Please submit your scores They will get posted ASAP.

Allen Park 18 Carlson 20 F

Dundee 22 Hudson 16 F OT

Madison 14 Ida 55 F

Whiteford 45 Union City 7 F

Erie Mason 20 Reading 32 F

Summerfield 36 Quincy 6 F

Bedford 21 Monroe 15 F

Milan 13 Airport 55 F

Huron 20 Flat Rock 19 F OT

SMCC 41 Jefferson 14 F

Grosse Ile 7 Riverview 54 F

Chris Schultz

View Comments

  • Jason Gendron
    Should get more credit for what he’s doing at Carlson!
    Back to Back league champs with him at the helm.
    Great bounce back after losing to a very good Airport team.

    • A lot of athletes in that school.
      Very poor league, pretty much guaranteed 6 wins minimal every year.
      Only loss to a smaller Huron League team?

      • Allen Park, Carlson, Trenton, Woodhaven (down this year but has been good the past 8), and Anderson of late all have been good teams.

        • Carlson, AP, decent, Trenton, Southgate, so so.
          Taylor, Edsel Ford, Lincoln Park, Wyandotte, Woodhaven just bad.
          Dent team will win at least 6 of these games every year.
          Your big Div 2 Carlson lost to Div. 4 Airport and would get smoked by zRiverview too.

          • Airport / Flat Rock enrollment difference 308

            Airport / Carlson enrollment difference 362

            54 students

            “Your big D2” argument can be applied very similarly to the Jet’s loss to FR but go on …

            And the Marauders just beat Riverview’s grim reaper

          • Who is Riverview best win this year? Just curious who was their quality big win was against?? Also, study carlsons roster, loaded with sophomores. The Carlson team today isn’t the same on that played Airport.

    • Carlson is one of the easier jobs in the area. Yellowjackets home field, football very important culturally to the district. Huge numbers of kids go out. They had a top level football stadium 20 years before anyone else in the area. Very diverse team and they have many athletes year after year. Gibraltars district lines are actually 4 cities, Gibraltar, rockwood, brownstown, and a small part of Woodhaven. Gendron has done a great job, but the cabinet is usually stocked year after year.

    • Offense can’t do much when the opponent has the ball most of the game.
      FR defense is very porous, the offensive line has been leaking like a sieve.
      They lost to two below average teams.
      Fix it or get ready for basketball season.

        • Said that after they play Dundee
          A game which they could have easily lost.
          I honestly think FR has over achieved all year.
          Teams are scheming and FR staff needs to find creative ways to get guys open.
          I would certainly add more designed runs with Junge. He’s too athletic not to carry it 10 times a game.
          Defense played well last night but they still get too far up field on their run fits

          • I sometimes FR is more into players breaking school records, etc etc than beating teams they should beat.
            They lost to 2 sub par teams and I’ve said it all year, They have limited team speed.
            People have now exposed that.

    • After Riverview game….

      Played fine against Milan

      CC controlled clock and we struggled against the T. (Credit to cc)

      Huron- we held them to 13 points in regulation. That should be enough for us to win. Either Hurons coach/defensive scheme is that good or our offensive strategy lacked. Not sure yet what happened imo

  • First, Hats off to our rivals …. Huron. You won that game fair & Square. Just as last year came down to a final play that bounced Flat Rocks way, this season bounced Hurons way. Congrats on the Win.

    In regards to the last play at the goal line with the refs call that Huron stopped us, I want to publicly apologize to the officials that I booed at the top of my lungs as they departed the field. My Son, QB for Flat Rock told me he knew he didn’t score. Graham raised his hands and celebrated hoping the refs would call a score hoping the refs would see it that way. I applaud the refs for getting the call correct. Graham also told me it was a well officiated game. Graham told me we can’t leave it up to the refs anyhow & I agree. In my opinion I feel personal remarks or swearing at the refs is out of bounds. I hope the refs perceive booing as part of the game. Either way you got the call correct as I booed you off the field. So in addition to my apology I want to thank last nights officials and all the officials in all sports for letting us over passionate parents come out and show our emotions each week. We communicate and train our kids to give there best and hardest while learning the lessons of team and sport values and it simply wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t have officials. I won’t promise I’ll never boo again 😂 as I think that is part of the game but I will promise I respect you guys and won’t ever make it personal or curse at you.

    Enough on that….. In regards to FR Team themselves!


    No one would have thought a few years ago a 5-3 Flat Rock would think it’s the end of the world on a Saturday morning after a loss with a game to go and playoff life ahead of us. This is the same 5-3 Team that beat Airport, a Huron League CO-Champion, top 10 D4 school and Lost by 2 points to a Huron League CO Champion top 10 D3 school, No one would think at this point of the season the world has ended. We’ve done some great things and some not so great things this season.

