SMCC 6 Huron 7 Final
Grosse Ile 49 Flat Rock 20 Final
Airport 14 Riverview 30 Final
Milan 35 Jefferson 31 Final
This is the 7th annual Friday Night Victors All Blog team. As usual, it was…
Drew Harris from SMCC has been named the Friday Night Victors 2024 Overall Player of…
Carlson's senior QB Joe Krolak and Flat Rock's senior QB Graham Junge have been named…
SMCC Falcons junior defensive end Brady Hines has been named the Friday Night Victors Defensive…
By Chris Schultz and Frank Vajcner Each week, Chris and Frank will give their thoughts…
Read along to see the FNV Crew's picks for the upcoming MHSAA Finals football picks.…
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I don't understand the point you are trying to make. Being a part of the GI football family typically gives you some inside info, and the opportunity to " break down the film"
OG Islander
For the record, I love the anonymous guys who have "broken down the film".
GI is ranked 10 D4 according to the free press
OG Islander
I have watched some film on Furtney, and he is definitely a force, but saying he is the best defensive player in the league is a false statement. Trombley and Weiwuera are the two best d-lineman in the league. Trombley has 35 tackles making him third in the league in tackles and Wiewiura has 26 making him 10. Trombley has 5 sacks and Weiwiura has 4. Making them the league leaders in sacks as well. I am not sure what offenses are averaging in rushing yards per game against the Devils, but I know it is low. The run defense of the Big Reds has been less than stellar. GI's defensive end Aaron Blanzy also has three sacks and 35 tackles, so we could throw him in the mix as top defensive lineman in the league as well.
-OG Islander
I'm glad to see there are some people who actually know what they are talking about and can put these 'Airport fans" in their place. Those of you who keep bashing have no idea what is going on behind the scenes and apparently don't care to really find out.
Who is betting a 6 pack FR gets in the playoffs? I'll bet you a case they don't win 5 games. Next year is their year with all seniors and the best class they've ever had
GI is 10 in one of the polls. But frankly those guys know very little. The rankings are often times ridiculous.
You should coach lol
AP parents you all have the answers(afterthefact)and all know what, how and when this is why this blog is a joke kids read this stuff and believe it ther're 1-3 due to some errors on both o/d with a very good chance to WIN this Friday. AP is still a contender in what happens in this league they are a good fb team when they limit errors is your kid healthy and able to play?some in this league will not see the field again this year so let them play and be kids for heavens sakes!!!! Does it do your FB team any good to bitch/ridicule coaches? players? about formations? defensive played? players at this position that position he gets this many carries etc etc etc STOP and let them be fb players without all this CRAP. Let the season play out 10 years from now will it really matter?
Your use of ! and ? are all wrong!!!!
Lol! Sorry I was typing as I was thinking and didn't really care about my sentence structure! Maybe we shouldn't keep score and give everyone participation medals? Because if all you saw was sentence structure? I'll stop there because Chris won't and should not post a rant by me! I love to read this blog it's great entertainment for heavens sake! P.s. You must be a teacher!
Who wrote this paragraph? You should spend less time worrying about football and more time on sentence structure.
10 years from now? Stupid comments! It won't matter except sitting in the bar talking about what ifs and remember that! You obviously were not an athlete or at least a very good one! Once you accept to lose in life it's hard to be a winner! Small things in life are life changing! I agree with you on don't give up! Fight to the end ! This is how you will remember high school! I want these boys to be winners in football! In life!! BOTTOM LINE!
I thought John L. Smith had a great night at ND. He did go into prevent a bit early though.