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Week 6 Friday Night Scores

Please submit your scores. I will get them posted ASAP.

Airport 7 Flat Rock 21 final

Huron 30 Milan 22 final

Riverview 37 Jefferson 14 final

Grosse Ile 7 SMCC 20 final

Blissfield 27 Dundee 21 final

Erie Mason 0 Ida 67 final

Allen park 21 Carlson 28 final

Saline 42 Monroe 14 final

Cranbrook 21 Riverview Gabriel Richard 0 final

Chris Schultz

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  • AP not seeing a difference than years past just a few breaks you didn't get the last few years put the pads on and play what happens happens

  • 5:47 would love that we'll be at Moose Mcgregors at five before the ge come up I'll buy you a shot and a beer we'll have a riot. #bucnation tailgates with the best of th

  • Actually nope was a left fielder at GI this dude from Jefferson used to light my ass up when I did pitch got to Western couldn't hit shit but liked my arm turned me into a pitcher

  • Chris I didn't mean to stop the negative stories just wanted more positive cause I as a former as you were a Ref I find myself always judging the officials also but you can only grin and bare it!! There isn't anything we can do as parents and grandparents but go 1,2,3,4,5,Forget about it!! (Tiger Woods solution after he made a bad shot) lol

  • man had to go thru all that just to hear about his college ball days? If JD went to Michigan that would not have taken no time! Congrats on your college ball days! Bet you where one of the best in high school!

  • Moving on! Passion has always been my problem, sorry for the whining! I pitched for WMU pitchers are the biggest whiners. Big game this week should be the game of the week. I’m off to complainers rehab!

  • Sorry people about this comment, you have to remember that fan is short for fanatic and if that fan happens to be a parent well then it's a whole different thing. No offense to everyone out there, just kind of seen it all over the years as a coach, as an athletic director, as a parent myself and even as an official way back as a young adult. Doesn't make people bad, it just makes them fanatical that's all.

  • Chris and Gary! You are doing a great job on this Blog Please keep on doing it! I'm a proud papa and I look forward to reading all of your stories every week and keeping up with all of the games from the night before! I really enjoy all of the positive stories about the kids! but really don't enjoy the negatives about the Refs! I refereed for fifteen years back in the day! The stories are all different but interesting all the same! But a few more positive things about the kids would be really appreciated from an old fart!!!

  • Just to answer 2:23 He is! He will be88 on opening day! Kind of funny that I said that's funny stuff. Because my dad always has said NO FUNNY STUFF YOU HEAR! Every time I went out as a kid. BOYS NO FUNNY STUFF YOU HEAR?!

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