    As Flat Rock rises they have to learn the challenges of getting to the top and then the challenges to stay at the top. That’s the part of the journey we are on right now. FR is learning how to play against brilliant (but boring as hell to watch 😂) strategies of the CC’s and Riverview’s clock management T systems while simultaneously have to discover how to outwit opposing coaches that are game planning for our offense that was at one time earlier in the season was high flying and getting compared to greatest show on turf. The difference @chrisshultz to your question about the difference 2022 -2023 passing attack at this time of the season is the good coaching in the Huron League put good game plans together to trip us up and they were successful. The beauty is we still have all the pieces we had when we were high flying. We just went toe to toe in a tough Huron league. (Other leagues say what you want about us but fact is Airport busted up Carlson and they represent our league! 😁)

    So….knowing this class of Flat Rock 2024 characters as I do, I suspect the LEADERS OF THIS TEAM The Alex Gillum’s of the world, The Brian Booms, Rocco Bresslin, Micheal Buedrie & Graham Junge’s of the world are getting themselves together right now rising up & saying….




    This is the Final stretch for you 2024 highschool football careers. As my old man use to always tell me….


    The Reason this Flat Rock Team HAS been SO special is because you guys came together in the past and you guys know how to come together now. We ARE NOT Going to Blame each other we ARE going trust in your school motto and FIND THE WAY to pull it together as well as put a UNSTOPPABLE Run/Pass balanced ass attack together.

    Big practice next week! DAIL IN!

    FR Kids, it’s homecoming, enjoy tonight. Highschool is gonna be some of your best ever memories.

    P.S. (Just remember it’s even better memories when you win District titles & beyond 😁)

    Thanks Victors!

    • Great post Grahams dad! Very classy. I also hear great things about your kid on and off the field. You should be very proud.
      Rams had a great year and can improve on it in the playoffs.
      Then your son is going to reek havoc on the rest of the league in basketball and win another championship.
      I wish all the Huron league teams the best in their playoff runs. Hopeful that all of them can win some games and maybe even get to the semis.

      Jet Fan

    • Well put. It’s like Lou Holtz said…

      Don’t tell people about your problems, 90% don’t care and the other 10% are glad you have them.

      Own your issues and fix them.

  • So glad we are in D3 so we don't have to play Airport again. I know I talk a big game but no chance we could hang with the Jets in a rematch.

    • The TCC has (or had) a bylaw prohibiting schools with over 400 enrollment. I'm not sure if it was changed or was just ignored for Madison last year

    • Glad to see that the HL faithful have gotten their early morning jabs in at one other already. It seems to be a recurring theme; we are young, we beat the team that beat you, the refs, and so on. I can't get around like I used to, so I listen to HS football on the radio and not just local teams. During the games you don't hear any of that , just kids blocking, tackling, and concerned with first downs , touchdowns and getting stops. The hard work is put in during the week and the games are for showcasing their skills. Every team in the Huron League has had down years and good years. Keep your chins up as talent comes and goes. I've heard coaches say that some of the most rewarding seasons were with teams with less talent that played above their abilities. Just enjoy the game because in a couple of weeks your seasons will be over.

  • My dad told me a long long time ago.
    Son. You have to also beat the refs.

    So stop with the bad calls in the Huron Flatrock game.

    Also. Don’t forget about last years Huron Flatrock game.

    One more thing.
    Last year going into playoffs Flatrock had three loses. They will be fine in the playoffs.

    Huron league. Alum

  • Oh boy. Looks like there is trouble in paradise over in FR. Getting beat 2 weeks in a row. Maybe everyone jumped the gun and crowned them too quickly. I think all the hype early in the season got into their heads and they overlooked SMCC and Huron. Gotta take it one game at a time. Maybe an early exit in the playoffs if they don’t figure it out.

  • CC took Jefferson to the wood shed tonight…wasn’t close…Jefferson is young…And so is CC, CC is extremely young also, future is bright at Central…real bright.

    • Dundee beating ida is bad for Milan. They still might make it, but will get destroyed if they play anyone competent. Flat rock should hole they get a district with Dundee and Milan. Cus if any good team comes into that district, watch out,,,,,, it won’t be pretty.

    • We are very young, younger than Smcc. Plus we have a first year coach, first year offense and defense.
      If you weren't so scared to ever change your offense, perhaps you would struggle also.

      More respect in trying to be successful in trying something new than always playing it safe and never changing anything.

      Thank God the world isn't like that.

      Good Luck. See you next year.

      • Well there’s a reason SMCC hasn’t changed their offense… it’s called lineage. See lineage is something that maintains a string of successes (like state championships for instance). Lineage is when one head coach leaves a legacy to the next (let’s say Sanderson to Giarmo to Kipf) and the tradition doesn’t change. It doesn’t take courage to change an offense. It takes courage to maintain a lineage and not post video (with your head coach pictured in it) of a motivational speaker dropping F-Bombs to the Bears team. It takes courage for that same “new” head coach to step in and say this type of video is unacceptable and cut the speaker off (because YOU are an EXAMPLE to these young impressionable kids)… You can take a video down off of YouTube but you can never hide it…. it’s out there now…. unfortunately, this same head coach chose to not have a JV team this year which helps in the building up of experience for your future and gives kids experience and opportunity. To have 10 to 12 Freshman just stand on a sidelines all year long without opportunity speaks volumes. So yeah, you are younger than SMCC in terms of players on your physical Varsity roster but SMCC actually fielded a JV team and those kids have valuable experience now learning a lineage of tradition not to mention getting playing experience… so good luck learning your new offense (sometimes at 6 a.m. on school days- another very questionable decision by your new head coach). And lastly, “Good luck, we will see you next year” with the same old offense, and the same old lineage and tradition!

