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Huron League Thoughts and Questions

That SMCC score didn’t surprise me.

Is everything okay over at Milan?

What happen to Riverview?

I hope Huron never plays Summit Academy again.

I think I won a hundy on the Grosse Ile/Bradford Academy game.

Three wins is better than the last few seasons for more than one Huron League team.

I don’t think Airport caught many breaks this year.

I think SMCC will make another solid run in the playoffs.

It looks like Huron may sneak in the playoffs at 5-4 and will most likely play at Chelsea.

I anticipate SMCC hosting Grass Lake in the Division 6 Pre district.

Look for Riverview playing at Trenton in the Division 3 Pre district.

Look for Milan to travel to River Rouge in Division 4 Pre district play.

I wasn’t too far off on my predictions this season.

I believe I finished 34-10 in picking Huron League games this year.

Looks like the UM defense played well this week, they didn’t give up a point.

Spartans will!

Still Lions free.

Chris Schultz

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  • To me its only a few good teams in the HL. Smcc then Milan and....all the rest. Milan has only two districts no regionals. At Huron has a district and regional. Gross ile might have a district and regional. Idk bout airport. Smcc 9 districts 8 regional 4 semi wins 1State champ since 2000

  • I'm sure this will not go over well, but it seems to me that the outcome of the SMCC-LCC game really showed how weak our league was. I am a HL fan all the way, but when SMCC is beating many teams in the league by 30, 35, even 40 points, then gets beat themselves by 25 points. How bad is the rest of the league?

    We will see this weekend if any of them can hold their own. On paper it just doesn't add up. Hopefully I am proven wrong.

    Good Luck

    • It showed nothing of the sort. A good team with a 6'7"D1 (BigG1) QB played as they should have (although we didn't see it until the 2nd half of the game). LCC is capable of beating a lot of good teams in many leagues. They will compete for another State Championship in D5. We have 4 teams in the playoffs. If we have 2 left going to Regionals, it speaks highly of the league. Just because one team has a loss to a potential State Champion does lessen the whole league. That's like saying Bama now sucks and so does the SEC. Think about it. Roll Tide.

    • I do not agree with you at all. There are times when teams just don't play as good. SMCC is a very good team. RV is a very good team. Milan is a very good team. All 3 played each other look what happened. Match ups are key and it showed. RV played SMCC tough, and maybe should have won that game. Milan spanked RV, SMCC spanked Milan. The Huron league is a very tough league. The big 3 in the league go play in any league and most likely have an average or above average season. I think our big 3 could have made the playoffs no matter what league they were in. The bottom teams might have done just as well in other leagues. My opinion we are a strong league. Half of the league made the playoffs. That's pretty darn good if you ask me.
      #9 Dad

  • its a pretty darn good system for high school playoffs. No complaints..dont know how they configure the points. this system is just as good as the nfl's as far as fairness. i still think the college playoff system should be like the nfl's. top six(6) should play for National championship ONLY. 1 & 2 get byes, 3-6 play. Winner take all. then 7 play 8 for a bowl, 9 play 10 for a bowl, 11 play 12 for a bowl etc...1-6 play for Ntl Champ Bowl an no other.

  • Huron has zero chance to beat Trenton. I know no one in here believes there are good teams outside the Huron, but Trenton is very good and very physical. Trenton by at least 21 points

  • #9 Dad, I think it could get shaky with that many teams in the playoffs. The 32-team per division playoff ensures that every 6-3 team makes it and then fills up the rest of the bracket with the best 5-4 teams (based on PP). If you expand it to 5-4 teams getting an automatic bid to playoffs, you complicate things. In order to fill up the bracket, you would most likely have to pull in teams 4-5 records, which I'd argue don't belong in the playoffs. Even then the most likely result is a playoff with first round byes for the top teams. I also don't agree with that, but that's just me.

    I'm all about getting more teams a shot in the playoffs, especially 5-4 teams, but when you start bringing in teams to the playoffs that have losing records, which would almost certainly happen, it seems wrong.

    • I agree with you. But it does not have to be a bring in a 4-5 team, at that point byes should be awarded if it's an odd bracket. Just my opinion. I know 32 teams in every division is a lot. Having 8 divisions is a lot too.
      #9 Dad

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