      Watch the replay. Adams slows down deciding to put his shoulder down or stiff arm. Is the FR kid supposed to slow down too?? #9 from FR is one of the nicest most respectful kid in that school. He would NEVER try to hurt anyone. It's Football it's a physical game. Things like this happen unfortunately. I hope Adams comes back stronger and better than ever.
      He is the fastest kid i've seen in the league in quite some time, and probably a D2 kid, but he did get run down by the backside safety from FR who had a terrific angle of pursuit. #9 nothing wrong with what you did! Keep making big plays and huge catches.

    • This is absolute insanity. When someone is trying to tackle someone , especially at the high school level, they have one concern… tackle the person. Tackles happen in a split second. Adams was breaking away and I’m sure the kid thought, “ now is the time for a dirty play”.. also I believe Adam stopped to attempt to cut back , and the kid had all momentum at full speed going.

      I get there is an insecure fanbase whose biggest games of the year are VS a d-5 and d-7 school, you know schools 1/2 your size, but claiming a 16 or 17 year old was calculating this is absurd.

      • I apologize for my comment. I just saw a picture of your player with Ian, there with him when he was on the stretcher. It’s clear that the young guy cared about what happened and was very unhappy with the outcome. Good luck the rest of the way Rams. You play extremely hard and have an awesome football team. Wish you all the best.

          • Coming away from that, I was very upset for our player. There’s moments where football isn’t the most important thing. Ian is a young guy that is worthy of playing college, even fairly high level and he really needed this season. What a team you have there, and I mean that. Sure, we didn’t like the officiating, but FR did make plays all night at times it had to. I think FR will go very far, we knew they’d be good, but the depth and the unlimited number of playable big bodies on that team takes it to another level, plus the offense which executes near flawlessly. Those fakes were just outstanding. Like I said, best of luck. As a football fan, I have to wish that team the best. They all deserve success and I believe they’ll get it.

  • The true loss last night was Ian Adams…

    Was an amazing HL slug fest to be remembered for a long time and it will sting for FR for equally long time as Riverview is the team to beat every year.

    I’m pretty sure I can speak on behalf of the entire FR community and tell Ian Adams we sincerely feel for you and everyone is sad for you on this day. No one with any sense of competitiveness wants to see the best player leave a game. You want to be able to say you beat the best with there best player. And no one wants to ever see an injury as serious as yours happen to anyone.

    The player who tackled you was distraught after it happened on the sidelines knowing the severity of the injury. It was not intentional to hurt you, he was simply trying to catch you and stop an amazing player from scoring which took every effort possible to stop you. And I know both Evan and Graham felt for you and respected you enough they came over to you shake your hand as you left field.

    I have to say one more thing, personally my favorite match up each year is watching you stick like glue guarding Graham on the court. I know it was a match up Graham enjoyed the challenge of and I really always liked watching you play.

    Not many words can help, but hopefully to you and all the people thinking it was malicious, it was not intentional.

    And we hurt for you.

  • Not a popular opinion, but Carlson beat a pretty decent Anderson team tonight whose only loss was to Allen Park 20-19. Carlson is the best team in the area and it’s not close.

    • Seeing both Carlson and FR in person, they're real similar, both have great execution and guys who can make the play consistently. With Adams out of Riverview's line up, I'd have to agree. I think FR and Carlson would be a good game. FR is very physical imo.

      • Carlson by 4 TDs.
        FR has no speed.
        Carlsons # 3 RB faster than anyone on FR.
        That said, the Down River league is to be polite, terrible.
        Carlson is loaded, but will not be treated by anyone.
        That does not prepare them well for the playoffs.

      • Carlson is hands down best team in the area for several reasons.
        It’s no disrespect to any other team. There are several very solid competitive teams but in my opinion they are the best this year

      • Carlson has top end speed, depth, only a few kids play both ways. Isaiah Wright is a Big ten SEC recruit..that is the difference maker in a tight game.

        • FR has depth I was impressed with. They don't have top end speed, but it's respectable, but the execution I saw of that offense is impeccable. Stopping a back in the spread is a whole different ball game then stopping them in the T. I'd think they'd be much more effective against the spread being that they know it so well. Without Wright, I'd lean on FR, with him, Carlson by maybe 7-10. FR plays very hard the entire game. That program if it could pull some good Woodhaven kids could win a title in D5 with coaching like that. Nobody in this area will ever win a D1 or 2, but a 5 is realistic.

  • I would like to talk about the Ian Adams injury. That play looked very odd, might have been a horse collar, but there is no way it was intentional. Adams is probably the second fastest player in the area, and all that kid was doing on flat rock was giving it his all and trying to tackle him. The player who tackled him was completely shook up.

