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Playoff Pairings

The Line is listed for entertainment purposes only.

Division 3

Region 4 District 2
New Boston Huron @ Allen Park      Line: Allen Park -16

Trenton @ Romulus     Line:  Romulus +1

Division 4

Region 4 District 2
Adrian @ Grosse Ile       Line: GI -6

Monroe Jefferson @ Milan       Line: Milan -9

Chris Schultz

View Comments

  • Getting dirty wasn't the pretty sure it was standing water that made it dangerous to play!!!! I mean if we were playing water polo we would have had the perfect field !! Lol

  • FWIW, I always enjoy Jefferson's popcorn.

    I've also coached a couple of the Bears regulars in rec league baseball a few years back, so I've enjoyed keeping tabs on those guys and their accomplishments. Other than that, I guess I'll quote Thumper the Rabbit and say "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

    By all means, though, don't let me stop the woofing. It's the playoffs and I love the passion folks have for their playoff teams!

  • Hey OG Islander : Enjoy the cup, its heading back to Riverview next season.
    P.S. Polish it weekly please LOL

    • Brilliant, however, I didn't win the cup. The Red Devil football team did. They have the playoffs to worry about, but thanks for the concern. The Red Devils will worry about that game next year. Enjoy basketball season! LOL

      OG Islander

  • You Milan folk open yourselves up for the rebuttals. #9 says we are the favorites. Really! No kidding I think everyone knows that. Go ahead try and stop 9 because we have other weapons. Well it didn't help against cc. We have a great defense how come no one is giving us credit. Geez you won the league. What more do you want people to say. You have the best popcorn also, the best coach, the best uniforms, your desire to hear people tell you you are great is what brings out these causes for debates. You really aren't hearing much from GI, maybe that's why Gary isn't commenting on them.
    River Rouge-they have 2 tough games befor they can think about rouge. Wrong?
    Rematches- anyone that knows football understand it's tough to beat a team twice in the same season let alone 2 teams-wrong?
    The T- you lost to the team that runs the true T this year and you are 3-8 against the best T team in the league the last 11 years. He gave the point differential with t teams against non t teams-Wrong?
    High scoring affair-same reason as above-
    These are his opinions much like throughout the year you guys have given your opinion on your team. If you don't like Gary's thoughts then don't say things that will cause a debate. Because it sounds like he is ready.

  • The downriver league is not better than the Huron League this year. AP is very good. That's it. Wyndotte isn't wayyyyyyy down and Woodhaven is very average. It's hard to tell because with 10 teams in this league they play nobody out of conference. I believe you will see Franklin be Woodhaven and Bedford crush Wyndotte. Ellen Park got lucky that Chelsea is not in their district else they would be going home as well

  • Mr. River Rat,
    Huron and GI fan base must be working the Blog on the Milan vs Jefferson noise.
    Funny how you can't tell...
    Go Bears, or I mean, Go Big Red...
    Devils and Chiefs will take care of business, so no need to worry about them.
    I am confident either Milan or Jefferson will be playing their last game of the year Friday ( or Saturday if Milan needs to move the game to Saline because their field is wet..)
    Good luck to both the Bears and B Reds,
    #?Dad (or Uncle)(( or Mom))(((or Bear Fan)))((((or Devil Fan))))(((((or AP Parent)))))...

  • As a guy that saw both teams play I'd say that Milan and Jefferson have the best 1-2 combos in the league. Each with 1 great qb and a great back. The defense that shuts the other teams combo down the most wins. I give milan a advantage though because my gosh you cant run it one way because of how amazing that one milan d-lineman is. Good luck to both teams Friday I expect this to be best game out of games that have a team from the league.
    View Hopeful

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