Word on the street is that Southgate Anderson’s Head Varsity Football Coach Derek McLaughlin will be taking over at Riverview next season.  McLaughlin was 30-21 in five seasons at Anderson. He made the playoffs his first three seasons and holds a 3-3 playoff record.
He will replace Jeff Stergalas who returned respectability to the storied Pirate program. Riverview finished last season with a 7-3 record. Stergalas will remain as AD at Riverview.
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Nope, we just ask that you respect what they do. Six years of college to take care of and educate our state and country's most important asset, our children.
So, what I have read tells me that teachers are the hardest working, most dedicated, selfless, underpaid individuals in the workforce. We all need to feel sorry for them in a State that is going downhill economically. I remember people complaining about the auto workers as their compensation was all over the news during their hard times. Now that someone challenges your profession everyone gets defensive...... Relax and realize it just does not matter!!
Society can complain about a teaching salary when the only things they have to overcome and be successful is (1) the aptitude to learn and (2) a child's ability.
Not a teacher, but knows that a child's home life impacts their academic success more than a teacher
Well I hope this all works out for everyone. I no longer have a kid in the program but I'll always have a fondness for Riverview Football. There is one nephew still in and I'd like to see him have some good seasons before he's done. So hopefully Mr. McLaughlin can build on what Coach Stergalas has started.
Why, thank you, I sure did. I think that tax payer may owe me a buck or two for that.
That ma be the greatest post ever, but you forgot the 7 holidays that the average professional worker also gets.
Now that I think about it, maybe those guys are correct about teachers being overpaid.
The average employee with a 4 year degree who has worked at their position for 5 years, works 246 day per year. That's a 5-day week with 3 vacation weeks. You get an hour for lunch, maybe 30 minutes. You, of course, pay out-of-pocket for your benefits. Your employer supplies you with your computer, paper and everything you need to complete your work so you can go home at 5:00, then you have to trudge back in the next day. Your degree should earn you about 50K a year, on average. It's a rough life!
I, on the other hand, worked only 192 school days last year. I was able to leave by 4:00 in the afternoon-still plenty of time to enjoy some sunshine and a drive down rhe Detroit coastline, with the top down.
Oops, I forgot, I was required to work 2 full weeks prior to beginning the school year in preoaration. Also, we had 10 Professional Development days not included in those 192 school days. I forgot to mention that my day begins at 7:00A.M.- a requirement, not a choice. My staff meetings are weekly, and last about an hour. Oh! I also have about 2 hours a week of detailed lesson plans to write, 3 hours of grading papers, 30 minutes of inputting grades, 30 minutes of answering parents questions in person and in emails. I get a 20 minute lunch, not even long enough for Domino's to bring me a pizza.
I am given $150 for supplies. That includes paper, pencils, markers, crayons, maps, charts, and those cute little colorful paper clips that hold the student's paoers together. All of the materials you see on the walls to helo your children learn-we make, another day of work. Bit usually I'm lazy and I buy those items. If I exceed 2,000 copies per semester (25 students @ 5 subects isless than a month's worth), I have to purchase my own paper (along with everything else your children need above and beyond the $150 I'm so graciously given by our wonderful governor.) I am allowed to write off $250 of self purchased supplies on my taxes. Oh boy! That's almost a quarter of what I spend- how lucky I am!
Let's compare benefits, shall we? I bet if a client were to step into your office, call you an a##hole, and stomp on your foot, they would be arrested, or at least banned from the building. My clients get a 5 day vacation with Xbox and unlimited Cinnamon Toast Crunch all day long, with the knowledge that they get to do it all over again when their vacation is over because it is nearly impossible these days to expel a child, regardless of behavior. Wow! What a benefit!
Let's recap. If you did your math, I work about 249 days per year, compared to your 246. I work an hour more per day, I pay for a huge portion of your child's supplies. I get spit on, cursed out, and this is by a nine-year-old, and he gets rewarded for it.
By the way, teachers are required to complete 20 hours more for a BS degree and an additional 24 credit hours (yes, college hours), within 8 years of graduation. I have the equivalent of a law degree with my specialty. And as a thanks for all of this, I made $38,450 last year.
I can also promised you an errors in this message are due to my tired hands with small keys, not the lack of a sharp mind
It is quite possible I am crazy, and most definetly foolish for me to have choasen this profession. It IS most cetain, however, that your teachers lacked the education that I have to have allowed such an uniformed and obtuse person out in the world to sling whatever slop comes to your brain and out of your mouth. It's called impulsive disorder, a symptom if ADHD. You might want to get some assistance with your problem. I have a number of an expert- highly qualified and educated. She's a teacher.
Pretty tough to argue with anonymous people who claim they don't know a teacher who works as many hours as he. Don't know what you do, don't know what your insurance cost are, don't know what your education level is. What I do know, is that myself and my wife are both second career educators. My wife has been a teacher for 9 years and has yet to earn close to what she made in the private sector during her last year there, which was 2001. She also had a company car, 3 exotic vacations per year with the company and an expense account. She currently puts in more hours as a teacher as she ever did in the private sector. I currently earn just over half of what I made in 2002 in the private sector. I arrive at school at 7:15 am every morning to do my duties as a Title 1 disciplinarian and mentor along with my duties as the AD. I arrived home this evening at 6:10 pm. That is an early day for me. I pay into a 401 K like you and my wife pays significantly into her retirement account. We pay significantly into our health care and have a $1000 deductible. Many people pay my salary and my wife's, including every one of mine and your teacher friends. All the people that play the lottery contribute to our paychecks as well.
Very rarely do I hear someone say, "boy those educators work hard". It is always criticism, even though virtually every one of them was taught by a teacher at some point in their life. I guess no teacher ever contributed to your career.
Now please don't get me wrong, my wife and I both love our jobs. We think we are paid fairly even though we make less and work considerably more than anytime in our lives. It is a career we have chosen. Just like you chose a career.
I often wonder to myself, why don't more people go into teaching if it is such a great gig? You know the one everyone talks about; high pay, short hours, unlimited vacations, great benefits.
My best friend was a teacher, he left his $35k salary about 10 years ago when he was required to take more classes after NCLB and now makes well over $150K.
I'm done ranting. I'm not sorry if I offend anyone. Contrary to popular belief, teachers are tax paying, hard working people too.
So teachers work summers as part of base pay package? I did not see anywhere where it mentioned short hours but what are the total required hours for teachers? I am not a teacher but I know many people who are. Have yet to meet a teacher who has same hours as me, pays same benefit cost out of pocket or who has to contribute to their 401k at level I do to have less per year when I retire than they will have. But I know my tax dollars pay them and for them to bitch about cuts is sickening, until they are at or below market compared to those who pay their salary....no room to talk!
I know, I am an idiot as well like the other guy right Chris?
....and there you have it, another clueless person who has no idea. Teachers are overpaid, work short hours, have summers off, have the best health benefits in the world, aren't really good at anything so they went into teaching, blah, blah, blah.
The same old tiresome rhetoric from somebody who most likely ask a teacher to educate, parent, discipline, love and feed their spoiled brat.