    I know nothing about Ian Adams but he handled himself with such class after probably knowing his season was done. The kid was upbeat, accepted a gesture of sportsmanship from the flat rock player and it was nice to see. The play was definitely unfortunate, but not dirty because everyone knew all the kid was doing was giving it his all the stop the fastest player in the Huron league, by far!

    • I've watched in film and it may be just a high jersey grab, hard to tell, but I'm sure there was no bad intention either way. Injuries like this happen in football every week. He's just a kid, trying to make a play and win a ballgame. Ian is a great kid and I think those guys minds were on their teammate more than football at times in that game. I'm just hoping somehow, he can get back on track and end up somewhere for college. He's an incredible db.

  • Riverview lost it's best player, on it's second series to a horse collar tackle that ended his season to a player that had already done that once in the first series. It would be as if Flat Rock had lost Junge at that stage of the game. He's out for the season with a broken leg. People in the stands said that's what it was, but you never know till you actually watch the film and yeah, that's what it was because I watched the film, and the kicker, it wasn't called with an official standing right there. There's a ton of emotion in the stands when you have two good teams and of course people want to believe they are right, but if you really want to know, just watch the film. The officials helped Flat Rock to a short field in many drives over the course of the game, some calls right, some questionable and they missed every holding and clipping Flat Rock did right in front of them, some leading to big plays. The worst of it was when they tell our guys before the game that they're allowed to celebrate a TD in the endzone and then change that rule late in the game and penalize our guys for 15 yards when it mattered most which nearly gave Flat Rock the game. Both teams celebrated in the endzone with every TD, one team got penalized for it, same team being penalized all night, some very questionable.

    I think Flat Rock is one heck of a football team. They are much improved over last season and there is no quit in those guys. Junge is an amazing qb, and so are the receivers and backs. They run that offense to perfection and if there's an example of just how good that offense can be, Flat Rock is a fine example. The fakes were outstanding. It's a huge accomplishment imo to come out on top over a team that good. Even if at times, Flat Rock got handed a short field, they still had to execute to get it into the endzone and they did that extremely well, converting on a number of 4th downs. I watched Flat Rock and Corrunna last season, I was at the game and this Flat Rock team is so much more than that team. They've got size, good enough speed, and pin point accuracy along with a very solid running game. Flat Rock is big, and they are physical. This team is a real threat come playoff time. Junge looks at a minimum like he should be getting Mac offers. He's the real deal and can hit a dime. Only thing they lack is very top end speed.

    With Riverview, they've got to regroup after losing Ian. Ian is a very special player, one of the best Riverview has ever had. I'm a little surprised the players found it in them to play as hard as they did because when you see something like that happen to a brother first hand, it's emotionally devastating and football doesn't matter anymore. This wasn't just an ankle sprain, it was an injury that can end a guy's hopes to ever play again. They've got a few options they'll have to sort out this week. Riverview ran the T to perfection at times. Timmerman straight up bullied Flat Rock up the middle and that set the tone for those long runs. If Adams was in there with six seconds left in the half, he cuts back and that's another TD before the half. With the T, the way you beat the T is you have a much better football team. Riverview is not used to having to play all four quarters and that showed, but when it mattered with 1:38 on the clock, they brought it and won the football game. Pinkava, just like in the Trenton game came through and made a catch on a long pass that got them within striking distance. Riverview can pass the football with Thompson in there. He has a nice arm. Overall, very fortunate to come away with the win, but I do believe the better team won the football game. I wouldn't be least big surprised if the Rams didn't lose another. The size and the physicality could be a real problem for CC who I've viewed in film. For a D5 school, that's the best you'll see in this state. Flat Rock can play with anybody in this area. They don't get enough credit. You can't blame them for really making the most of every opportunity they had.

    Moving forward, Riverview is good enough to win the Huron, but the loss come playoff time will hurt. Ian was the type of player that could keep Riverview in a game against anybody in the state.

    • Rough losing Adams for the season, stud player, great career, standup kid. But, they seem to be next man up at Riverview, even with the run they have been on, they have had really bad luck w/ losing some of their best players the last 5-6 years.. that probably cost a trip or two to Ford Field. Certainly was not dirty though, so everyone can stop that talk.

      Regarding the refs, as an objective, outside observer, the officiating was egregiously one sided, borderline embarassing. I’m not one to pile on refs, but that crew looked confused / inept all night and gave FR every possible advantage to win that game. I don’t know if I’ve ever witnessed anything like it to be honest.

      With that said, great game between two solid programs. I can definitely see FR making a deep run again. Going to be tough sledding for Riverview in D3 sans Adams, bummer because they looked like they would have been a tough out.

