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Huron League Thoughts and Questions

Congrats to SMCC for winning the Huron League title. (I made the pick back in August)

Congrats to Huron for breaking the school record in wins. (I didn’t make that pick)

Grosse Ile gets a big win over Riverview and finishes third. (I did pick GI 3rd in August)

Milan still has a shot at the post season. (My Milan season picks never turn out)

Apparently Jefferson Bear Justin Kull broke the school record for passing yards. Congrats! (I would have thought he broke that back in week three or four)

Turnovers hurt the Rams again.

With that loss, Riverview might not like the first round playoff match up that they get.

I’m really surprised that Airport gave up 45 points on Friday.

Who is the best RB in the league? Lot’s of good underclassmen!

Some teams don’t block and tackle very well. Do they still teach that?

I would like to see a Grosse Ile/Robichaud match up in week one of the playoffs.

I would love the Texas football District and playoff format to come to Michigan.

I am contemplating heading up to Lansing on Friday to catch the SMCC/LCC game. Think they would let me ride the SMCC bus?

Do think Riverview should play Stockbridge and Flat Rock play Summit instead on Friday?

I don’t think I have said this, Dan Kalbfleisch has done an excellent job turning around the Huron program.

If I give the Grosse Ile offensive line some credit, will my heckler go away? 😉

If you had to pick one player in the league to start a team, who would it be?

Another playoff match up I would like to see is SMCC defending Michigan Collegiate’s spread.

I think the bantering on here has gotten out of hand. Thank you to the thoughtful posters and to those of you who aren’t, go away!

I hope my Alma Mater does a big time search for a football coach and offers a teaching job with it. I hear Eric Taylor is available these days.

I am ready for the playoffs, too many bad week nine match ups in the league.

Congrats to my boy OC on his new Athletic Director position. Flat Rock’s loss is Dundee’s gain!

Chris Schultz

View Comments

  • One of the main reasons kids attend SMCC is athletics. Their volleyball program is unmatched and boys basketball/football have been good in recent times. The religious part of it is great, but many of us know that we can get a just as valuable religious experience at our local church by attending regularly and volunteering.

    The academic part is probably lacking a bit if anything. Most of the kids do graduate, but for what they pay, they are no further ahead than public school. Currently, Monroe, Airport and Jefferson offer more AP classes than SMCC.

    The Middle college is also gaining a lot of steam around here for education purposes, unfortunately, there is no real high school experience there.

    At this point, the main reason to attend SMCC remains Tradition and Athletics.

  • Parents send their kids to SMCC because it's a faith based education. 100% of the students graduate and 95% go on to college. They are allowed to experience prayer and go to church during school hours. Religion classes are taught in all four years. They have service hour requirements and wear uniforms to school. Athletics are a small part of the SMCC experience. Tradition brings some public school students to them but the majority of the kids come from St Marys Middle School and a few from St Charles, St Patrick's , and St Joseph's school in Erie. They have lost some great athletes to public schools but people just step up and produce, just the kind of people you will be glad to hire some day.

  • There are kids in every school that if they played football other than the only sport they play, the football team for those schools would be so so much better. Take Milan, I know of 10 kids, that if they played football Milan would be better. Not saying we could have run the table but would be more competitive. I'm sure Jefferson and AP is the same way. 10 kids could be a major factor when your dressing 25.
    Now with that being said, I hope Flat Rock can hire a good coach. I'm just not sure they will find someone who can turn it around. The good thing about taking that job is the person who takes it can't do any worse than the last. Not trying to kick anyone with that statement but they have not won a game in how long? Winning cures everything. Go 3-6 next year and see how much better they will be and how many more kids play. It will take a good salary in my opinion to put a good coach there. Not to mention a good D and O coordinator. Just my opinion. Hope they get a win Friday.
    #9 Dad

  • @4:23pm. I agree with your comments. I just cannot figure out why SMCC keeps getting all kinds of guff about stealing kids from the public schools. There are all kinds of talented kids from all over this area. I, personally think that the coaching and the tradition is what keeps the SMCC kids winning. This year's SMCC Varsity football team lost a few key players to Monroe High, and it seems like they didn't lose a step.

  • 2:49. without getting into a major detailed, often repeated discussion. Bottom line is the more devoted kids attend SMCC, that's why their parents pay for them to go there. Obviously in life, you value something much more if you pay for it, than if you received it for free. I am one of the few who have attended SMCC and public high school.

    All schools have devoted kids, SMCC just has more of them.

    Have a good day.

  • Sounds like everyone wants the best for Flat Rock Ram football. Hopefully they find the right guy and he get's support from all the right people.

  • How, exactly, does SMCC get the "cream of the crop" every year? Please, someone with some sense, explain this to me! Are you saying that the Catholic kids are all All-Stars? I sure wouldn't.

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