        • That is the best post I have ever read on this blog since it’s inception, so True.
          I wonder if a particular audience Will actually read it and let it SINK in ?

      • Trying to use a spread style offense in HS mostly leads to limited success because there are too many needs for a small school to meet. Unless a school has massive enrollment or recruits players the way King, Rouge, Belleville, or Harper Woods does, it won't be too successful most season. Doing something just because it's the trendy thing, running a college offense, and trying to look good losing doesn't mean much. I much prefer the I or the T and perfecting the fundamental stuff. Our former team ran the spread and it was nothing but a shit show game in game out. What probably could have been a competitive team went 1-8 because there were too many variables that could be screwed up. If you don't have a spot on qb, tall wr's who can catch and gain separation, and a back that accelerates like it's nobody's business, it's a waste of time. Not to mention an O line that can hold a block for an extended period of time waiting for a play to develop. To me, all it looks like on this level is a lot of work, for very little in return. Pounding the football and eating the clock can still be a winner in HS football. For small schools, the glamorous stuff just isn't practical. There's nothing bold or brave about choosing a system that loses football games. You either have the most athletes, or you lose football games in that world.

        • Exactly, great example is Detroit Catholic Central. The winged T brought them many a State Championship. Since they changed their offense they haven’t had any titles.

          • People assume because Belleville has all that success, its solely because the offense, but in reality it's because they are recruiting players from a 30 mile radius and have the necessary ingredients every single year. The actual Belleville team made up of the actual Belleville residents is a 2-5 win team yearly, not the regional all star team they are now.

      • So fix something that isn’t broke ? You know what we’re running, stop it..Cmon man, why do you think Riverview dominates now, they changed because of CC…
        Google Riverviews head coach, you’ll see the article. He mentions CC.
        They started running the T in 2016, didn’t go well for them that first year…Now they’re rolling, because they switched up there offense.
        CC will be way better next year..I seen enough of Jefferson tonight not to be scared anytime soon with what we got and what we got coming up. You are not a Wizard…

        • With that type of attitude is it any wonder why everyone loves it when SMCC loses.They won't ever get a compliment from this guy!

        • We love it over here. Spend more time on fundamentals, less time on a fancy, impractical offense and score lots. Plus, much easier to prepare for opponents when they all try doing a variation of the same thing. Key to stopping the spread is best athletes in the secondary. I'm not sure what's the desire for the spread strategy. It's a bold way to lose I guess. I see many teams that might actually be competitive if they abandoned the spread and went back to fundamental football. Spread is a college offense that requires high levels of talent just about everywhere to win with.

          • Exactly…Exactly, Huron League schools are way to small to have to replenish the top talent to run that type of offense. The bigger schools can do with 1000+ students. Riverview tried it and went to the T. They rule the Huron League. It’s a much better system than the spread is for the amount of athletes you have to have for the spread. I know Jefferson wants to get back to the good old days, it starts with getting back to running the ball and punishing people. They won’t win anything with that offense with the amount of athletes they need. Numbers are way, way to low .

        • Congratulations on your big win. You definitely dominated the Bears, but you're still 4-4. Stop saying how young you guys are too. You still have 12 seniors and 12 juniors on the team. We have 5 and 2 respectively. Not taking anything away from CC or saying your future isn't bright, but you're not that young of a team.

          • Guess the difference is definition of “That”

            Most of the underclass men at CC have at Least 1 yr Varsity experience

            With a declining enrollment , no Freshman team for yrs - younger kids are brought up earlier

            It’s just simple math - compounded by some seniors decided not to play

          • Cc isn’t that young. Or that good
            They typically play disciplined football and make teams beat themselves

          • CC is extremely young with who is playing and starting…CC will be taking Jefferson back to the wood shed for the foreseeable future…
            People in that program run there mouth like they’ve been winning all these years…

        • I hope the more arrogant comments on here aren't coming from inside the SMCC program. A month ago it was panic mode on Elm street. SMCC is young and they are getting better every week. All the parents, fans, alumni, coaches, and players have a lot of reason to be excited but as Lee Corso and Frank would say: NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND !

          It has been a good week for the Falcons but they are going to need to fix up some details if they want to play with Country Day and make a run in D7. This week will be a good measuring stick of exactly how good they are in comparison to Clinton, Detroit Central, Loyola, Lumen Christi, Lawton and North Muskegon.

          Good luck Falcons!

  • Feels weird cheering for a team that isn’t Huron - but great game tonight Carlson!!! Was a hell of a back and forth game, and both teams’ defenses showed up and kept that game as close as it was! Also hello Chris and gang! Two more years and I’ll be more active on here with cheering on Carlson 😁

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