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Week 7 Friday Night Scores

Please submit your scores, I will try and update them ASAP. If you don’t see updates, check the comment section. If you submit a score under comments, please put a time and quarter. It helps discern what is really going on in the game.

Dowriver League
Carlson 49 Truman 20 final

Bedford 38 Monroe 21final

Dundee 20 Onsted 21 final
Erie Mason 24 Brooklyn Columbia Central 55 final
Hudson 0 Ida 16 final

Huron League
Jefferson 26 Flat Rock 28 final 3 OT
Riverview 20 Huron 0 final
Airport 6 SMCC 36 final
Milan 51 Grosse Ile 21 final

Chris Schultz

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  • 1. Huron had dressed everyone all year. Get over yourself.
    2. The horse is tradition at Huron and is a shout out to the Equestrian team I suppose.
    3. The halftime was too long. So what?
    4. Ever dawn on you that the band had no where else to go? As they were standing there prior to Riverview beginning their stretching, maybe the stretching could have taken place sonewhere else on the field? Do you really think there was coordination between the band and football team for intimidation purposes?

    Listen to yourself people. You sound soooo crazy!

    Good luck pirates. My man Don Lessner is looking down on you and smiling wide!

  • Just putting in my 2 cents did Huron try to intimidate Riverview by dressing their jv team with varsity? Yes other wise why do it. As far as the horse and spear thing not sure on that one lol I think they do the horse thing every home game? Was half time 35 minutes and longer than normal yes but don't know who that would favor as both teams was in the same boat. The band thing was tacky marching into the players while stretching it is what it is. It was home coming for Huron so things tend to take longer. Go Bucs!

  • Stupidest post of the year 4:33 PM. Huron trying to get in Riverview's head? Throwing spears at the Riverview sideline (which was actually midfield or somewhere near where the horse took the fine young lady riding it)? Unbelievable how ridiculous you sound. Your own video man posted on this blog how well Huron handled the homecoming EVENT. Unfortunately for us die-hard football fans, the excessive celebration (admittedly much longer than the allowed for halftime break) was a bit much but none of it had anything to do with gamesmanship. Thank god Riverview ground the time away during the game so the EVENT didn't last longer than normal :) As a former Pirate, please don't embarrass yourself or my school anymore than you already have.

    - Huron fan

  • I have to say Huron tried to hard get into Riverviews head Friday night with having what seemed like 70 players dressed to the 2 horses with 2 people dressed in Indian outfits throwing war Spears at the Riverview sideline to the 35 minute half time and then the band marching into the Riverview players as they stretched out after half-time...none of that worked !! They should have spent more time working on plays and how to stop the Riverview offense..those were punk moves that just got Riverview more fired up..

  • I think these Huron fans and parents were the same ridiculing Airport Fans and parents last year. And there not 1-8.

  • All i can say is if you are at every huron game and know anything about football or the players and dont see whats going on then your blind. Most huron fans will know what im talking about

  • Hey 1:26 think before you type. I'm with ya brother. #1 is small in stature but really brings it. Go CHIEFS. !!!!

  • @1:26 - the meaning of invaluable is "can't do without". The original poster was making the same point you reiterated.

    Yet folks get all wound up on here.

  • 2:12 are you serious? Are expectations are to at least compete! Is that to high? I don’t think so! Parents wanting special treatment for kids? That’s a freaking joke! If you actually new what you were watching you would know the other team know every play we run and we’re it’s going! Hard to block if they know we’re the ball is going EVERY play! Defense!!! Awe for heaven sakes is absolutely miserable! Absolute wrong guys out there!

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