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Friday Night Scores

Division 3
Huron 44 Trenton 27
Divine ChildĀ @ Redford Thurston Saturday 1 pm

Division 6
SMCC 50 Clinton 15
Jackson Lumen Christi 38 Hillsdale 17

Chris Schultz

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  • First of all over 51% of the students in Monroe County are living at or below the poverty level. It costs more than $8000.00 a year to sent a student there. Consequently over 80% of the students who go there receive financial aid from the Archdiocese and various scholarship grants from our community. We choose to send our kids there because we went there. I really resent my tax dollars going to the public schools year in and year out when I get nothing out of it. I guess if you want to hurt Catholic Education quit giving to your church. I wish I could quit paying taxes for your kids education.

  • You are right again, almighty redneck god. I was wrong to doubt your superior intellect. In fact all of our scouts are combing the entire state right now. We are currently petitioning the Archdiocese right now for additional funds to increase our scouting department to include the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. If they turn us down, then we will petition the Vatican and Pope Francis himself. After all, according to you, winning football games is worth the extra money, your highness. Every win we have had in the last 75 years has been due to our lack of talent, cheating, paying the referees, scouting and recruiting, and just plain intentional malice. In fact, I suggest that all of the teams that MCC/SMCC has beaten, should contact the MHSAA to obtain their official asterisks for those losses because we are undeserving of those wins. How about if next season, instead of starting our first string players, we start the third string so that it will be a fair game for all of you. Better yet, we could start our girls volleyball team and maybe you would consider that a more even matchup. I do not want to sound hateful, or sound like I am bragging or anything. I don't want you to incur your wrath upon me oh great one!
    And as far as SMCC fans bragging, it is hard to say nice things about the other teams, when the scores have been so one sided. Try playing a little better. Wait, let me try. Way to score that ONE touchdown! I guess that wasn't so hard. Oops! I guess I was being hateful again. Tonight I will sacrifice an extra "Larry the Cable Guy" DVD in order to appease the redneck god.

  • Oh no not another I was offered financial aid story. Pretty funny, the financial aid stuff comes from the archdiocese of detroit and if you have a financial need to get into school then so be it. What's funny is some cc people will say they are getting money off so others don't bash them for paying full price. They don't have an athlete in the school that is a bona fide flat out stud athlete. So who are they paying to come in.
    Chris is right, story is tired

  • Folks,
    SMCC will always get crap. That's the way it is. Win or Lose.

    5:23 Nice story, whatever??

    You notice the last 15 comments are about SMCC and all the BS.

    Not all these folks are going to complain all the time, every week throughout the season if there isn't some truth to some of these statements somewhere.

    You don't recruit, but many folks are given financial aid, even those who don't deserve it. A high school offering a family financial aid is an advantage.

    I know this is true because we were offered it.

    It is definitely a subject that is beat to death, but it obviously bothers people.

    Sounds like your a little upset there 3:44. Most all of us are rednecks around here. I think your the one being hateful. We just make comments about SMCC's program. None of us hate anyone there. Admitting an occasional imperfection will gain you some respect. Stosento admitted the academics there could be better and he was praised for his honesty. That's all it takes.

  • 3:19,

    You must be new. I'm Huron Alumni/Fan. Although, I've grown quite fond on SMCC; to where, yes, I am tired of people attacking them, and yes, I will stand up for them. Specially outsiders who want to make excuses for them winning. Take my comment as you will. SMCC knows this kind of gratitude with them, will only last until next years game when they face Huron, then its rival mode again.


  • Sure, some kids come from public schools. Take mine for example. They recruited my daughter for cheerleading. Everyone knows what a state powerhouse CC is in cheerleading. Is it that hard to believe some people want a faith-based education?

    Scholarships are need-based and provided by the Archdiosese do Detroit in part through the Catholic Services Appeal. Not that you would know anything abut that because that would require actually verifying your facts.

    From the Monroe Evening News 2013. One brother played football at Bedford (highly successful at that time) but the other brother made a different choice:

    "The (family) are members at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Temperance. (Younger brother) asked his parents if he could attend an open house at SMCC and immediately fell in love with the school.

    #"I just liked the school and the atmosphere," he said.

    #So he chose SMCC Green over Bedford

    #"He just felt that's where he wanted to go," Dad said. "He was really impressed with the school. It's been a really good fit for him. He likes more discipline which is weird for a kid that age."

    So here come the comments. " he must've gotten a scholarship". " he was recruited". Yeah, I'm sure the family is lying and only you know the truth.

    Yeah I'm tired of this argument too but I can't keep quiet when lies are perpetuated.

  • Anonymous said...
    SMCC is not liked because most everyone in Monroe county think you recruit. Many people know what talent you seem to be going to have out of the cyo, then these other kids out of nowhere seem to be in your sports programs, seems to get you over the edge. Who truly knows if you do recruit? We have all heard our stories. The biggest thing is a young man or woman who could never afford to go to a catholic grade school, suddenly appears at your school, not even catholic, and you guys take care of them on tuition. Obviously, these kids come from a public school district.

    Technically, I guess that's not recruiting, but if a young mans family inquires with you about attending SMCC, but can't afford it, you offer them an education for $1500 a year, instead of the full price. What is that called? I am not bitter about it. I know the process. I have kids in public high school, doing great, experiencing an unsheltered, real life atmosphere and are prospering just fine. In fact, getting ready to go to a nice college and has already been approved for academic scholarship money. So I am good, but I wanted to shed some light on why the majority of the county doesn't care for your program. Its reality. SORRY.

    November 10, 2014 at 9:11 AM

    Hey, thanks for shedding some light on the situation!
    From now on I think we should just admit to everything we are accused of. Only one condition. We will admit to every reason why your team loses if you, in return, admit to being a bunch of hateful, small minded, jealous rednecks, who wouldn't know a thing about football if it jumped up and bit you.

  • We have our eye on a fifth grader and two six graders right now. They are both from northwest Oakland county. I really hope that we can get them to sign early and not lose them.

  • People will always knock the best. They knocked Milan for 2 years when they won. Its human nature.

    If SMCC does recruit it is offset by them playing against much bigger schools in HL. It all evens out.

    I know some kids on that team.. the families any way and they have been in the program for a long time.

    The fact of the matter is, you wouldn't be accused of recruiting if you weren't very good. Its a compliment really.

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