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Week 6 Podcast

Here is an early addition of the Huron League Week 6 Podcast. It is a little different than weeks past. I promise that it is a good listen. You will get my thoughts on what I really feel about some issues in and around the Huron League. I hope you enjoy. If it rubs you the wrong way, I make no apologies.

Week 6 Podcast

Chris Schultz

View Comments

  • The people at Airport are no different then anywhere else. They are just frustrated. It's human nature when you lose you bitch. We all know lions fans. I just hope they realize it's just high school football . To be honest if you're on here you are probably taking it to serious! It's high school football. Remember the kids and the education are more important.

  • I think it's about time some of your blog readers spend less time on here, and more time hitting the dictionary (or at least, invest in a better spell check app.) A finger slip is one thing, but funominal? I have an SAT prep class that can help.
    The Grammar Nazi

  • "No idea what they're talking about"?
    That is really laughable. Tell that to the AP fans who have sat in the stands and had to endure two wins in the last fifteen games and witnessed NO REAL change in game plan on either the defensive or offensive side of the ball. Oh and btw...that starts with the coaches.
    "The game plan is fine- you just need to execute" is a phrase that needs to stop coming out of the coaches mouths at AP.

    • CC has run the same offense for years and their kids "execute" I graduated from Airport but the difference is I still support the program. I know the offense and I've been to games. Sitting in the stands doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. All I see is oh the JV team was 8-1 last year, what's going on? Milan and CC have had awful JV teams among others, that tells me the "fans" don't know what they're talking about

  • Trombley is a funominal player and I agree probably top 3 players in the league but he's also surrounded by great players as well like Wewaria and Blanzy on the defensive front so that has to free him up a little, because teams have to account for all three of them. where Furtney another amazimg player I feel is not surrounded by as good d lineman, so he's fighting more maybe? Just my opinion, want to hear other people's thoughts, I like watching the trenches.

  • Mr. Schultz I'd like to thank you for bringing up the coach bashing in your podcast. It's absolutely ridiculous and it seems obvious that the Airport fans are the worst. People forget and you brought it up about Coach Pickens at Jefferson, he was bashed for years and all of a sudden he's being praised. Coach Kalbfleisch at Huron had several bad/subpar seasons before he got things going at Huron. Heck, coach Giarmo had some bad years before he righted the ship, as did coach Redmond. Kids have to be coachable too, I read a quote "in coachable kids become unemployable adults". I think this is very true and I'm not saying all the kids are like this but the " know it all" parents don't make it any better. Keep up the great work sir

  • Coaching concerns? What about parent and booster concerns? I've seen endless coach bashing and "coaching concerns" posted on this blog coming from people who more than likely have no idea what they're talking about. It's actually quite sickening the people who come on here and bash their programs, I see lack of support everywhere but Airport seems to be by far the worst, it's probably some of the same people who wanted Coach Redmond out of there. Some of you arm chairs need to get a clue, just saying

    • I am looking at the possibility of another 1-8 season, I'm an alum and played football at airport and still support the program and follow it closely. Carleton is a small town, I've heard about what boosters are posting on social media and what parents are saying and have been saying about the coaching staff(along with boosters, who btw some are parents of players). Undermining the coaching staff to the kids isn't helping out the programs or the staffs situation and I know for a fact that most of the parents haven't been to practices. I'll digress, apparently I'm getting too real for some

    • The parents and boosters are the problem now? Really! I'd like to know how you'd feel looking at possibly another 1-8 season! People keep trashing us for ranting a bit! But no one is in our shoes rite now. I know our coachs work hard and put in the time. I know are kids work very hard and put in the time! The whole community (coachs,players,parents, and fans) are frustrated! Last week our offense made strides 28 points! Our defense greatly missed Mossberg! We'll see what the next 3 games hold for us. Another win would be nice!

    • The View has a great booster club and the parent support is pretty good and we don't come on a blog to bash coaches.. Great program glad my kids are apart of it!

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