      • I would not say every advantage. Remember they did not measure a arguable 1 st down and looked confused on that play as well and seeing FR did not punt once the entire night it’s reasonable to think they could have scored on that possession.

        Also big moment was when entire FR coaching staff tried for 3-4 seconds to call time out with 9 seconds to adjust the defense on views last TD score.

        FR got screwed worse just by those two calls imo. Both could have resulted in the different outcome of the game.

    • To be clear, what happened to Adams, happens in football every week, a guy can land wrong being tacked, moved the wrong way and injuries like this happen. I don't feel for one minute that FR is a dirty team just to be clear on that. The FR player was just trying to make the play the best he could. I'm sure he had no intent to hurt anybody.

      • Prayers for Adams and his family. He sounds like a great kid and it was a terrible accident.

        These threads drive me nuts though. Do you some of you people actually think these officials who are practically donating their time really care about the outcome of these games? It is high school football. I am sure the young man from Flat Rock who made that tackle never intentionally wanted Adams hurt. The officials did not change rules on the fly to screw Riverview.

        Best of luck to Riverview and Flat Rock the rest of the way. I am looking forward to watching a heck of a game next week when Riverview hosts SMCC. I personally would not want to be the Falcons.

    • Doesn’t look good when head ref is in press box before the game chumming it up with announcers and coaches. Then only throw 1 flag against them compared to 10 on the other team. Unsportsmanlike penalty=crap talking but sportsmanship is doing a dance after every touchdown. Also after big play to put the game away holding call comes flying in. Saw film and no holding on alleged call. Not good.

      • I saw plenty of holding and clipping out of FR, right in front of crowd and no call. It was only called on one team last night.

  • What a wonderful game to watch

    I’ve seen 50 some yrs of high school football and this was up there in so many ways, an instant classic !

    First: flat rocks program looks like it’s made its way back ; gritty, talented, well schemed, poised and sportsmen. Look for them to continue a good season and expect a long playoff run

    Second: riverview: another solid program which seems to better itself each season; the difference this year : they can pass the football OMG !

    Third: I know refs are hard to find and it’s a thankless task ; but the crew last night needs to be gut checked for morals and ethics - just impossible to be that bad. Never seen such lopsided event with such particular timing to allow a team additional chances to stay in the game. It’s been said riverview doesn’t beat itself, true. I’m telling you it’s a sad day when the games taken out of the kids hands and controlled by the refs. As they say “the ball don’t lie” so the outcome was justified

    Again : two great teams with hearts of giants. Excited for both in their playoff runs

    And real interested to hear the crews take on the refs in this one : we need some real honesty and not a brush off pitch guys. Talk to your sources.
    Calling you out

  • After what I have seen tonight, my HL rankings:

    1- Riverview , just barely. They have so much talent yet between them and Huron, I am not sure who wants to have a WWE match more

    2- Flat Rock, Junge & Co. can't be stopped when they are clicking on all cylinders, they make people look silly

    3- SMCC, good at times, benefactors of a soft schedule

    4- Huron, maybe more talent then FR and SMCC but their lack of discipline hurts them

    5- Airport, the best 1-4 team in the area. I expect them to finish 5-4

    6- Jefferson, good on offense. Thats it.

    7- Milan, always well coached and discipline. Lack of depth hurts them but Coach Hoskins will have them improving every week.

    8- Grosse Ile, not going to kick anyone while their down. Hats off to those kids for continuing to play hard when the odds are against them.

    • Riverview is the HL standard unless and until someone consistently proves otherwise.

      I haven’t seen FR play this season. With that said, they were, IMO, over-hyped last season when a mediocre SMCC team walked into FR’s home field and beat them. We’ll see how the rest of this season plays out.

      The next few weeks will tell us a lot about the true talent level and heart of SMCC.

      Huron is, well, Huron. They always have some talented kids but rarely seem to be able to put it all together for an entire season.

      Airport. Using the word “best” and 1-4 in the same sentence seems a bit contradictory.

      Jefferson. I think it’s Erie Mason 2.0 without the short-lived success that EM had. I respect the Jefferson kids and parents who show up every week for the love of the game. I’ll leave it at that.

      Milan. Success and down years are often cyclical and some cycles are longer than others. I hope they claw their way back sooner rather than later because it’s good for the HL.

      Grosse Ile. See Milan comment above.

    • The best 2 way player in the Huron league got his dreams stolen from him with a second horsecollar from the same kid and no flag thrown because number 9 would have been tossed. That was in the first quarter! No flag because he would of been tossed? That's why everyone from the view is upset

  • Dundees season is in a rough patch for sure that offense can never get moving especially in the second half not a bad showing for the boys though keep on fighting

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